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Quote from vitaly_m :Good stuff. Now I have twice FPS on openconfig.

Quote from Flame CZE :It looks like some buildings have lost their shadows in G2, is that intentional?


For me it seems better now judging by these two pics. Those shadows from 6G look ugly -- more like some smooth groups weren't been made at all Smile

nah it's better with, a form of ambiante occlusion. Big grin

Thanks for test patch! it's working great for me and I have like 20 fps increase compared to 0.6G. Smile
S3 licensed
Core I5 4570 / MSI B85 pc mate / MSI Nvidia GTX650TI boost / 8GB Ram Kingston 1600 / 500gb Hard drive / Samsung 22" 1920*1080 60hz / Logitech G27S.
S3 licensed
also more fps optimisation = more room for future improvement to cars/track details and graphics enhancement.

keep your great work Scawen, I hope will have some fresh cars update after that!!
S3 licensed
Quote from :This forum has a yearly repetitive pattern. Pretty funny.

I can already predict what kind of messages are going to be written next year Big grin

it's already miraculous to this forum which still alive even with slow LFS progress.
S3 licensed
Quote from kdo :
Quote from rychlyjaromir :Scawen doesn't know the word "progress". It's not even about delivering new content. It's about not announcing things to come in 2 weeks as a remedy for lack of new content and then delaying it infinitely. They talked about Westhill in June...

Checking your online stats...

Do you know how to use the game ? because you made only 24kms and 5 laps... And last time online is 4 months ago... Big grin

you know there is some guys who have multiple account to post nonsense without scratch their reputation, or this demo account use cracked version so he getting boring with actual cars and track.

better to tell him to wait than making an arguments with useless online stats.
S3 licensed
thanks for advice, I use blender only because its free software .
S3 licensed
its my dream to become cars designer, but in my country this kind of dream is like trying to reach moon or mars Frown.
Learning blender to model my proper cars back to 2009, now I have some experience with 3D modeling but still noob with advanced texturing or advanced render scene, end of 2013 I started my first real project from scratch using my littel new graphics tablet ( wacom bemboo pen and touch ) to drawing concept and ofc blender to make it in 3D.

here the final result :

with blender cycle engine :

better with Vray but not very compatible with blender ( tyres textures are missing... ) :

S3 licensed
happy new year all and long life for LFS !! Smile
S3 licensed
Mazda 787B released :

absolutly phenomenal, big smile on my face when i drove this!
S3 licensed
go look at the screen option in LFS, and see the minimum hz your monitor can support ( for me it's 56hz at 800*600 ) and try to lock fps at, that work well for me even if i didn't see much difference compared to 60fps lock.
also why in lfs there is no accurate fps limiter ?
S3 licensed
Quote from PhilS13 :Anyone here had to deal with microstuttering on an Nvidia card?

I just switched to GTX 970 from a HD7790...Why is it that I need at least 180 fps for the game to feel smooth now??

40 fps on the 7790 was smoother than 120 fps on the 970.

try to limite fps's to 60.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Provocation/useless comments? Where? I am replying/supporting nacim and sermilan is responding to my post. I am simply sharing/giving the opinion that this project cannot be completed in a reasonable amount of time by two guys. Sermilan explained it in detail.

If you have a different opinion thats fine but don't force yours. The rest of your post again is full of assumptions about my personally. These comments by you and Gunn are the ones which are provocative slash useless, sorry. Its very bad you know, making assumptions of somebody you have never spoken with or met. And I am not really the one which is hiding behind some computer screen/online account as far as I know. Voice communication is awesome, more people should be a little less scared. The keyboard often isn't sufficient.

nice try to defend yourself, just saw your comment asking about ban...isn't that a provocation against moderation team ?? just look at your previous comments in this thread all is a responses against others in a provocating/arrogant manner and many are already deleted, no one of them are clearly on topic, yea 95% of your post in this forum are like this.

no need to know you personally, because your comments are reflecting clearly how you are.

Quote from McGherkin :I highly doubt LFS is going to change engine any time soon - It's like training your own racehorse from the start then borrowing someone else's when it comes to the race.

The LFS engine is by design completely designed to work with the LFS physics etc so changing to a different engine would cause more problems than it would solve.

Scawen freely admits that there was a quiet period in development, but that is clearly not the case now, especially with the amount of input and information he has provided in terms of progress updates, so I don't really get why people are frustrated. Just because the triple A game studios pump out a new game every 5 minutes doesn't mean a small team of 3 people, working on the project part time, are going to be able to match that pace.

thats why I said graphics are connected to physics engine, but actual engine can be improved greatly it's just a matter of time because those things are not simple to do.
Last edited by lfsrm, .
S3 licensed
Quote from :Oh and I did more then enough to improve LFS.

and that doesn't mean that you can do what you want by posting every time provocation/useless comments on a dev discussion thread, maybe you feel like essential to the multiplayer life of lfs that's why you have such arrogant behavior all the time, but don't worry lfs will still alive even without your help, no one are indispensable here apart devs team.
Last edited by lfsrm, .
S3 licensed
also I think graphics engine have some connection to the physics one in lfs, so using external system need to rewrite big part of physics code.

so it's just making things longer.
S3 licensed
Quote from :So 0.6 means finished?

he mean finished improvements.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackCY :Thanks, I know, I will do that if Kunos doesn't fix it. At least I hope it is still possible because most of the emulation tools seemed kind of old and I'm not sure how well they will work on Win8.1 x64.
For a sim racing game though I expect to not have hidden assistants in it at all/be able to turn assists off. rFactor had plethora of assistants but they could be easily turned off.

hey you are trying to play a sim in unrealistic way, if LFS or rF have proper mouse support it doesnt mean that two are more realistic, you can't complain about hidden assist because this is a sim and a sim are made to be driven with proper stuffs, you are lucky enough that kunos have some sort of mouse support so you can test the game with your mouse, but you can't judge a sim with it.

there is a fast people playing with mouse in lfs, and personally i was mouse user in the past, I think lfs have some physics flaw ( like other sim ) and those flaws help me a lot to catch some wheel users, but that require very unrealistic driving style to be fast with mouse, maybe that will change with physics update.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
It's a variation...

thanks for progress report , I personally have no problem to wait because graphics improvement are very complex and I understand the time taken to improve things with minimal collateral damage.

keep this great work, we are all happy to see you working hardly on our favorite simulation, and am sure LFS in 2016 will up to another level.

Quote from Flame CZE :
Quote from rychlyjaromir :lol.

What's so funny?

just delete this, some personnes dont deserve any chance to explain their limited opinion.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :"Confessions from a LFS mouse driver - Chapter 1"

hahaha what a waste of time reviewing simulation with mouse.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thank you for the kind birthday wishes!

I had a nice day with my family!

And will be continuing with my shadows experiment tomorrow.

ohh yea! Happy birthday!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Graphics... [edited by Scawen - don't need the whole quote]

OMG now I really can't wait to see all of this in action , I am curious about your new cars shader system!

just one stupid question : will you bring those graphical improvement and working on the tires at the same times or you will wait until you finishing all physics stuff ?
Last edited by Scawen, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Keiichi_Tsuchiya :
Quote from Scawen :
Obviously we are well aware that there are big problems with shadows, but this is still an important graphical thing that Eric has waited for, for several years.

You probably already heard that, but you may try lightmaps. It's not so hard to implement but result will be definitely better.

BTW, Scawen I need some help from you, I already wrote new reflections method
but i need to access some variables that are not available in default shaders. So, only you know how to access it.
I described everything here:

nice suggestion but IMO light map are useful only to simulate lamp spots at night with very little cost in performance, and scawen already mentioned that he want to make real time sun/lighting.
S3 licensed
Great progress LFS devs, Eric work on this track is very clean, can't wait to see more tracks or cars released/updated with such excellent quality.

I hope you will find a way to finish tires physics as fast as possible so you can focus to improve graphical engine ( real time shadow/light etc.. ), no way to keep this amazing work with such dated graphics.
S3 licensed
yea you can now write a book about cg friends quarrel, really interesting.
S3 licensed
Quote from :"Oh look somebody has a different opinion then me about a product which I am thrilled about, there must be something wrong with him!" ... Well, what Rockclan said is right, these kind of discussions belongs here; .. If you dare to bother. Wouldnt spend too much time on it. Hyping products is something of all times comparable to pop music, true quality stays (if it doesnt get killed) and the Justin Biebers will be forgotten again, although it sometimes takes some time.

I just try to understand how can he say arcady without any arguments ? false things are very common in internet, I can very well flam lfs/iracing/pcars... and say to everyone that is arcady game from last decade like you try to do with ac, but it's simply not the truth, I just don't understand especially those kind of comments who dont give any valide arguments just to troll game that other enjoy... what the point to do that ?