It's not just a matter of seat position. Your screen isn't stuck in front of your eyes. Mine is 50 cm away and I expect to see things starting from that distance! Not from the driver's eyes
I m against forcing the view since it is something very personal and it don't really make someone better on the track!
Even if we consider that the view should be as realistic as possible it is all wrong since it is an unrealistic view (IMO)! And it give different result (more or less realistic) depending on the screen(s) you're using! A way to move the camera inside the cockpit is indispensable to tailor the result to our needs in term of realism. The way it 's right now it should have never been implemented.
what's next? a compulsory detector to see if we wear an helmet while we're driving?
I like the Vykos69's idea of moving the position of the virtual eyes only! It wouldn't satisfy everybody tho but it would give us more liberties while staying inside a realistic range of views!
Especially if we can move it backward/forward!
I don't agree and there's no absolute truth to that question as long as we play with a single screen! I already said it in that topic but you don't see 2 time your wheel in real life and as geeman said you would see much more through your windscreen that you ever will with that view! IMO the view I m using is more realistic and it 's just a matter of feeling.
I fear that it may not if too many servers use it. The online experience would be terminated for me if that happen! I just hope scawen is gonna make the AI rocks in the next patch!
I didn't know about that option and it may be worth a try. When I'm playing I try to make a view where i can see what i would see if i was sitting in a car and could see only through a rectangle with the size of my screen and at the exact same distance. I find it more immersive like this
Why force the cockpit view?
I can understand that some people may want to forbid views that give an unrealistic advantage but it's unfair for people using custom view!
I don't like the cockpit view cause I feel it's weird to see 2 time my wheel
When I said old i meant that it started a long time ago. I have that feeling (I maybe wrong) that multi threading have to be think from the beginning even if it doens't mean that improvements done later could be done in that way.
Would be nice if AI were calculated on other cores
The 0.5 thing never appeared on the front page of the LFS web site! I highly doubt we will simply have a patch A again with a 0.6! That would be too much confusing on the web site! There 're plenty of ways to continu the series.