because the screen of your laptop is directly connected to the IGP of your CPU (the HD intel), not the same on desktop pc's when the dedicated GPU have their own slot to plug the screen (VGA,DVI,HDMI....).
a dedicated GPU work on laptops like a co-GPU to transfer heavy task from the Intel IGP, that's why you can't disable the intel HD from the bios... eh it's hard to explain with my english.
but you can set the default from the Nvidia Control panel:
3D Settings->Manage 3D Settings
Tab "Global settings"
Preferred Graphics Processor
Select : High performance NVIDIA processor
He doesn't want to return, LFS demands a lot of energy/work. He has his own happy life now without the cry babies here :P. The website and other stuff are only there to help the old community. And well yeah, the donation button is there... For donations. Donation doesn't equal buying. Well, you buy karma .. Not waste
The thing is, you immediately go into demand mode.. Exactly the thing he got sick of.
yep because I asked the same question almost 2 year ago and waited for a positive responses but nothing happened ( feeling like I was waiting for a wall to talk ),also funny thing is the airio website still running with a outdated declaration like this :
It is also possible to get for sufficient donation the FULL Airio version offering advanced features that may always be seen on the AirAttack LFS servers and also elsewhere. The Full Version Manual explains what these user/admin advanced features and options are. See the Downloads page for more information about "sufficient donation".
To get both FULL and PROS version a sufficient donation to support further Airio development is required. The money allow me to spend more time developing and supporting Airio, implementing new features and ideas.
thats why I asked whats going on, but you are right it was my fault to trust and waited for a guy who aren't interested in lfs anymore and used " donation " and "sufficient" in the same sentence.
His interest is not in LFS anymore. Why are you so arrogant to force your personal demands?
Very unrespectful.
you are probably right and I know its a bit unrespectful, but the airio website still running and there is a
donation button so if I basically donate to him my money will go probably to waste.
he creat a realy useful software for beginner who want open an advanced lfs server, and I will gladly pay him if he want to return into lfs community because he surly deserve it, but for now more servers with good airio will be great for lfs and the community even if its unfair and irrespectful for the software writer.
so anyone managed to contact EQ worry ?
the airio is great and he deserve to get paid for his hard work, but he didn't respond to any of my mails... :/
maybe I will be harsh and unfair but if someone want to share the license for full version I and many persons will be very thankful.
I remembered scawen said that he will finish the tires physics once and for all after this westhill update.
any way now its up to the 3d artist ( eric ) to finish the future contents, so we can have some refresh/new of the existing cars/track in meanwhile for the physics update.
Actually it was NOT in the thread I posted but I am going to ignore anything you post because you are boring now with your pro Russian and anti fact stance. Go play with somewhere else for a while, preferably where they are ignorant of the facts.
your credibility meter just dropped to zero with this closed minded demonstration, and now your are worst than him, be proud of yourself!
there is no exact and one fact in this political war, USA or Russia have their own good reason to defend their position.
my english is very limited so I won't discuss more about complex subject.
I have this weird problem since yesterday, when I connect to a server I can't see anyone moving on the track until I change UDP to TCP, but also no one can see me moving too even if i set TCP/UDP there is no change.
I tried to disable windows/router modem firewall, and opened lfs related port but still same .
something is definitely blocking lfs, maybe my internet provider but I don't know something else is related...