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S3 licensed
Supposing it would be wished, does the current engine allow graphics improvement, or it will mean re-thinking/re-building the engine from zero ?

(not talking about textures improvements as Lynce is doing for example, but improving the lightning / shadows part). Thanks.
S3 licensed
I would also ne interested to know the solution. I'm trying to run a dual screen setup, but it doesn't seem to do anything..

Video: 8800 GT
1 monitor 1920x1080 to DVI + 1 monitor 1680x1050 to VGA
nVidia driver 295.73 (tried also with 296.10)
DirectX up-to-date
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

Tried both x86 and x64 versions of SoftTH.. not working with LFS
Running perfect in rFactor though..

Any ideas, please ?
S3 licensed
I really mean this in a non-provocative way: do you still have faith in this community ?
@col: Thanks
Last edited by luchian, . Reason : not adding an unuseful comment.
S3 licensed
Great post Paulinho. It's nice for a change
I'm nowhere near your history, but on my desktop also, while everything else changes, LFS "stuborns" to be as present as the My Computer icon for years now..
S3 licensed
Quoting original question from Bmxtwins Q #04:

Quote from bmxtwins :hi victor,
is there any news about the tyre physics? Any video demonstrations? I personally do not see the need to wait to release s3 content seeing as the tyre physics will be for all stages of s1, would you care to elaborate on the current development of s3 content. Teasers would be nice.

Quote from victor :no. The development is really not that interesting for most people. It's just maths, maths and more maths. Very dry. It's not like there are fancy graphics used or so. And a video would just show scawen banging his head into the desk trying to figure things out. (ok that might be fun to watch)

S3 licensed
NOTA: There is no particular meaning in the question numbering; it's only to be able to identify a certain question, should someone refer to it later.

Q #01: Is LFS developement a full time job or more like a hobby ?
Q #02: Do you have a development schedule ?
Q #03: Couldn't Scirocco and Rockingham be released, without/before new tyre phisics ? (just to ease up the wait)

Quote from Victor :I'd like to insert an actual fact into this thread :

As you seem fairly misinformed about what we do, here's a summary :
-LFS is not a normal business. We are 3 people who went away from normal business to do things our way.
-We don't have deadlines. Things are finished when they are finished.
-This indeed leads to long development processes some times. This wasn't always the case - you should've been here in the earlier years ago when there was a stream of updates every year.
-But now LFS has developed and matured a lot - it has many many features that people asked for and honestly aside from modding, what is there you cannot do with LFS now? I'm just saying Scawen has worked his nuts off to accomodate everyone. (still feel like we owe you anything? What more does 24GBP buy you these days? Honestly?)
-Now we want to take LFS to the next level by upgrading the physics. I guarantee you, you have no idea of how difficult this is. Give everyone a giant CPU and GPU and sure it's fairly easy to develop a super accurate racing sim. But you know, it doesn't work like that. LFS needs to run on slower machines as well. So shortcuts to better physics need to be found, without producing weird side effects. You go and try that. I wish you all the luck in the world.
-Now the question remains, couldn't we have released the scirocco and rockingham anyway? I guess that was possible. In hindsight at least. If we would have known it would take so long in advance .. but we didn't. There still would have been a big delay in new releases then though, while physics were worked on, so the question remains : what would people be asking for now, if sci and rock where already released 4 years ago.
There is no use in releasing them sooner now though, because Scawen IS working on the new physics and him taking a break to work on releasing new content will only delay the physics .. again. That stuff needs to be done. It needs to get out of the way. Scawen needs to be able to tick that off his list. Then that incredibly difficult part of LFS development is done and "simple" stuff can be worked on again. We can't wait to get on with regular development. There are still so many things we want to do!

Dialog with the LFS Development Team
S3 licensed

I am writing this with the intention of reopening a real dialog between the true members of this community and the developers’ team.

Why ?
I have seen many times that whenever one of the developers tried to inform or get involved in a discussion about something, the respective topic will have inevitably ended in flames. Not really normal, and definitely not constructive, in my opinion. LFS surely was, and still is for some of us, THE racing simulator; it would be a pity to just disappear like any other game that you play once and then you forget where you store it, or that you even had it.
Moreover, the dev team, doesn’t deserve this treatment, they have put their passion and skills in creating LFS, the sim you have enjoyed (and maybe still do) for a fair price tag to say the least.

What will be different this time ?
With the help of moderators, I would suggest to lock this topic right from the beginning, so only the “officials” will have the right to post here. The aim would be to have a clean topic, with as many answers as possible to questions of general interest. BUT without any pressure on the dev team, no matter what the answer would be.

How will it work ?
I’ve created a “Questions Basket”, where any member can post any question regarding LFS, its past/current/future state. No other “spam”, just one post, one question (any post not containing a question should be deleted). From time to time (hopefully), we will get some fair and honest answers in present topic.

Ground rules
Just to eliminate any “by default” frustration, I would also propose few ground rules, to take into account before getting involved:
• we should start with the idea that today, the dev team doesn’t OWE us anything. They have created (with very hard work, we can be sure) an outstanding product, and we definitely got what we have paid for.
• anything related to S3 (physics & content) is an opportunity, and not a signed contract. Therefore, we can and hopefully will talk about it, but cannot ask for it, as if we had already purchased it.
• no timeline & no pressure – the developers will answer when & if they see fit to do so, at any question, in no particular order.
• This topic is not meant for those planning to moan about: slow LFS development, how LFS forum & project are “dead”, how the devs’ are cruel and heartless beeings, how the Scirocco is a lie, … or any other judgements of this kind; you have of course the right to your opinion, and you have of course so many other threads where you can/you have already expressed the above feelings. Thank you in advance for not spam-ing the current one.

What it takes to work:
Of course, involvement of dev team
Involvement of moderators
Involvement of the community
Decency & polite tone from all of the above, no matter what

Hoping to see a fructuous & open dialog.


NOTA: With the help of moderators would be nice to gather here some of the existing dev’ posts that already answer a part of the questions. I will try to do it myself, whenever I’ll come across them.
LFS Development - Question Basket
S3 licensed
This should be the support topic for the main one >> Here

Please follow one simple rule:

Please post here any question you'd like to ask the Devs' Team, regarding LFS, its past/current/future state. No other “spam”, just one post, one question (any post not containing a question should be deleted and I hope moderators could support me on that). From time to time, we will hopefully get answers in the main topic.

Thank you.
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Yes, maybe a little too "crisp & clean". They need a bit of noise and maybe a bit of dirt/dust/scratches.. to put some life in them. .
Good effort anyway, keep improving. Glad to see people still put passion in LFS.
S3 licensed
If anyone has a solution, I would also like to know .

nVidia 8800 GT running main 1920x1080 + secondary 1680x1050. SoftTH simply doesn't work. I also tried with another config file, but it's like it doesn't even starts with the game.

NOTE: rFactor runs perfectly.

@kenshi: here is my rFactor config file.. in case you wish to try it. (it doesn't work with LFS for me). You have to save it in LFS folder, and name it config.SoftTHconfig





; Autodetected as \\.\DISPLAY2 at NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Wha.....

+1 here

I love the curb !!!

Grass: If you can do something about it, would be most welcomed. Thinking though, that would be visible only when taking screenshots, and much less when driving. So if you ask me, I would put it in second priority.

Anyways, great work
S3 licensed
Thanks for the elaborate explanation . Good luck continuing the great job that you do
S3 licensed
This update will be awaited almost like an official one. Amazing work ! :wow:
One word of advice, Lynce (I suppose you are already doing it, but just in case): Please, Please, make backups from time to time. Looking at your specs, you can always have a bad surprise.. talking from my own experience.

Keep up the great work. Is there anything "we" could do, to help ? (or speed up the release) ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Mauni :You need to install SoftTH to get the third monitor working. Download that and extract to the root of the LFS install. Then you should be able to select 3 monitor resolutions from LFS.

I'm not sure if your hardware is good enough though and if the PCI BUS has enough bandwidth. I'm using three monitors with 7800 GT as primary card and it's just enough for 3840x960 resolution. Only 30 fps, but it's steady so the game is very playable.

Hi there Mauni. I'm trying to run a dual screen setup, but it doesn't seem to do anything..

Few data first:
Video: 8800 GT
1 monitor 1920x1080 to DVI + 1 monitor 1680x1050 to VGA
nVidia driver 295.73 (tried also with 296.10)
DirectX up-to-date
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

Tried both x86 and x64 versions of SoftTH.. not working with LFS
Running perfect in rFactor though..

Any ideas, please ?
S3 licensed
Any stream for the quali session ? (sorry if asked in the wrong place).
S3 licensed
#05 RLR Team
S3 licensed
Facepalm; all good now. Thanks. (you can off course delete this post).
S3 licensed
manager: {luchian, Lucian Chirvase}
viceManager: {Extremus, Sorin Mircea}
teamName: RLR Team
class: AM
car: FZR
number: 05
- {Extremus, Sorin Mircea, Romania}
- {T.Bogdan, Bogdan Toader, Romania}
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
teamName: RLR Team
car: FZR
number: 05
- {Extremus, Sorin Mircea, Romania}
- {T.Bogdan, Bogdan Toader, Romania}
S3 licensed
First video I've ever really laughed.
S3 licensed

Just had a look on your RP Blog, your flickr photos, your youtube videos..
The amount of work, and more importantly its quality are simply outstanding. This community is truly lucky to have a member like you; even though I think that Eric, Victor and Scawen would benefit from having you inside the team .

Thank you very much and hope you will keep doing the awsome work you do .
S3 licensed
Indeed. I especially like this one because the ST is not rock music (that doesn't change the fact that all your LFS LFS clips are a remarcable work, Mike; it just adds a little plus).
S3 licensed
Wouldn't it been easier if you'd just uploaded the replays ?
S3 licensed
Try this instead. Decent explanation, and decent HD quality for upload.
S3 licensed
Hi there,

Can't help you with the other problems, but with the resolution, here's a possible solution:

Short version:
Just edit the "cfg.txt" in your LFS folder, and replace 5th line with this: "Window 100 100 1380 820".

Long version:
Go to your LFS folder, look for the file "cfg.txt", and open it for editing. In the 5th line or so, you'll find a line starting with "Window" and followed by some figures. Well, those figures, represent:
1st - X coordinate of window's upper left corner position
2nd - Y coordinate of window's upper left corner position
3rd - X coordinate of window's lower right corner position
4th - Y coordinate of window's lower right corner position

Consider the origin in your screen's upper corner; all positive values will just take further away from it.

Example (these figures can be anything you wish, according to the resolution you are trying to obtain):
Window 100 100 1380 820

This means that in wondow mode, LFS window will start at x=100, y=100 pixels from your monitor's upper left corner and will end at x=1380, y=820 from your screen's upper left corner (thus, giving you the desired resolution: 100+1280 = 1380, ...)

Hope that helps.
Last edited by luchian, .