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S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Well there you have it then.

New Indy car design:
- drivers lie completely flat on their backs in the fully-enclosed, windowless cockpit
- driver wears a helmet with a HUD and video display from a roll bar mounted camera (centered instead of offset like the TV cams)
- some small windows may be an option so that the driver can see in case of a malfunction of the video display
- controls are otherwise normal

We'll call it Indy LugeCar.

Was not really the point of my post.
It was more a response to the 9 g limits.

Under right condition the human body can take a lot. Up to 50g for a very short time.
Under wrong conditions 3g are enough to knock you down.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote :Early experiments showed that untrained humans were able to tolerate 17 g eyeballs-in (compared to 12 g eyeballs-out) for several minutes without loss of consciousness or apparent long-term harm
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :Took me around 42 hours to play it till the end (including all the downloadable content (new character Zaed, Normandy crash site etc.).

A great story of course - Nicely told - Nice characters etc.
BUT (for me) the biggest disappointment - there is nothng to drive.
I want my Mako back

Scanning Planets gets really boring after a while and why the hell did I scanned almost 70 % of them if there are not enough things (weapons etc.) to upgrade. Still got from almost everything (Platinum, Palladium etc. 200.000) but nothing left to buy, to upgrade or to explore.

The story really got me and I wanted to know how it ends (couldn't stop playing it.) but the universe map with all these planets suggests that there would be much more (at least more little sidequests) then there really are.

At least I had lots of fun playing it and it was worth waiting for.
Hopefuly ME3 will again have something to drive in it, everything else would be sad.

Hasn't the game been released less than 24 hours ago?
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :The inventory system in ME1 was ridiculous, no one could have gotten any enjoyment from that.

I fully agree but it was due to its poor ergonomics.

The weapon dual customization system was not that
thoughtful but still it was fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :half way through...
It is amazing game, Storyline and gameplay reminds me good old Star wars KOTOR, well perhaps without lightsabers and better graphics. It is absolutely stunning game imo. I think i started with wrong direction: I'll try the first after i've finished secondone .

I think bioshock(almost finished also ) has to wait for some time now...

would like to see those reviews.

It is in french

The game is bashed mainly because it goes towards over simplification. It seems that players thought Mass Effect 1 too complicated.

But still the general atmosphere is very good and the actor play wonderful. This is not enough to make a good game tho
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
The tests I have read are not encouraging.

The game is total crap. The character evolution system is totally shallow ( even compared to mass effect 1), there's basically no real equipement/inventory and the story line is ridiculous.

In the end it is just a shooter and not and especially good one.

The few good things of mass effect 1 have been thrown to the recycle bin.

The trailers are very good tho
S2 licensed
Quote from Zay :Yes, but there is a debate about a huge black hole in the center of spiral galaxy's, and we, like you said would have to be fairly close, but if you look at the actuall distance in numbers it seems like alot.

Just about 40,000 Light years away.

Well in about 2 billions years we will have a bigger one wandering around with a bunch of suns circling around him.
That's gonna be a big mess
S2 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Steam matches your IP to the store

So a UK player can't buy stuff from the German store

I was talking of amazon.
Amazon uk is very interesting nowadays with the pound eating dust.
S2 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :. Expensive to import from another country
5 €
. Takes alot of time
Not more than downloading the game
. Is not in French
I haven't tried it myself but it seems from other voices that you can choose french in the available languages

I don't care I'm just happy with it Having fun

But it's not important as long as you have fun.
I tend personaly to favorize steam even when the price is slightly higher than the box version (including shipping)
S2 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :It's on UK so it wouldn't even be possible... And I don't care cause I want it in French

Why is that?
S2 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :Your opinion is crap Source games rock
Just bought Dragon Age for 37€... Still not supa cheap but better than 50€

It is sold for 13 £ on amazon
S2 licensed
I bought Mirror's edge during thanksgiving for the same price as yesterday and I'm already an absolute fan.
Best point to point racing game ever!
S2 licensed
You just need to stand on the pole of a massive blackhole just after it eat something big and you'll go very close to the speed of light in no time.
S2 licensed
The dirt arena has already been requested but still it would be a wonderfull addition to the game.

I can't understand why it is not there already.
It must not be that hard to build a flat square area. It would be what? A hour of work for eric and it would boost the game to heaven
S2 licensed
Quote from DoC_uk :Just curious as to what the guys outside the UK are paying for Win7 ... from what I gather from the lemmings that 'just bought regardless' about £70 ish for the basic home ...

I realise that the home pro will be £120 .. my question is ...The os it worth it?

I bought mine on Amazone UK ( the Pro version ~180 € with shipping)) but in France it's not too far from 300 €!
S2 licensed
7 X64 Pro

Pretty satisfied so far.
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :I tried the demo, it's actually the best diablo clone I have ever played. Still, I won't buy it because of one massive flaw: NO MULTIPLAYER. Honestly, that was where most of the fun lies with those games.

I think it is planned. But they didn't give any details.
S2 licensed
The game has been released this week.

Well if you haven't heard of it, it's a Diablo like (could say a clone).
The devellopers are from the team that made Diablo!

Well done, very polish, some very good ideas like the pet. It's not a revolution but if you enjoyed diablo you'll like this one.
The graphism are cartoonish, a bit like world of warcraft (I know it is evil). It gives the game this feeling of something simple but nice to the eyes.

The skills tree seems interesting so far.

It cost 20$ or 16 € if you buy it on Steam

Anyone tried it?
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :What you want to do is unlock them, then move EVERY axis through it's full range of motion, then re-lock them. Turn your wheel full left-right, press all your pedals all the way down then let them go back up.

When you re lock the axises it keeps the settings how they should be. If you don't lock them you may have to recalibrate every time you start LFS.

S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Try to look here.

I found it.

The axis were locked (defult setting). I unlock tham and it worked.

Thanks for the help
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :That's because you have your brakes fully applied. Try to invert its axis in options > controls > axes.

That solves the wheel problem

But I can't find how to use the brake
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Have you assigned the right axis to steering?

Steering works fine in the LFS option and in windows option.

I attached the replay to my 1st post
S2 licensed
I thought I didn't have time but I found it.

All issues solved
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
I don't have the time to try the new semi-patch and probably won't for few weeks but the new mutiple screen FOV thing look like one of the best improvement we had in a very long time.

I guess I won't have anymore to chose between a realistic but side-blind view and an unrealistic distorded one.
