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S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :

Hi Dygear, I know that you might've tried to help, but basically you are sugesting that I should start studying CSS for a few hours/days/weeks in order to find what I am looking for (that beeing changing the color of maximum 16 names in the connection list). It's like if I was asking you to help me write "Hello" on a cartonboard, you would suggest me to go to school and after one year I would know to write it myself.
I don't mean to be ignorant, or seem that I don't appreciate the value of everybody's time, but I really never worked with CSS, have no ideea how to use it, and have no ideea what I should look for inside CSS to be able to do the small job that I need.
Thank you for treating this as a constructive comment.

PS: and Google IS my friend
S3 licensed
Unfortunately, I don't know how to use CSS. If you can lean a hand that would be great Victor. I think a good color, and inline with our site, would be greenish #9BC21B. This is for the list of who's connected (that today is dark blue and very difficult to spot on dark gray). The rest can remain as it is. Btw, great help the option you have added for changing the color of server name.
For refference, if needed, our forum is here RLR

Really appreciate your help, thank you.

PS: I managed to find something identified as CSS on the administration panel of our forum; is that maybe what you need ? (attached)
S3 licensed
Bit of help, pls: anyone knows hot to alterate the text color inside this iframe with the server status ? (our forum uses a dark grey background and it's veeery difficult to read who's racing, for example). Thank you.
S3 licensed
And now the most dary demand of all: a RALLYX setup for the FZ5 ?
Can't do nothing to change it, it is the only car of the season. (fern bay 5, if that counts) .
S3 licensed
Two setups ok for 30min race; can go under 3:15 on Aston Grand Prix; how much under ? Depends on you.
The first one is a little modified version of Silver's AS4, in order to get a better cover for tyre wear, the second one from a pretty fast driver, Raoul.

Still wanted :

WE1 - WESTHILL - International
AS6 - ASTON - Grand Touring
SO6 - SOUTH CITY - Chicane Course
FE4 - FERN BAY - Black
AS7 - ASTON - North

Reading the above post, Westhill is back on wishlist.
Last edited by luchian, . Reason : Forbin's post
S3 licensed
Quote from BRABUS_2 :I want this Engine and this Setup PLS ... n_10s&feature=related

There are tens of topics dedicated to drift setups, I don't see the reason for posting this here. Thank you for not poluting this topic.
Could a moderator delete the above post, please ?
S3 licensed
Thank you Jouman, I was starting to loose hope . If I understood corectly, for those on reverse, I need only to "mirror" the camper and pressures. Great !
S3 licensed
Aston Grand Prix (AS5), anyone ?
Thank you, Silver, I was editing my post .
S3 licensed
2 decent setups for FE3 - Fern Bay Gold. Don't remeber exactly how they both arrived on my drive (one of them is from Harry..), hope the creators won't mind for sharing. For the very good out there, should allow you to go under 1:33.xx. With decent drive, they are ok for 30 minutes races (didn't test them for longer).
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
First of all, thank you for the answers.
There will be no change regarding the car: it is this one and no other for this season (still 11 rounds to go). And in the same time, I really like the FZ. I am having difficulties to believe that out of tens of thousands of racers out there aren't a few with good setups.. to share .
The tracks I am after:
SO5 - SOUTH CITY - Town Course
FE3 - FERN BAY - Gold
AS5 - ASTON - Grand Prix
KY2 - KYOTO - National
WE1 - WESTHILL - International
AS6 - ASTON - Grand Touring
SO6 - SOUTH CITY - Chicane Course
KY3 - KYOTO - GP Long
FE4 - FERN BAY - Black
AS7 - ASTON - North

Anyone ? Of course I could really start getting into setup making.. but I suck. And don't have enough time between two rounds for hours and hours of testing.. fine tunning on the other side.. it's ok.

Thanks for the tip Bean0, I shall give it a try
Why is the net so poor on FZ50 setups ?
S3 licensed
Hi guys; We are curently running the season III of our league (17 weeks long nevetheless..) and the chosen car is FZ50. In the same time, I am poor at making setups.. so I just use what I can find hence the problem: for this car, not so many out there. Why is that ? (yes, I've tried the clasics, setupgrid or teaminferno). Anyone has some nice setups to share for this "naughty" car ? (SO4, SO5, KY1, KY2, ...) Thanks in advance.
PS: using mouse or wheel / races of 15 and 30 minutes long
S3 licensed
Tremendous work. Congrats . Waiting for next one