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S2 licensed
I found the game at 4€ this afternoon. I can't wait to try it
S2 licensed
On the LFS web site's main page you can see the current version which is the best.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Whel give me a gtr version of the RB4 ore the option to put rally tyres on GTR cars we would get something like a modern group B

I personaly think that would be enough for me away with those real cars the only one i would want is the ariel atom if real cars come to the ocuasion

It would be totally retarded! If the game had a very good damage model such a car would be tear to pieces in no time on a rally cross track. Didn't you notice that a rally car and a GTR don't have the same kind of body?
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I agree with you on the AI, but IMO, the AI should be taken out completely, I really can't see any reason it's there, LFS is an ONLINE simulator, and in the days of fast net connections, I can see little reason to use the AI.
As for the sounds, I am in two minds about them, I do like the synthetic sampled sounds in GTL, but I also understand the reason why LFS sounds like it does.
It (in it's current state) is MILES better than it was, and using the CTRL+A system, you can make them sound better if you wish.

- Not many different combos available online! You can't find one you want to play at this time.
- Your internet connection is heavily used (P2P?)
- You don't know the track and you don't want to play alone. Some people are not tolerant towards someone who is actually training during their race!
- You want to play an unclean game.
- You don't have much time to spare at this time. A game against AI can be started in no time and last for as long as you want. To play online you need to look for a game + wait for the race to start +The number of laps may not suit your available time.

Edit: I almost forget a very important one. You want to win a Race (that's for the slow drivers like me )
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Renku :MPG: UK or US?

I use 1 G = 3.785 l so I guess i used the US one.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :What about those from DK? They prefer km/L

We can put everything on 1 line i think

S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :But mpg is not edible, also can't figure any other practical use for it, L/100km should be in poll, not mpg

Now we have a problem then

It isn't hard to have both
S2 licensed
Quote from danben7 :Just a few Qs:

"+ Trucks"

uh, i realise there's a big american community, but i don't understand what trucks have to do with racing ... d-prix-2006-23/index.html
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
42.53 L/100KM
5.53 Miles/Gallon

S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :What kind of band is that? I have never heared about it

Anyway, now listening on :
Children Of Bodom - Oops I did it again (Britny Spears Cover), Lool.

Damn this song is funny as hell haha!

I'm not sure you can really classify it even if they have been immitated.
Some people put their work into the "Darkwave" box, if it means anything!
S2 licensed
Dead Can Dance - Anywhere out of the World
S2 licensed
Quote from Andrey1000 :in S3 I want to see more cars in TBO class, like BMW, Chevrolet and others (and I want to see sedans, not just Coupes like in S2)

i want to see Audi R8 or R10 (dont know exactly, i mean LeMans cars)
i want to see more rally cars like Xsara or Focus, i want to see stock cars (nextel cup),
and of course more cars in GTR class, not just 3.
so, i want to see about 10 cars in each class

That's a lot of "I want to see" for someone who's not even supposed (sarcasm inside) to have tried most of the cars we have in the game!
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
I am much more interested in tracks' graphical improvement that car's. The details you pointed out are hardly visible when you race. Actually it is useful mainly to make screenshots.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from marcjs :Thats your opinion indeed, imho it has the best physics behind RBR, some things are even better than in RBR but overall the feeling in RBR (on tarmac) is better. LFS 3rd.

I tried Nkpro's demo and the only feeling I got from it was that it was a game in alpha stage ( a real alpha stage not the LFS gold alpha kind of stage )
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :It's written in C++. It's based on.. well.. Basic

Ok thx for the intel
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Yes it does; Starbasic (AKA OOoBasic).

My bad then! I haven't tried it for a while. And from what i just read it is based on C++?
S2 licensed
Quote from Lible :I don't understand what exactly has it got that OpenOffice hasn't, Openoffice can convert files to a few dozen formats including HTML TXT, MS Word or whatever format, RTF.

If one of my teachers told me that I need a special program which COSTS something I'd nicely tell him/her NO. - does everything

It doesn't have VBA or an equivalent
S2 licensed
L'âme immortelle - Es Zieht Dich Davon
S2 licensed
Quote from rovens :I think he is pointing out that the clio is an ingame shot.

It took me some time to realize that! The graphics are very impressive.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Offcourse i am, just showing how can a game look like in 2007...

You want only modern cars?
I prefer to have both and there's no modern mini ( the BMW's is too far from the original concept. It weight almost 1000 kg).
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Well, it really isn't just fine..

Shot at 2007-07-30

I mean.. really...
Not asking for that kind of sick details (wouldn't mind though), just a "couple" of more polygons, i am not a graphic whore, not by any means, but i find it humiliating driving around with those UF's...

Are you aware that the picture you showed is not a mini?
But a Renault clio! A modern car against an old fashioned one!

Here is the back of a mini

S2 licensed

Not exactly the same but I don't think it was the goal. It is still pretty close to a mini and it got the same feeling. I have nothing say about it. It is just fine for me
S2 licensed
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :I hope no one takes this personal. I see fanboyism here. True, LFS is the best sim, but some of you talk as if any kind of improvement would be wrong.

Sampled sound are A LOT better than syntetic ones. I guess those who oppose dont know about sampler for music? Syntetic sound of instruments, say a violin, are awful. If you want the sound of a violin you need to sample it and then integrate some algoritms to change the form of the wave to resemble a real player. FYI, the music of some movies and games are done this way, even when we hear a full orchestra.

Every sound in LFS should be sampled. End of discussion.

Regarding graphics, the light effects on LFS are really dated and need to change to dynamic. Textures could be improved too.

Note that I recognize the effort of the creators of LFS, they have done an admirable work, but still I do wish they had the resources to improve the game.

It would be true if we could isolate sample sounds from each part of the car. It is possible with some of them but the majority can only be heard with all the other sounds. Thus, for the sake of simulation we are better off with the synthetic ones.