If they stop driving as if they were alone , crashing into your car and stop turning mad with the fastest car after few laps i ll be very happy with the result
There would be an equipement issue too! With a real car you can't move the stick if you don't push the clutch. Idealy your G 25 (if it s what you 're using) would block the stick until the pedal is pushed! If the game doesn't allow the preselection then we will end up with another irealistic thing. I mean having the stick into on a certain gear but with no change in gear forcing you to do something that would never happen in real life!
I don't know if i m really clear here sorry
Yep, as it has already been said, you are a real event simulator kind of player! Not a real physics one! There s no big deal with that, there's space for everyone but LFS is clearly not a game for you
I would die for narrower tracks! IMO The game definitively lacks it. Wide tracks are ok with the fastest cars but boring with the others. A spa clone would be the same as what we already have! Useless
I sometimes like to play on city driving servers for this reason! They have narrow segments that are a way more interesting to drive than the original tracks
You forget the mouse! Sometime you need to let go the mouse to reach the keyboard but with enough action put on your joystick and on the mouse it does not happen so often!
It's a privacy matter! I know that you can change it in your account anytime you want but it affects also the forum and the only alternative choice is the wheel flag. Not really sexy IMO!
Only if we can choose the flag (not something coming from our account : privacy blablabla) and it would be cool if we could add our own flag (homemade)