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S2 licensed
Quote from Stiggie :True, but it's a racing game.. and i think a racing truck will only be fun to drive a few times, to discover that it drives like crap. And i don't think the racing tracks at the moment are quite large enough for such a huge truck. So then there will have to be a new track and all, making it even more complicated and idiotic as it is.
And as a result, they will still just go back to the normal cars.

The handling of one car and the fun you get with it are quite disconnected. It's a matter of preferences actually. I tend to enjoy cars that handle like a coffin.

For the track width most are large enough. Some of them are even too large for any cars in that game. Are there any significantly wider track IRL than westhill or aston?
S2 licensed
Quote from Stiggie :God these stupid idea's make me sick. It's so obvious that lots of you really don't know how much time it takes to create a car in LFS.
It's just a team of 3.. so i think if they would make a new car, it would be something sensefull (like the scirocco ) instead of all them ideas of ''3 wheelers, dragsters, all the drift cars'' and so on.. even though i like drifting. And those were only a few examples, which have been asked for so many times.

I'd rather have 1 trully new vehicule that brings diversity to the game than 10 time the same car with slight variation like the sirocco.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
well give me a truck + the race truck, a buggy and a 700 bhp supercar and I 'd be very happy with S3
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :

eeerrrrrr.... no FREAKIN' WAY

ID Cars
Massive communication database

Can someone please tell what country I live in, and what freakin' year?

You'll soon pay a visit to the ministry of love
S2 licensed
I think it has already been done

I mean I already saw this on a rally cross server I went to!
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Given that they are restricted to 160 km/h it's not the speed that's the problem - it's the sheer momentum.

The speed limiter could be optional.

I'd love race truck. Actually I'd even prefer having the road version + the race one.
S2 licensed
Quote from Raas89 :I just did some testing/calculation with XRT. Gear ratios were normal (like you would encounter in real life) 5th. 100kmh-2500rpm, 200kmh-5000rpm

First I took it around KY oval. Did 5 laps around it at 90-100kmh. I got ~4l/100km ,MPG: 70(UK/Canada), 59(US)

Then On KY oval again, but at 200kmh constantly (more throttle on the slopes, less on downhill). ~15.5l/100km, MPG: 18.2(UK/Canada), 15.2(US)

And finally, whipping the car around Fern Bay Black (2 laps full throttle, including few burnouts). ~29l/100km, MPG 9.7(UK/Canada), 8.1 (US)

PS: I used this to convert the units into gallons

There was a chart/pic long time ago where there were most of the cars fuel consumptions. I tried to find it but i failed

PS2: This info might not be 100% correct

4L/100 km is a strange result. It's what you could get with a modern small car built to save fuel which the XRT is not.

For such a car 10l/100km at 90/100 on a straight would be a minimum! My guess would be at least 15l/100km
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I agree with the decision, I don't like governments propping up failed companies just to save us from potential troubles, because we have faced those same problems before and come through them stronger than before, it stinks of certain parties just trying to stay in power at the next elections. I say let the companies die off, and let the arseholes that caused all of this jump off the roofs of their fancy skyscrapers. We can tighten our belts for a while and stop spending money we don't have. It might even make houses affordable for new time buyers.

In that case I think the US gouvernment should cause it is fully responsible for what happened.

This domino effect is a consequences of the sub prime (nothing new here) but those stinky papers which were nothing more than a con (overrated trash) have only been possible because the regulatory system didn't do its job.

I don't like my country for many reasons but at least such a con would not have been possible here!

1st failure: letting poor people get ridiculously large and hazardous (the rate) loans
2nd failure: The COB screwed up in epic proportion here!
S2 licensed
Yasunori Mitsuda
Yoko Shimomura
Motoi Sakuraba
Nobuo Uematsu
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :According to dimensional theory we are already dead - that is to say, in some dimensions we're already done, and in other dimensions will live a lot longer than we will in this dimension. I seem to manage in our own dimensions just fine. Interestingly, in the concept of dimensions physics, we're probably pretty low lifeforms on account of only being able to observe a small fraction of the universe. If there is a 'god'-like being then he would consequently think no more of us than we do of atoms.

We tend to have a very linear concept about death, we seem to think that somehow our 'soul' gets re-used in other creatures, or we have an infinite existence of past and future and this life in the middle is just a stepping stone. Well frankly how that can be justified in any rational context is just obsurd, what other animals get this eternal existence? And what purpose would an eternal existence serve to us?

Eternity is part of the carrot and stick concept of mind control. Nothing more. We are not eternal.

You have always been here
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Exactly - we have no memories before we came into being. So why should we when we go out of being? That doesn't make sense. And if reincarnation occured, what would be the point without being able to remember previous existences? And the odd people that say they can, occasionally, recall memories of a previous existance, could that not just be an overactive imagination?

And, technically, it's one of the mysteries of death!

Anyone watch Derren Brown last night? The 5 mysteries and getting 'experts' to say he was legit at all of them? Shows how easily tricked the human mind can be.

It's exactly the same when you're dreaming.
You don't remember your awaken life and thus are unable to realize that you are actually dreaming (well most of the time).

The fact that you don't remember something doesn't mean it never happened. You think that there was nothing before you were born! maybe you just forgot it!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I'm the opposite way round. Behing NAT the need for a firewall is greatly diminished, and they can be a right pain in the ass at times too. A better solution is to have a dedicated hardware firewall so your CPU isn't busy with packet inspection.

Virus on the other hand, I get emailed about two per day in spam. Although I delete all spam straight away, it's nice to see they're already deinfected by this point.

I like the control the firewall give me over my computer. Weirdly I'm more preocupied by what gets out than what could get in.

Plus, now firewall ask your approval to let programs do some potentially hazardous operations on your computer? It's very useful sometime if you don't get paranoid.

For the AV it's true that it's a necessary evil for people who uses mail retreiver programs as mails are copied on your hard disk. I use only webmail (gmail and hotmail actually) and I don't open suspicious mails.
S2 licensed
Firewall: Yes , definitively!

AV: Probably not. Well if you're not clicking everywhere or using weird crack downloaded on websites sponsored by porn you should be ok!
S2 licensed
Wow 10 miles is impressive. You improved quite a lot it seems. I never went above 14kms.

I stopped running 11.6 km a week cause my knee started to be painful. Now I reduced to 5.8 km.

My track has a lot of elevation changes and U turns so it's hard to do comparison but my pb is 26.15s which is 7 min 16 s a mile. It's not fast but compared to my physical condition one year ago it's not bad .

Cheers for the marathon if you get there it will be an impressive achievement!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :There are new cars and tracks being made, as well as existing work being polished. Although nobody knows when they're going to be released, and I don't know what is planned to be included in S2, and what will be part of a future package.

...Dreaming of rally pack

Who knows! ( you maybe ). Well let's go back to Stalker
S2 licensed
Maybe it can create a blackhole but since its gravity power and lifespan depend on his mass it would would be totaly harmless and would last for a ridiculous amount of time.

Plus as they said there are collisions with much more energy than happen all the time on the edge of our atmosphere and earth is still there!

and anyway I heard that chuck norris is working on the case
S2 licensed
Quote from anbiddulph :the way i see it is that once something reaches a certian size, it would stop srinking, isnt it the atoms getting closer together what makes freezing liquids smaller? then wouldnt it get to a stage where the atoms cannot get any more compacted?

When atoms get very close to 0 K, they start to mate with each other in a fantastic quantic gang bang. The realisator of this porn movie is Bose and the productor is einstein.
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :it does take a while to make a car right? im guessing IF any new car comes, it wont be for atleast another year.

Maybe for a car like the Sirocco there's a lot of driving aids (not needed for any car yet) that needed to be coded.

And since it's a real world car replica it have to match the real car performance more accuratly and it surely takes much more time than for a car that have no nothing to be compare to.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :My take is: Since there is a fully usable Scirocco in the GC version already, it can't be that long... I know it might need polishing, but that wouldn't take months, now would it?

So my guess is this: Either Scawen doesn't want to make a patch just for the Scirocco (and - seeing the steering wheel turns 900° - new animations as well) or the deal isn't sealed completely yet (be it details of the usage of the Scirocco or - interpreting into Scawen's vague post - there is more to come).

About the Scirocco itself: it isn't in my theoretical 10-car garage, but bring it on!
The only downside I see with this deal: No other manufacturer will get his car into LfS anymore, if it isn't in a league of its own... They simply won't run the risk of being displayed as inferior to a competitor product...

Most of people who buy a road car don't buy it for its racing performance

Fuel saving, comfort, security, design, etc..
S2 licensed
Quote from eRaptor :lol, that would be quite a challenge!

About the scirocco, you must agree with me that is not the same to drive a regular road car (out of the stand) and to drive an "improved for racing" car.

All I said is that LFS is a racing simulator, and as a racing simulator it would make more sense to include a racing (more thrilling) version of the car.

A car exciting to drive IRL is not necessary as exciting in a sim.

Personnaly race spec cars are just plain boring in a sim. But well it 's a matter of taste

Quote from eRaptor :
Concenpt of LFS?! I'm sure, despite is possible to race them, bringing a wheelchair or a lawnmower to LFS wouldn't be really an improvement...

If we get the hospital corridor track with it it could be
S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I agree with you RS1T, I hate seeing useless remarks made towards cruisers or drifters. This negative attitude has to stop. Drifters have been here ever since LFS 0.1 was released over 5 years ago. Cruisers have appeared more recently, ever since InSim got that major update, but they are also here to stay. As for future updates, I don't think cruisers and drifters have much to ask for, cruisers don't care for physics updates (they only want the red-white barrier bug fixed already dammit!!!), and drifters only want R3 tires on the XRT (which they'll never get). That's about it, so I don't see why any mod would get so worked up about these groups asking for improvements.

Cruisers and drifters are here to stay and I will personally flame the next person who insults them as I too enjoy a good cruise every once in a while.

If it was the case they would cruise on Test drive unlimited on not in LFS.

BTW cruising is cool (I like it personnaly) but as already said this game was sold as a racing sim and it would be some kind of betrayal over its first commitment to work in that direction.

I wonder if one day Scavier could sold its physic engine to another game. Would be nice a GTA with LFS engine
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from noskillz :+1 for a locked setup car.

at least nothing beyond what could be done inside a garage.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Not much diversity? It's going to be the only real tintop in the game. It's going to be the only tintop from the 21st Century in the game. The only car anywhere near it is the FXO. All the others are way different, both in size, engine power and looks.

No wonder the devs don't release info about their new cars and tracks, when people come along and piss all over it...

I'm not spitting on it I'm just being unoptimistic. It's a cultural thing maybe

I guess the 3d model of the car is provided with the contract so it's probably a good deal in term of contents/dev time

By the way when i talk about diversity I mean something a little bit deeper than another small FWD. Something like a road/race truck (not a pick up), a buggy, a kart, an heavy (something close to 2000 kilos) and powerful road car, a rally car, a car from the beginning of the century, a very old formula 1, etc....
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :it is FWD, see Scawen's post on page 2...

I just lost the little bit of enthousiam I had about this car.

Well at least it is a road car.
S2 licensed
Doesn't seem to bring much diversity to the game.

Well hopefully it will be a AWD, so we have some kind of hatchback rally car competitor for the RB4.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .