And its seems like their italian colleagues have a far better popular sim than us who are actually "facepalming" in front of our empty server list... maybe perfectionism are not a good way to do things after all.
It's true that RB4 interior are the pinnacle of perfection... just sayin...because being blind in front of LFS situation will not improve mp popularity.
Steam DLC system is good enough to split the game into s1, s2 etc, plus they can add a layer of online check for more security.
I think steam automaticly convert currency for differente countries, maybe they are playing with their prices share part too to increase or decrease prices per market, it's a good system to get more people into their platform games.
I completely agree about the actuale state of game, it's not ready yet.
There is nothing weird, the dev found himself stuck in a huge and complex task called tires physics, that practically delayed the whole things that was supposed to be released with the new and shiny s3, but things went different and the dev lost his motivation from 2009 to 2014 when he start suddenly to return slowly into lfs development because of his VR interest.
You are new into LFS so its only natural that you don't know what really happened, and If I was Scawen I will be glade and motivated to see someone new with a good impression about lfs development.
But well you are pretty lucky, he's more active now so you don't have to wait for updates like we used to.
Now you're taking us into a sensitive topic, for some this VW scirocco is the symbol of LFS decadence, broken promise or false hope, leaving the drama part, the story is this car was announced on late 2008 but not released yet because of the game tires physics which I suppose aren't well compatible with some real life data and gave a weird behavior to the car, and now we're waiting to see a new version from scawen, for now it's only "simulated" through lfs car viewer.
But I find that its pretty risky to advertise the game with a no functional content, it's true that licensed contents is appealing to the public, but for this one it's really a bad decision...
Lol when you see people have only steam shortcut and the FB page on their browser home webpage, you sure are underestimating how people know about games nowadays.
Once again, even those who are considered "serious racers" are on steam ( AC, RF2, automobilista... ), so it's a nonsense to tie steam to casual players.
Cmon you can't bring back those who raced 100 000 laps on the same tracks over 10 years, at least we can gain some new souls if all the contents would be overhauled like the new westhill, and to bring back those whos suffered longtime boredom we need more variables ( real time weather, rain etc ) to the existing track for less repetitiveness, and new contents for the S3 license to raise the devs income.
But all these fancy things are useless if the games won't reach gamers where they are, unless the dev have unlimited marketing capability to advertise their game outside steam and other popular sociale platforms, but for now GOG, steam, etc are the most cheap and efficient way to sell more and revive the game at the same time.
But hey, scawen has the same idea with oculus store, so I don't see him refuse to sell his game on similar platforme in the longterm futur.
Do you took a look into AC code to make such assumptions ?
And what wrong with a external lib for animations ? maybe they are using it to translate complex physics values into 3d engine, no one know about that better than dev himself.
Even lfs is using external programs to simulate things who know...
hum maybe the wheels/suspensions only, but the body have less movements on LFS, Idk maybe it's because am used to firm suspension setup in lfs or somthing..
and it's mostly from an outdated versions, so they must be improved now.
You will understand better when you get a chance to test the game, I will upload a video one day when I have the courage because my upload speed is unreal.
If you have any other way to make LFS more popular, you're welcome to suggest it here on the forum or directly to the devs.
IMO steam is just one of those popular stores, I think it's even better if they manage to sell LFS through each of popular online gaming markets ( GOG, amazon, Oculus store etc... ) the more visibility the better for LFS.
yea, sure we can't control things that we don't own, but being arrogant and waiting for consumer to come is the wrong thing to do for selling the game, you can make the best simulator of all time but if you don't advertise it and trying to put it when people are, your game will simply stay still on your HDD without anyone knowing.
Developer can develop and consumer is supposed to consume, they are two things in the same chain and no one can survive without the other unless you make a free game.
LFS is a remunerative product, if they can't reach where people are, crowds will simply ignore this game existence, and since we need more people to play with, this is sadly a much needed step.