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S3 licensed
Perfect, thank you.
S3 licensed
Dayum !
Please teach me how to make my LFS look like this Sci-Fu !
S3 licensed
Is this raw ?!
S3 licensed
It may be the wrong place to report, but this seems even worse on the new Blackwood: I have a triple screen setup. And for replays, I activate the "use the full width option" in TV camera mode.

However, LFS seems to use sort of a "span" function to fill all 3 screens. So instead of seeing more, you see less, but bigger. This makes watching replays a little hard on the eyes. (LFS is the only one suffering from this problem, btw).

Hopefully this is just a "5-minute fix", and you could include it in a future patch Smile.

Here below, a sample from Blackwood. In the first chicane, you don't actually see the cars anymore with the static cameras.
S3 licensed
Just an alternative idea:

I also had some weird shuttering at the end of the straight and the second to last turn on my "original" LFS install (just adding patches on top).

Did a clean install with 0.6R and all seems to be gone. LFS is smooth again.
S3 licensed
Hi racers,

Anybody else experiencing shuttering ?

I have tried both MP and SP (with 19 AI) and I get some very visible and annoying shuttering. Especially at the end of the straight, and in second to last turn, before the bridge.

I have tried with a fresh copy of LFS also.. same problem.
I am running triples, on 3770K + 1070 GTX.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eric :Er, yeah. let's not derail the topic to patronise the old joke that I never post. It's pretty boring now to be honest.

It was meant as an inocent (albeit not original) joke Smile. Sorry.
S3 licensed
@Victor & Scawen: we know it's you guys posting from Eric's account Tilt
S3 licensed
Quote from BMW-gek :Thank you for answering.

I don't have a NVIDIA as hardware, its a Intel core i5. It looks impossible to me.

The support team had answered my email this morning. See below.

Thank you. Guess I'll have to at least try when I receive my Gear VR thingy Smile.
S3 licensed
Quote from BMW-gek :That would be strange. I had to make a account and id find this on the website

I am waiting for my Gear VR, so I'm also keen on such a possibility Smile.
I've found this - if you already have the HW maybe you could give it a try ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :[..]Scawen, is there any chance that you can make the draw distance infinite? I'd like to be able to go too Shift+U mode and see every car on track. I've attached the screen shot below that blew my mind ... (I took the screen shot at UHD res, and it's insane.)

Yes, please ! That would be very cool actually ! Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from troy :

More relevant then ever!

)) what tha'... ))
S3 licensed
Hope Daniel is not trolling , so "La Multi Ani" Scawen ! . Wish you a clear head year to finally defeat that inner monster called "new tyre physics" .
S3 licensed
Impressive what a change some good textures and optimizations can make. And DX9 capabilities are greater than this, no doubt. Looking forward to see your work guys. Keep it up !
S3 licensed
No need to wonder more why we love LFS..
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Quote from luchian :
PS: (*) hopefully this would keep him busy enough and stop finding all those impossible bugs that end up keeping @Scawen awake at night..

Oh, sorry am I really that annoying?[..]

I hope you are joking, as I was too . I am admirative on your regards. You are one of the best bug hunters I've ever met. And I did meet quite a few* . Bugs need to be iron out no question about it; it just seems like @Scawen (an engineer's mind I guess) is taking them as a personal challenge every time, so lots of small trips outside the main path . I'm just saying, I'm not managing the anyone's time-schedule. I'll be happy with whatever & whenever will be released.

PS: (*) 2
S3 licensed
I'm sure @Eric already has it all mapped out, but just in case it'd matter:

Let the textures be as high res as possible. And then let somebody like @Daniel-Cro* , create some small program to batch convert them to half size, 1/4 size whatever and everybody should be free to use what they wish.

I'd take @Lynce's RP pack of Fern Bay anytime over the default one for example (no offense @Eric). It does make a difference, even when racing. Let alone for any post-race creative effort, as @farcar already mentioned. Which should translate to 'good LFS publicity'.

PS: (*) hopefully this would keep him busy enough and stop finding all those impossible bugs that end up keeping @Scawen awake at night..
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Just a crazy idea. Why not use Font-Awesome for the icons? It should in theory cover most forum icons already?

Yes, please !
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :
Quote from Test Driver :I've visited the site today using a screen with an 4:3 aspect ratio, and even with that screen there was "unused" space on the sides. I just find it funny that website design in general, not only here on, returns to the 90's with 800x600 resulutions when it comes to the layout-width. Of course this happens because many sites are being updated to become more accessible with mobile devices, but I have a feeling that in 3 years they will all redesign again to make better use of the available resolution. This is not a rant, just something I observed in redesigns of other websites.

For me it's actually more comfortable to read narrower blocks of text rather than have them at full screen width. But on the other hand, I agree that using as much screen's space as possible is better in general. We'll try to do something about it

Don't know if it's totally out of the question, so it's merely a suggestion
Why not use a responsive web design (engine) instead ?

There are forum engines that manage everything automatically, so it'd be a win-win situation (except for the workload to set it all up again.. maybe ). Don't know about vbulletin, but I've recently discovered XenForo and became a fan of. The ergonomics of it's engine are impressive. And looks as good on a large screen as it does on a mobile device. All automatically.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Takes some time to get used to this, and specially the part where to easly see the threads you are subscribed too with new posts and such

Kinda the same feeling here; maybe a slight color variation besides the bold/normal font in thread title would help.

Great job nevertheless
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It would be nice for gestures. There's something quite tough about dealing with steering wheels and gearshifts that aren't exactly the same size and position as the ones in game...! Sometimes they would be free, sometimes kind of "snap to" the position of the in-game object. Tough! Anyway I am obviously not looking into this now.


Quote from Scawen :[..]I tried a method that can be used to improve edges of alphatest textures, which must be used when polygon sorting isn't feasible. For example on trees, ironwork and some railings. I got into a test these last couple of days, on this work which is on my Westhill list. Delayed the 0.6G patch but that's how it goes. See these comparison FE and SO shots. This is without supersampling. I don't use supersampling, I know some people with super graphics cards do, but this is about improving the situation with ordinary multisampling AA.

Yes, please !

Quote from duke_toaster :[..]You laugh, but didn't GPL have that, well, just raising an arm (like to indicate you stalled on the grid)?

I was not laughing, on the contrary was being appreciative of the idea (AC has also 2 predefined gestures for roofless cars).
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :I can think of a couple of hand gestures I'd like to do to other drivers after some manouvers

Joke aside, "live" driver animation would be pretty awesome. And to top it off, visible by others in MP . The ultimate sim. (and no more: when should driver reach for the gear lever, if animated shift).

DISCLAIMER: Please do not even start dreaming about this Scawen, otherwise we'll loose you forever in the realms of endless possibilities => VR coding.. Your service is still needed by the non-rift mortals.
Last edited by luchian, .
S3 licensed
Maybe it's difficult to resist, for those that 'been around long enough and know the whole VWS story.
For a new comer, however (and I expect there will be quite a few considering DK2 support) this and other like comments really give the feeling of a hostile environment..
NOT cool.
S3 licensed
Ah, late night time posts, my favorites ! . Keep it up "Scavier", good times are coming
And yes, thanks to Daniel also, the "watcher" on duty. Now, only if he could spot a bit less improbable bugs.. development speed would go up for sure
S3 licensed
Quote from RadEd :Have to say I was surprised nobody made a big deal about that comment too.[..]

I took it as Eric's provocative sarcasm, so only lol'ed and moved on .

Regardless, I'd love to see a/some video(s) as suggested.. .
Thank you in advance devs, should you decide to do it