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S3 licensed
Loved it. Instead of 7+ minutes of "replay footage", very good 2 minutes of passion and hard work.
This is the kind of effort we should find in the "Movies" section..

Off: While I'm at it, I'll allow myself to also mention the last videos of FireMike and Flame
S3 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :/me is teased

Otherwise, nice teaser indeed
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins : ... amp;feature=youtube_gdata

My first video on Sony Vegas, comments welcomed. I know there are errors and quality came out low. Quality was at highest, so maybe vegas made a mistake when rendering.

Hey Bmx; leaving the comments aside, here is a good site for setting up vegas to deliver HD movies. It only takes a few minutes to setup, and once you did it, you will be able to reproduce it easily whenever in need. (or you can directly set it as default config and forget about it). Keep inproving.
Cheers, Luchian
S3 licensed
'Bit offtopic: have you changed the road textures ? Or is it only from your video settings ?
S3 licensed
Still in need ? (sorry Dygear, I didn't "hear your call" sooner)
LE: I owe you anyways :P
S3 licensed
Quote from d1slide :Well, actually i can afford to buy S2, but now the crack is not so bad, a lot of events etc.

Do not need to empty demagoguery here. We talk here about the game, not about life, and the above only applies to game.

Well actually, in LFS's case (I would say a rare product of its kind), buying a S2 licence is not only to be able to participate in leagues, events, etc (as you said it, there are a few "underground"), but it's more of a way of saying thank you to developers and showing them a little gratidute and respect for the outstanding work they have done.

I don't want to sound judgemental, it's not the purpose; and I'm not trying to start another endless talk about the S3 & Scirocco nover coming out, I'm just trying to give you another view.

Anyways, this doesn't change the fact that your movie is also outstanding, and shows the effort you put into it. Hope more will come.

S3 licensed
Eu am ales un alt sistem. Voi pune:

OK Nume, atunci cand sunt de accord cu traducerea unuia dintre noi
OK, atunci cand sunt de accord cu traducerea curenta. Si fac si casuta verde; astfel cand toti vom zice OK, va fi usor de urmarit/validat.
Traducerea mea, atunci cand variantele de mai sus nu se aplica

De asemenea, cred ca nu e cazul sa fim extrem de formali, folosind persoana a doua plural (dvs, faceti, dregeti) ci gasesc mai potrivit tonul amical, folosind persoana a doua singular. (tu, fa, dregi, ..)

Si propun folosirea culorilor abia la final cand vom valida fiecare camp in parte. Exemplu, in momentul cand toti vom fi scris OK kitu (sau apo, sau pigmeu) pentru un camp, inseamna ca suntem toti de accord cu acea traducere, deci poate trece in verde. Si eventual orange, cand suntem toti de accord cu o traducere, in lipsa uneia mai bune (simtim ca nu e cea mai buna varianta, dar cum nu avem alte idei.. facem un compromis).

Sunt PRO adaptari, in locul traducerii mot-a-mot, atunci cand adaptarea "suna" mai bine si "prinde" sensul.

Spor la treaba, ca merge bine pe gugal.

Pigmeule, buna treaba a facut cu impartirea pe pagini
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Quote from kitu_gudu :
12. Screen options
Restrictioneaza mouse-ul in fereastra ---> nu se poate folosi restrictioneaza deoarece depaseste numarul maxim de caractere (cu un caracter....f*cking murphy), ramane blocheaza deocamdata.

Numai bine!

He he, welcome back kitu.
"Limiteaza mouse-ul..." ? poate fi de asemenea o varianta. Continuam pe google docs, dar cum tot am zis salut..
S3 licensed
Nice idea guys. Works like a charm.
S3 licensed
I see there is no answer from kitu_gudu, and he had a bit of time.. (no offence kitu )

Scawen, what I would propose is to add me and apo3d as translators; I don't have any intention to steal kitu_gudu's work, and if at some point he will become active again, I have no problem for you to remove me and put him in my place. I just wish to finally see the translation done.

Thank you,

PS: pigmeu, same, no offence. If you decide to get involved again, I can give you my place.
S3 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :Thanks, guys - and a special thank you to luchian for being the one who made me collect all my renders at one place.

I did nothing but point the obvious. It was just a pitty not to share those cool renders easily. Keep up the great work !
Whenever I feel "I've had enough of LFS" I just pay you a visit and I'm just back and good to go for a sprint
S3 licensed
I'm sure that IF it was your account, you would probably feel a bit different, a mate ? But of course it's easier to be ignorant when it's not your "ass" on the line.

Don't give up Jenck, not until justice is made !
S3 licensed
He he.. glad to see it finally happened. It was crying to be done . Tremendous works r4ptor !
S3 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :......

I just felt it in my stomach when I've seen them ! :lovies3d: I am simply blown away ! Awsome ! As usual, I might add. I've seen part of your works.. very very very nice !

Thanks a ton r4ptor ! Cheers mate !
S3 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :..Some quickies for andRo..

Awsome renders r4ptor ! Great work !

LE: Do you have a personal site ? or portofolio online maybe ? I would love to see some more of your "outputs"
S3 licensed
Hi there,
Anyone would care to give it a go with these, please ?
And if it's not too much.. 1 solo each, and one with both cars in the same scene. Preffered resolution 1680x1050 or full HD. I know, I'm not picky at all Thanks.

PS: tried to do it myself, but for some reason when I export the model from blender to 3ds, opening it in 3ds max shows some artifacts (few triangles missing here and there..).
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :Nope, RACELINEALPHA

Yes, that's the one. Thanks mate, never would've thought of it
Name of DDS file responsible for tyremarks ?
S3 licensed
Hi. Anyone knows the name of the DDS file responsible for the tyre marks on the track's surface, pls ?
I've changed it sometime ago, now I would like the original back.. but have no idea which file is it. Thanks.
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Yep, still interested here. Waiting for kitu_gudu's decision ?
S3 licensed
Very nicely done. Great idea also !
Race of Talent
S3 licensed
A RLR Summer Event : Race of Talent

Server name: !RLR - Racing League Romania

When : Sunday, 28 august
Start time : 20.30 (GMT+2)
Qualify : 10 minutes
Laps : 14 laps

Track : Kyoto GP Long Reversed
One car : XFR
One setup : RACE_S (tyres Michelin, Front Slick R3, Rear Slick R2)
Fuel : 35 % (free % choice in quali)

Beeing quick is recommended, but fair-play is what matters most.

S3 licensed
Eu sunt "IN" oricum doriti sa procedam.

Nu ma pricep in a folosi o platforma precum propui (gen wiki) dar invat repede, daca cineva stie sa arate punctul de plecare.
As putea propune ca alternativa "low cost" sa zicem, forumul ligii romanesti de LFS, unde sunt admin. E un forum, pot crea chiar si o sectiune separata daca e nevoie, avem posibilitatea de a vota, si suntem deja o mana de raceri (a se intelege utilizatori maniaci ), care am putea oferi un feedback in cunostinta de cauza (LE: ba chiar ii putem implica pe o parte din ei, sunt convins).

Daca va suna interesant, forumul nostru e aici. Daca nu, promit oricum sa particip la traducere pana o finalizam, indiferent de platforma folosita. Imi pare bine sa vad activitate aici, credeam ca a murit "proiectul" .
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Kind of a bump, but at least one thank you is necessary. Simply amazing job ! A lot of effort into it, don't know how you find the motivation but DO keep it up. Congrats !
S3 licensed
Ha ha, deci "parseltongue" suna ca si romana..
S3 licensed
Bit of detail, but pitty nevertheless. Thanks "snake man"