It would be totally retarded! If the game had a very good damage model such a car would be tear to pieces in no time on a rally cross track. Didn't you notice that a rally car and a GTR don't have the same kind of body?
- Not many different combos available online! You can't find one you want to play at this time.
- Your internet connection is heavily used (P2P?)
- You don't know the track and you don't want to play alone. Some people are not tolerant towards someone who is actually training during their race!
- You want to play an unclean game.
- You don't have much time to spare at this time. A game against AI can be started in no time and last for as long as you want. To play online you need to look for a game + wait for the race to start +The number of laps may not suit your available time.
Edit: I almost forget a very important one. You want to win a Race (that's for the slow drivers like me )
I am much more interested in tracks' graphical improvement that car's. The details you pointed out are hardly visible when you race. Actually it is useful mainly to make screenshots.
I tried Nkpro's demo and the only feeling I got from it was that it was a game in alpha stage ( a real alpha stage not the LFS gold alpha kind of stage )
You want only modern cars?
I prefer to have both and there's no modern mini ( the BMW's is too far from the original concept. It weight almost 1000 kg).
Not exactly the same but I don't think it was the goal. It is still pretty close to a mini and it got the same feeling. I have nothing say about it. It is just fine for me
It would be true if we could isolate sample sounds from each part of the car. It is possible with some of them but the majority can only be heard with all the other sounds. Thus, for the sake of simulation we are better off with the synthetic ones.