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Edgy LFS shadows. How to fix it ?
S3 licensed
Hi all,

After setting up, all looks very good in LFS, except for the shadows. They are where they should, but they look very edgy. Anyone has some solutions ? Or, is this the maximum LFS can do ? Screenshot attached.

PC Specs:
Quad core Q8400, GeForce 8800GT.

S3 licensed
Cu albastru, cateva sugestii :

[..] Cuvinte pe care nu le-am tradus deloc sau de care nu sunt sigur ca sunt traduse bine. Va puteti uita aici: ... _viewer.php?lang=Romanian

02. Text for the main entry screen
Single Player --------> Joc singur sau Joc solitar sau Singleplayer ? Individual
Multiplayer --------> Joc în rețea sau Multiplayer ? In retea
Hot Lapping --------> tur cronometrat sau tururi cronometrate Tur cronometrat
Single Player Replays --------> în funcție de cum se traduce Single Player
Multiplayer Replays --------> în funcție de cum se traduce Multiplayer

04. Welcome sequence
Press ESC in the setup screen or in-game to bring up a list of options --------> Apasa ESC (in ecranul de reglaje sau in joc) pentru a afisa o lista de optiuni

05. Training lessons
Mode --------> Modul : Demo/S1/S2 sau Licență: Demo/S1/S2 >> de ce nu chiar Mod ? (mi se pare destul de sugestiv)
finished --------> terminat(a)

06. Race setup screen
A race is in progress --------> O cursa este in desfasurare
swap position --------> schimb de pozitie
via host -------->
remove driver --------> inlatura pilot ?
Kick guest ? -------->
How many days to ban ? --------> Cate zile de interdictie ?
How many days to ban ? -------->

08. Garage / pits screen
New --------> Nou sau nouă
Undo -------->
Clear -------->
Drop --------> Cădere ?
No drive -------->
VISCOUS LSD --------> las pe engleză? sau pun pe romana Dif. Vâscos LSD romana, ok cum ai propus

12. Screen options
Wide screen effect --------> efect de ecran (format) wide
Clip mouse to window CTRL + C --------> Restrictioneaza mouse-ul in fereastra
Clip mouse to screen CTRL + C --------> Restrictioneaza mouse-ul in ecran
SHIFT + F4 toggles between full screen and window --------> Alterneaza intre mod fereastra si/sau ecran complet
SHIFT + F%d is already assigned to selected mode --------> SHIFT +F%d este deja afectat modului selecat
Assign SHIFT + F%d to mode %s? --------> Afecteaza SHIFT + F%d modului ?
unknown --------> necunoscut sau necunoscută necunoscut

13. View options
[none] --------> nici unul sau nici una sau nimic nimic
One button look -------->
Pitch view --------> Inclina privirea ? (un pic fortat, dar destul de sugestiv; alternativa: Inclina vederea)
Rotate view --------> Roteste privirea
1g head tilt -------->
1g lateral shift -------->
1g forward shift -------->
1g vertical shift -------->
Move view with animation --------> Misca privirea cu animatie
external --------> extern sau externă
heli --------> din elicopter sau de sus
Smoothing --------> Fluidizare ? (nu stiu unde exact in meniu este optiunea asta)
Look sensitivity --------> Sensibilitate miscare privire
Look centre reduction -------->
Button look -------->

Unde nu am scris nimic, fie nu cunosc optiunea, fie nu am gasit o exprimare potrivita.
Ce e intre paranteze, sunt precizari optionale (pot fi incluse dar la fel de bine pot lipsi)
S3 licensed
"LFS - Shity Shit" - Good choice of title, says all about the actual video.. if you really like LFS you should stop making videos like this one. As other fellows said: take your time, plan a bit, watch few tutorials and then make ONE good video instead of 10 shitty ones.
S3 licensed
That's odd; we've never set it as hidden; in any case we'll update host version and we'll see how it goes from there. Thanks a lot.

LE: Problem solved after host update at 0.6A3. Cheers.
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Yes, it was Z30. Ok, I'll ask for an update. I apreciate your quick answer, thank you.
S3 licensed
No, that's exactly this: the host is not hidden, it is open to everybody; and it runs like that for a few monthe now. Only from yesterday I see it reported as offline, and it's not listed in LFS host list anymore, as you say.
For testing purpose, you can try joining with Join Specific Host, by name, if that could help ?
S3 licensed
! RLR - Racing League Romania
(wow, that was fast)
S3 licensed
Any problem with the page retrieving the host status ?
On our site it shows host offline, but when I run LFS I can connect just fine and the server is running ok. Thank you in advance.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :this might be what you want,
you can also do it under shift+o > controls

Thanks Bmxtwins, I've already tried it, not working.
When I set the slider at 270 (as my wheel) I am asuming that this helps the game calculate the correct ratio to reach the 720 required by the game.
I've tried also setting it at 720 (even if the momo goes only 270), and I was expecting it would work.. it doesn't.

Hmm.. maybe it really isn't possible then.. the remaining hope would be maybe in the recalibration of controller axis page.. I wasn't able to understand how that works though
S3 licensed
Hi there,
@cargame: I have logitech profiler, but it's not the point of my post. I am not wishing to limit the rotation of momo wheel (which is only 270 anyways), but the rotation of the in-game wheel (wich turns 720 for the FZ5 for example).
The goal is to have perfect match between the rotation of the momo wheel, and the one in-game.
@whiskey: nope, it doesn't, but as you state, it would not help me anyway
MOMO Racing Wheel - limit rotation ?
S3 licensed
Hi there. I (still) have an old Momo Racing Wheel, and aside from beeing extremly noisy, I can race with it. The rotation of the wheel is 270 only. I was wondering, is there a way to limit the car wheel rotation in LFS also to the exact same value (270) ? In race, except for some big crashes, I never use more that this rotation anyway.
I should mention that I am not looking for suggestions like "get a DF GT, G25, .." ; I just want to see how the momo would feel with this setting. Thanks.
S3 licensed
South City - Chicane Course (SO6), good to go under 1:12.xx
Kyoto - GP Long (KY3), good to go under 2:45.xx
The above lap times are reported to my level (average racer), they don't necesarily state the real potential of the shared setups. Please DO let us know if some of you manage to reach better times, and how much better.

LE: Forget to mention that I did take a look at Drift Bible. Only 1 time watch for the moment. Thanks Heiko
S3 licensed
Hey, deep insight mate. I carefull red your post, and I must say I "feel" you but the truth is that I cannot dedicate as much time as I would like to LFS, and more, in our championship, we have a round each week where the other coleagues are unforgivenable (does this word even exists ?). Nevertheless, I shall start experimenting more, and play with the settings. Let's say that I understood how to setup the brakes, but could use some hints to reduce tyre wear, for starters .

S3 licensed
Quote from DrBen :I once fell in love with Fz50 (some time ago) ..and I immediately started to tune and fine-tune setups on my own.

same here, I love this car.

Quote from DrBen :Sadly most of the stuff is quite old and/or lost in migration... I started to develop something for aston grand touring (see attachment)

Shall give it a try, thank you.

Quote from DrBen :But beware: it is a first alpha kind-of starting-point, meant to be driven with your head, balancing tyre-wear. Optimised for handling through the tighter chicanes in 2nd gear (no lower), reasonable acceleration but not theoretical top-speed.

But beware: still with open diff. As I said: something to drive with your head rather thand your lead-foot. It can be driven with confidence however, whether with a full tank of fuel or from 10% down to empty. You will be able to nail your laptimes regardless of fuel-status. Just don't run dry, of course

The reason I started this thread is because I am not good at setuping. The example given, don't know to tell the diference between different types of differentials (funny words play)
Single thing I am good at, is fine tunning brakes to my liking to obtain stability on the braking.

Quote from DrBen :So there it goes. This was purely done on a whim and is not considered final as of yet. Lots of players, lots of tastes. Fine-tune it to your liking (I mean it, this is important). Don't expect a man's car to do the driving for you. YOU have to know your way around the car, not the other way around!

Simple - YOU have to do the driving.
After all: Isn't this the essence of participating in / dealing with a racing-sim?

Indeed it is, indeed it is

Quote from Kova. :IMO, for AS6 or AS7, you can use AS5 setup with some modification on cambers/tyres pressure, it's a child game

Most probably you are right.. will tell you after today's round
S3 licensed
Thanks a lot
S3 licensed
Good idea the transparent background >> problem solved.
Reagarding the user name color, still doesn't work; all connected users are shown in light green (only the comma between is orange ). Any suggestions ?

My thoughts (I might be totally "off", in that case don't mind them):
The target is a.User or a.Users ?
Q8: Could a target like #Users.field3 {color: #FFA303; } work ?

If no ideas, then could you please just change the orange (#Users {color: #FFA303; } ) to black (#Users {color: #000000; }), so the comma will also be black ? I could live with that also, looks pretty clean.

Thank you for your time Vic, sorry you had to re-look 3, 4 times my demand.
S3 licensed
Quote from luchian :..for refference, if needed, our forum is here RLR..

Yes, I use an iframe to show the stats. Q6: Is there another way ?
Yes, I probably sugested the wrong color code (I think the good one is #2f2e2e).. and this means that I have to trouble Victor AGAIN to make the modification..:ashamed:

Q7: In the css, I've set the target #Users {color: #FFA303; } This means that they should be orange-ish, but still they are green-ish. Is it because of the 4th line in body section of css (color: #9BC21B; ) or it has something to do with the fact that the user name it's actually a link ? (a href..)

I'm sorry if I returned to the stupid questions, but the users list cannot be tested locally (by trial and error). The list is apprearing only when showing real status server, thus taking into consideration only the css file on the server.

For easier understanding, attached a photo of what I wish to obtain:
Left side as it is >> Right side as I would wish it
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Thank you Vic.
Dygear, could you please take a look ? I probably made a mistake, 'cause the background of the server status "square" (on my page) is different from the main background of the page.

If I remove completely the background parameter in the css, will the page automatically get the background of the main site ? (Remark:I was working locally when I made the testing, so didn't had a possibility to test the comportment).
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Vic, please ?
S3 licensed
After a bit of play with the settings, I made a css closer to what I had in mind. I suspect there might be some redundant lines in it, but the end result looks ok.

Would you mind replacing the initial file with the one in attachment, Victor ? Thank you.

LE: you are right again Dygear. Done
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Great !
Now I have all I need to be able to personalise the look the way I wish. Once it will be finished, I hope Victor won't mind to place it on lfsworld.
Dygear, a big thank you for your patience and time to share your knowledge with me/us.

Regarding Q4, didn't know about the possible glitch, so I'll drop it.
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
: )) that is for the Star Trek part.
Back to work, it doesn't sound so complicated keeping it to the basics. Ok, understood about the structure of file, and how to link it to the HTML document. The next important thing is:

How to identify, in the web page, each "target" I wish to alterate, in order to define custom properties for it and only for it ? (I will explain myself: supposing I want to make the first line appear in black color, the second in red and bold, the third in blue, and so on..)

Q4 (bonus):
Supposing I would convince Victor to modify the href in the HTML doc to point to a CSS file on my own server, any modification I would make after that in the CSS would not require Victor's intervention anymore, right ? Or is it not possible ?
S3 licensed
Honestly, I am impressed. By the exact needed detail of your post (thank you) and also by the attitude (not so oftenly found on the net these days).
Second, I'm gladly accepting your offer 'cause it's not the first time I'm coming face-to-face with CSS, and ussually I don't know how to hide faster.

Coming to facts:

CSS - don't know a single thing about it; no, wait, THE single thing I know is that it has a great power of making your pages look exactly as you imagine, and almost totally independent of the content.
Hex - know what it is and how to find it for any color I would need. Where ? here, for example. Nothing more.
inheritance and specificity - the terms themselves don't tell me much, but from the context I would suspect that you are talking about the hierarchy between diferent elements in the code. A simple analogy would be the rules of parantheses: {[( )]} ?. On th other hand, if I am wrong, would you care to explain the concept only ?
HTML - have some basic idea about it, from interfering when needed to modify some things here and there.

What would be the basic structure/parts of a CSS file ?

How do you link a CSS to a web page ?

If some of the things would seem obvious to you, still don't hesitate to post as much detail as possible when writing here (your post above is a great example)
If some times you don't feel that an aspect should be explain here, don't hesitate to suggest the use of Google. The ideea would be to use your time to get the most relevant information on our assigned task >> creating the supreme looking server stats page :P.

And last, thank you for the cool idea.
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :try this : ... Romania&css=2&c=3

Me again . If I'm not too boldy, would it be possible to have the css file that I suppose you had to create ? This way I could study it, and play with the setting inside, giving the fact that now I have so much study material thanks to Dygear's post. If too much trouble, then just ignore my post; promise I won't mind
S3 licensed
Works like a charm . Thank you Victor.