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S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But joypads are so slow. There hasn't been an enjoyable first person game done with a joypad. Third person (where the camera pivot around a character On the screen) are okay, but of course shit for VR (unless simating an out of body experience)

It is more like one stick is used to move up/down/right/left, one stick is used to turn around the axis that goes from your head to your feet and the headset is used to control the head mouvement (the aim of your gun).

It will be interesting when you will hold in your hand a gun or machinegun with its counterpart in the virtual environement. I don't know how they'll do it. I would put some stick or cross on the gun intself to be used by both thumb for the mouvement.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :So if I'm playing Skyrim, and happily running toward a city. I then decide I want to run the other way I have to turn round? How will my keyboard and mouse cope? At least they're wireless, otherwise we could be garotted by a few moments indecision.......

Don't get me wrong - I love the tech. But there are major OTHER flaws to 'virtual reality' that need to be addressed at the same time to make it work in a lot of games.

With a keyboard set up your head take the place of the mouse. You turn around by turning your head. Not very convenient indeed.

With a joypad with 2 analog sticks you can have something a bit more evolved with your head mouvement independant of your body movement.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :And how do you see your normal controller, whether that's keyboard/mouse/joystick/wheel/yoke? Maybe I'm retarded, but I find I have to look at these things periodically - to hit the right button, find the right key.

Not being able to see them does seem to limit it's potential.

How do you look behind you? I don't think it would be good if the sensitivity was high so that you turn your head 90 degrees for 180 degrees in the game. And if it IS like that, what happens when you want to turn a bit more? Do you have to spin round the other way?

Or maybe I'm just used to FORWARD being the direction I'm looking in games like Skyrim or Half Life.

If the view is constrained (like in a plane or a race car) then it's not so much of a problem of course.

At first the controls will have to remain fairly simple so that you don't have to move your hands from the buttons/keys. It is probably the reason why theyused a joypad in the demos they have shown. I'm sure it will be ok with a wheel set up. Everyhting is pretty close. It will be disorientating at first though.

I'm sure they will work out more some ambitious contraptions in the future. It could be a virtual keyboard using a hand movement recognition device or something.

The silly answer to the look behind you question would be turn your head behind your shoulder. The ratio between head movement and image movement is suppose to be 1:1. We would all get sick otherwise.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't really understand how the Rift will work... When I play games there are times when I need to look at the real environment around me - find the F5 key for instance, or press one of the buttons on my G25 shifter. How would one do that wearing a Rift?

With the video of the guy using a 'gun' to play HL2 ( how does he know where his room walls are, or the cat, or his desk? I'm guessing he can't see them, or can you see out of the Rift like a poorly fitting blindfold?

Or maybe I'm missing something and it's a dumb conundrum?

They said that at some point they will add proximity sensor to the rift so you don't bump your head against something.
Anyway, due to the cables' lenght limit I will use it sitted exclusively.
S2 licensed
The Nautic Mile is not as retarded. One minute of arc of latitude at the meridian. At least it is not completely arbitrary.
S2 licensed
Quote from Skytrill :Better sound? it doesn't even have speakers. They decided to do this so pc gamers can still use their own quality headphones.. you clearly don't know what you're talking about. The other two devices you mentioned doesn't even have any head tracking and only offer a big 45 FOV compared to 110 for the Rift while being twice as expensive. Racing simulator and Flight simulators that wants to give an ultimate experience should keep a serious eye on that device as the future is not meant to be played on a monitor. Valve knows that for sure as they develop on VR and AR since quite a while. We need a better field of view to get immersed in a game (or simulation) and the Rift look so far to be the first serious alternative since a while. The device is only 3 DoF at the moment but the commercial version will be 6 DoF if we believe what they said at the CES2013.
In a few years the next OR generations should indeed feature OLED but this early would be a suicide plan as the device would be way too expensive to go mainstream.

On a positive note Assetto Corsa might support it once it goes commercial as their team said they ordered an SDK. I sure hope they will increase the resolution as 1280 isn't much once stretched to 110 degrees.

According to those who have tried it the low resolution is not a big issue. The optic concentrates more pixels in the center of the eye and less on the borders where a clean image is not required.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Can't trackIR do that?

TrackIR is 6 DOF
The Occulus rift Sensor is 9 DOF and they are still improving it in other ways.

Waiting for the dev kit even though I'm not a dev. ... amp;v=LCB19lzAXS8#at=1154 from 19:07
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Hotdogxx60 :It's just me, my kids are all over it and they give me a hard time over it. When I buy software I don't want to login in to another party to do it.

Origin for Battlefield 3 is a good example, I brought a disk and I can't play the thing unless I go through some web interface, played it once and haven't been on since.

And you don't have to insert a CD in your PC to play. It is a very good trade-off in my opinion. There is also a world, where convinience matters, between Origin and Steam.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Because HMDs differ so much from normal displays...

How many of you actually own a TrackIR?
... Thought so...

Tell me what's so special about these, because I can't see a single new idea on these, and they still have the same shitty resolution every other HMD has...

Have you ever been in an IMAX dome? Especially one were you wear 3D glasses?

It is pretty impressive. You are pretty much inside the movie. So much that your body beleives it and you feel some physical effects. You are not looking at a flat screen but at a concave one and the image is distorted to fit.

If you add track IR to that and the image fixed to your head you get what the rift could be in 15 years.

For now the field of view is still limitated and the resolution is blurry but according to those who have tried it the feeling is there.

Actually some people sensible to vertigo have had some issue in front of some drop in the game. I think it is already quite impressive.

It won't be perfect at first but give it some time and it will blow your mind. And it is pretty cool to have something like this to look forward to and see growing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mountaindewzilla :Yeah, because Scawen has such a great record of supporting bespoke equipment. :rolleyes:

Look, the Rift isn't really a consumer product so much as it is a platform for experimentation.
Palmer Lucky and John Carmack told consumers not to buy the Rift when they did a VR panel at Quakecon.

I'm sure that most PC gamers are really excited about HMDs catching up to their expectations, but it isn't quite here yet.

Where did I say that the product was available :rolleyes:

And of course the current prototype is for developers (Scawen is one I think) , not for gamers. They aim to sell a consumer version in 2013. It is probably going to be even further away but seeing the support by big names of the industry and the very good feedback of the journalists who have tried it, it is going hit the market. Unless there is WW3 or something...
Oculus Rift
S2 licensed
Will Scavier consider supporting the Oculus Rift? ... nto-the-game?ref=category

Since the game is already TrackIR compatible (not that I have tried it), I would guess it wouldn't be such a big leap to make it compatible and It would make the game an absolute blast.

I'm quite exited about that toy
S2 licensed
Quote from Amynue :

There should be a 5th character in the game, Kung-fu expert

S2 licensed
The game is really good if played in Deus Ex mode.
It reminded me of the great Vampire the mascarade Bloodline.
S2 licensed
Hopefully It won't be tainted by awful typical Ubisoft DRM.

It is not it will be a first day purchase for me
S2 licensed
Quote from Psysim :I can't say anything would sway me towards a yes, I spent my time removing unwanted software from my pc so that it works better when gaming, I never have liked the idea of third party software being required to run the game. I removed msn, java updates, turned off windows updates, removed whistles and bells and aimed for optimum performance. Too often I see people lagging like crazy on servers and I ask 'are you using torrents or something' to which the answer is oftern 'no, steam or java was updating'....

Steam is ok if your someone who does not feel that minimum is maximum.

Steam download stops automatically when you start a game so that 's BS
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :While the other man rapes someone, now that's real honorfull.
I am sure America is full of shit, aswell as the rest of the world INCLUDING the Wikileak's head master.

Which might be a set up...
S2 licensed
Looking forward to see the result.

Cheers and merry Christmas
S2 licensed
I played Suikoden 3 entirely on PCSX2. No bugs and run smoothly with some adjustements.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I fail to see your logic, Maelstrom. Why does it matter if a group of people resist assimilation into the local culture?

It depends how you define "resist assimilation". It is not really a matter of cloths, foods or religions but more about Communitarianism , people staying amongst themselves, who don't give a crap about how they are accepted by the locals. They don't want to adapt to the country but they expect the country to adapt to them.

Maybe it would be more understandable if I added that they are very often racist against the local?

For me it looks very much like an invasion. No war there, but the consequences are the same.

Quote from Forbin :
If you moved to another country and were told you couldn't walk around in public in a t-shirt and jeans because it was offensive to the natives, what would you do/say?

If the locals were to take that as an insult or an agression I would or I wouldn't go there at all! I think it is a minimum of respect.
S2 licensed
These laws miss the point.

The problem is not the burka itself but the fact that these people are not integrated, do not wish to be integrated and are pretty much acting like an invader. IMO they should be kicked out.

France is walking on its head but it's not something new!
S2 licensed
I'm more interested in the Funny Pics thread of this forum than LFS itself now.

I'm wondering when the Devs are gonna post a message saying that they stop supporting LFS and decided to move on.
S2 licensed
Modified by a computer but very nice.

I wish I had the power to switch my vision to other light spectrum. I would just have to look at the sky to see this
S2 licensed
Quote :Battlefield 2
Beyond Good & Evil
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Crysis Warhead
Dark Messiah Might and Magic Single Player
Day of Defeat: Source
Dead Space
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 2: Fortunes Pack
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto IV
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Hearts of Iron III
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman: Blood Money
Hitman: Codename 47
Jade Empire: Special Edition
Just Cause 2
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Mass Effect
Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Medieval II: Total War
Mirror's Edge
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Overlord: Raising Hell
Overlord II
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Samorost 2
Shattered Horizon
Source SDK
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Street Fighter IV
Team Fortress 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Titan Quest
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II
Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II – Chaos Rising™
World in Conflict
World in Conflict: Soviet Assault
World of Goo
X3: Reunion
X3: Terran Conflict

Kind of Ridiculous actually as I would need something like 10 year of unemployment to play all this but Steam special offer are sometimes very tempting

My favorite are;
Street Fighter 4,
Dawn of war II,
both Left for dead and
Mirror's edge.
S2 licensed
All dreams are vivid.

It's only the memory you have of them that is blurry and unstable. The way and timing of waking up play a very important role in the way you remember a dream.
S2 licensed

Isn't a gun too heavy for a 3 year old girl?
And I can't imagine her having the strenght to pull the trigger.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .