On one side it is lame to act based on prejudice. I will wait for the final package to decide whether it is worth it or not. There are a lot of possible good outcome to this. Bad ones too.
On the other side, the community's reaction is pretty useful. Oculus and Facebook knows what most of us don't want now.
My only complaint with the F40 is that the RSR leaderboard does not distinguish between Tires Road90s and the slicks or the modern road tires. I love driving it with its original set up. She is such a bitch.
A naive question. By default the simulation settings are on "Gamer" which means lots of help/assistance to the driving. Have you tried the game withou these helps?
Actually setting the game on "gamer " by default is beyond stupid as it give some foods to the haters who can't be bothered looking if there are options somewhere.
You can use the native resolution but the image is better when you use a higher resolution. I don't know the technical explanation but it is significant.
You won't see much difference between 110° and 115°. I have settled at 110°. Not perfect but it is where it is the most fun to me.
A few feedback additions:
- I perform better with the rift than on screen. I hardly crash and the driving is very natural. Even with the low resolution it is better than playing on screen. I do feel dizzy though after playing for a while.
- Digital information on the dashboard are readable with the rift. When it is a needle not so much.
- The fact that I can't see my real wheel and my hands does not bother me at all. I don't even think of it.
Actually both resolution (1680*1050 and 1600*900) are wrong but with the 1680 one the 2 images don't merge correctly for me and I can't see without straining my eyes a lot.
I don't have any eyes problems(12/10 at both eyes 6 month ago, no glasses) but we all are made different.
Setting the resolution to 1680*1050 is a sure way to get a head-hick as it isn't the rift ratio. The correct resolution for this size of screen is 1600*900.
+ at 115° the car interior looks alright but the tracks looks way to thin. It kills the feeling of speed to go at 90° but the track proportion are closer to reality. The tracks are actually pretty wide. And it kills the speed feeling mostly because the resolution is low ad we can't see stuffs like the road texture moving.
I get a lot of Head drift too. But i don't think it has anything to do with the game programming.
Apart from the LFS 0.6e6 has stop working windows message nothing. No error code or anything.
I tried several times and the crash happened everytime.
1- I 'm in a race
2- I press escape button and I click on the "End Race " box
3 - I'm back to the menu and I press the "track" box
4 - I select another track then I press the "Ok" box. (if I don't change the track the game doesn't crash)
5 - Game crashes and I'm back to desktop
NB: If I'm in 2D mode the game doesn't crash while doing the above.
I will test further and give more feedback later on.
I couldn't resist and I tried it just now with the Oculus rift.
Overall the experience is great and I'm very satisfied with it. In term of VR experience it is just behind Half life 2 IMO.
I couldn't get the proportion right though. I spent some time tweaking with the vertical field of view but I couldn't get something entirely satisfying. Either the inside of the car looks out of proportion or it is the track. It is probably a native issue though as I see that in every game that have a cockpit.
I didn't get much motion sickness but I might be getting used to it (I was very sick very quickly with the first demos I tried). The jerking of the car in the fast single seater (with the road bumps) is pretty uncomfortable with the current latency.
The menu are not convenient at all
VirtualReality.io ( http://www.virtualreality.io/ ) does it right IMO but it would require quite some work I imagine and the "not appropriate" menus are hardly a determent I think.
I had a crash that happened 2 times while coming back from a race in single player (no AI). I press the end race button then I tried to change the race and crash. It happened 2 times.
I'm surprised how well it work for something that is not native.
I couln't get the distortion/field of view quite right so the feeling of speed was hindered somehow. But it looks a lot better than what I was expecting. The dashboard is even almost readable.
It has some drawbacks, for sure, but the leap you get in immersion is, in my opinion, worth it. It depends on what equipment you have at hand but even know you could et around most of the issues. If I was in need of button I would probably use my hotas warthog where the buton are quite easier to find than on a keyboard.
A virtual keyboard is indeed another solution and rather easy to implement.
Using the keyboard is very hard indeed. For me at least. What you need should be set on your controller and you should avoid the keyboard as much as possible.
I was playing half life 2 yesterday (mind blowing really) and I was playing with one hand on my x-box joypad and the other on the mouse ( the target reticle can move independently of the head movement in a small box.
Got a kit yesterday
I 'm very impressed by it. The resolution is not really an issue. Much much better than what I was expecting. It is a bit laggy though (I have tried only the demo provided with the SDK).
If you look at the content of the Quran and other texts making the backbone of the Islam you'll see that the content is for a very large part a big encouragement to hatred, murder and pogrom. It is a misurderstanding from westerner to think that these so called extremist are idiotics who don't understand their own religion often with a comparision to christians or jews extremists. These people actually apply their texts to the letter.
IMO and in my experience (where I live they represents roughly 80% of the population) what people call moderate muslims are in fact muslims who don't practice their religion apart from not eating swine and the Ramadan.
One other interesting thing is to look at how non-muslims are treated in muslim control countries (I'm not talking about tourists). In the best case they are second class citizens like the Copt. Look at testimonies from non-muslim living in Pakistan. They are living in hell.
IMO the real issue is with the content of the religion itself and don't be fooled by the ones telling you their religion is a religion of peace and that they respect the other belief. History has shown that it hold true only until they are in control.
I'm not sayong that we should go into a rampage against every person remotly looking like a muslim but we should seriously criticize the content of their "Sacred texts" and put them in front of their responsibilities and maybe re-think the door-open policy with regards to immigrant coming from Muslim countries.
A pretty similar attack happened this week-end in France.
A soldier got attacked in the suburb of Paris by a man who looked like a muslim. The soldier was patrolling with 2 of his mates. They were at the front while he was at the back. He got stab in the neck from behind. His 2 mates didn't see it immediately and the muslim got away with it. The soldier survived and is out of danger.
I wonder how long it will take the europeans to admit that we have a very serious problem with that cult and act accordingly. What are we waiting for? a civil war?
That issue may concern a very very small % of players. It is hardly a fatal flaw and IMO there are way around. If you worry about being dehydrated you can use a camelbak .