Hopefully they will fail at building a sufficient community to pay their bill and will change their princing policy.
The size of the community is an important factor in one's decision to subscribe to such a game. With a game like LFS the community increase continuously since nobody really gets out. You can always put the game aside and come back later.
Here, even if there's enough potential players ready to pay the price, they probably won't get in at the same time and will all experience a game with a too small community to be interesting. Eventually they'll get out leaving the game as a "month trial and goodbye"!
And well, let's face it, if the online part is not satisfying for this reason at least, this game is going to be hacked to death for its solo part.
Well considering that you can find Bus race out there I guess you'll always find people nuts enough to race anything, from a supermarket kart to a rocket propelled wheel chair!
Who cares if they are too expensive for racing? This is a game.
Even if nobodies race it IRL (well there's not enough of them to make a race anyway), it is still physically possible and actually physics are the only boundaries of a simulation. Not real life behaviors.
BTW that part of the interest of a simulation. You can also do things too dangerous or too expensive to be done IRL.
Well I'm not for the Veyron but only because it's full of electronics craps that would make it far too difficult to be simulated properly. We'd probably end up with a terrible result.
Weirdly I received the birthday message on the email adress I input on my account when I bought the game. I changed my account email a long time ago but it seems the website is still using the first one!
It helps keeping the suggestions inside a limited space.
If they close the improvement suggestions, people will just start posting them everywhere in the forum.
Plus i'm not as sure as you about the Devs not taking some suggestion into account. Even if it's 3 % of all the suggestions made it's still worth having such a forum.
As it will probably never be recognized by the UN (Russia and probably China will use their veto to prevent it) it's hard to call it a country.
It's pretty much a Nato recognition which represents what? 1/4 of the world? It's a good deal for NATO as they will be able to put military bases in this region. From my point of view it's the main goal of this joke.
I wonder what would happen if one day in the future the world (understand NATO) was to busy with something else to protect the Kosovo. It might become nasty around there! Well it wouldn't be something new in the Balkan!