It is more like one stick is used to move up/down/right/left, one stick is used to turn around the axis that goes from your head to your feet and the headset is used to control the head mouvement (the aim of your gun).
It will be interesting when you will hold in your hand a gun or machinegun with its counterpart in the virtual environement. I don't know how they'll do it. I would put some stick or cross on the gun intself to be used by both thumb for the mouvement.
At first the controls will have to remain fairly simple so that you don't have to move your hands from the buttons/keys. It is probably the reason why theyused a joypad in the demos they have shown. I'm sure it will be ok with a wheel set up. Everyhting is pretty close. It will be disorientating at first though.
I'm sure they will work out more some ambitious contraptions in the future. It could be a virtual keyboard using a hand movement recognition device or something.
The silly answer to the look behind you question would be turn your head behind your shoulder. The ratio between head movement and image movement is suppose to be 1:1. We would all get sick otherwise.
They said that at some point they will add proximity sensor to the rift so you don't bump your head against something.
Anyway, due to the cables' lenght limit I will use it sitted exclusively.
According to those who have tried it the low resolution is not a big issue. The optic concentrates more pixels in the center of the eye and less on the borders where a clean image is not required.
And you don't have to insert a CD in your PC to play. It is a very good trade-off in my opinion. There is also a world, where convinience matters, between Origin and Steam.
Have you ever been in an IMAX dome? Especially one were you wear 3D glasses?
It is pretty impressive. You are pretty much inside the movie. So much that your body beleives it and you feel some physical effects. You are not looking at a flat screen but at a concave one and the image is distorted to fit.
If you add track IR to that and the image fixed to your head you get what the rift could be in 15 years.
For now the field of view is still limitated and the resolution is blurry but according to those who have tried it the feeling is there.
Actually some people sensible to vertigo have had some issue in front of some drop in the game. I think it is already quite impressive.
It won't be perfect at first but give it some time and it will blow your mind. And it is pretty cool to have something like this to look forward to and see growing.
Where did I say that the product was available :rolleyes:
And of course the current prototype is for developers (Scawen is one I think) , not for gamers. They aim to sell a consumer version in 2013. It is probably going to be even further away but seeing the support by big names of the industry and the very good feedback of the journalists who have tried it, it is going hit the market. Unless there is WW3 or something...
Since the game is already TrackIR compatible (not that I have tried it), I would guess it wouldn't be such a big leap to make it compatible and It would make the game an absolute blast.
It depends how you define "resist assimilation". It is not really a matter of cloths, foods or religions but more about Communitarianism , people staying amongst themselves, who don't give a crap about how they are accepted by the locals. They don't want to adapt to the country but they expect the country to adapt to them.
Maybe it would be more understandable if I added that they are very often racist against the local?
For me it looks very much like an invasion. No war there, but the consequences are the same.
If the locals were to take that as an insult or an agression I would or I wouldn't go there at all! I think it is a minimum of respect.
The problem is not the burka itself but the fact that these people are not integrated, do not wish to be integrated and are pretty much acting like an invader. IMO they should be kicked out.
France is walking on its head but it's not something new!
Kind of Ridiculous actually as I would need something like 10 year of unemployment to play all this but Steam special offer are sometimes very tempting
My favorite are;
Street Fighter 4,
Dawn of war II,
both Left for dead and
Mirror's edge.
It's only the memory you have of them that is blurry and unstable. The way and timing of waking up play a very important role in the way you remember a dream.