The game is total crap. The character evolution system is totally shallow ( even compared to mass effect 1), there's basically no real equipement/inventory and the story line is ridiculous.
In the end it is just a shooter and not and especially good one.
The few good things of mass effect 1 have been thrown to the recycle bin.
But it's not important as long as you have fun.
I tend personaly to favorize steam even when the price is slightly higher than the box version (including shipping)
The dirt arena has already been requested but still it would be a wonderfull addition to the game.
I can't understand why it is not there already.
It must not be that hard to build a flat square area. It would be what? A hour of work for eric and it would boost the game to heaven
Well if you haven't heard of it, it's a Diablo like (could say a clone).
The devellopers are from the team that made Diablo!
Well done, very polish, some very good ideas like the pet. It's not a revolution but if you enjoyed diablo you'll like this one.
The graphism are cartoonish, a bit like world of warcraft (I know it is evil). It gives the game this feeling of something simple but nice to the eyes.
I don't have the time to try the new semi-patch and probably won't for few weeks but the new mutiple screen FOV thing look like one of the best improvement we had in a very long time.
I guess I won't have anymore to chose between a realistic but side-blind view and an unrealistic distorded one.