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S2 licensed
According to the pool the devs have made a mistake when they chose the game's price! They should have sold it for 200£
S2 licensed
Quote from StewartFisher :Or you could believe that the state has a God-given right to punish criminals, using the death penalty if the crime is deemed severe enough.

To me punishment is about retribution, not rehabilitation. Try to rehabilitate criminals if you like, but it shouldn't come at the expense of punishing them for their wrongdoing. If their wrongdoing is severe enough, execute them.

I like the Fyodor Dostoevsky's quotation "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons"

A retribution kind of justice is a characteristic of barbaric cultures! The Talion Law blablabla...
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :It's quite simple - killing people is wrong. Whether it's cold-blooded murder in the heat or passion, or institutionalised murder by the state. None of us, no human being, has the right to hand out life or death on their whim. Every living thing has the right to life, to be safe, to be protected and be loved. When we deny another person those rights, we become no better than the murders we're condemning.

That's the path to stagnation!
S2 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :I think i speak for all of New Zealand when i say


But seriously NZ aint as rosey as you all probably think

No elves?
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :Six. I forgot Japan has death penalty too, so I stand corrected by myself. Why is this fact relevant? Because G8 countries all share some common traits: they're industrially advanced, they're fully formed democracies, they're countries where civil liberties are considered good, at least to some extent.

Maybe you should say G7 then, cause Russia has become very scary on this point since Vladimir putin is in charge! Hell, they are sending political opp ... psychiatric etablishments
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed

At the very beginning I thought it was serious :bowdown:

"The future is the past"
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Name a government who doesn't practice murder as punishment.

Quote from :Two-thirds of the countries in the world have now abolished the death penalty in law or practice.
Amnesty International's latest information shows that:
  • 90 countries and territories have abolished the death penalty for all crimes;
  • 11 countries have abolished the death penalty for all but exceptional crimes such as wartime crimes;
  • 29 countries can be considered abolitionist in practice: they retain the death penalty in law but have not carried out any executions for the past 10 years or more and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions,
  • making a total of 130 countries which have abolished the death penalty in law or practice.
  • 67 other countries and territories retain and use the death penalty, but the number of countries which actually execute prisoners in any one year is much smaller.

[edited by SamH to try to fix the quote]
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :lmao OWNED !!

Please don't ban me!

On topic - Without turning this into a flame war, i REALLY think America need to re-assess the Death Penalty - it doesn't seem to work as a deterrant, and i do worry if it just stops them needing a bed free for the prisoners life.

I don't know if it is the same as here in france (well report I saw on TV made me beleive that it is the case) but to make their leaving bearable prisoners need money and therefore they have to work. Those jobs are nothing but full exploitation and I'm pretty sure that their work is more than enough to cover the cost of their leaving for the society.

A less hardcore version of the laojiao!
S2 licensed
I am against death penalty as I consider that it is a too much easy way out for a governement from its responsabilities! I mean it raises its citizens or accepts those that enter its country and thus is responsible if one of them turn bad.

But is it really worst than being lock up for the rest of your life? I'd rather be kill quickly!
S2 licensed
I just finished to watch the entire Babylon 5 serie again!
It looks old some time but that TV show still rocks
S2 licensed
Shouldn't we make a TV shows thread instead?
S2 licensed
Deep Forest - Bohemian Ballet
S2 licensed
Could we have an access to the page where all the skins were stored?
I should have downloaded them earlier but...

If it's there I don't see it!
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :It would be the same for your photoshopped picture.

It seems that you are right :dopey:
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Of course it is. Just set the FOV lower

Nop it twists the picture and the sense of speed is different.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I think the question has to be - why would you want to restrict what you can see even more? By adding the pillar in there (which if you ask me is too far forward anyway) and the roof, you're cutting off valuable field of view.

And with the camera that far forward it's like you're steering with your elbows. Also, you can't see revs, fuel or speed.

The idea is to create a more realistic experience by not allowing you to see more than what you would see from the drivers eyes. The lost of field of view is a choice and this view is only proposed as an alternative to the second view if my first sentence concern you.

For the rev, fuel etc... You would see the virtual indicators as it works already for the second view I posted.

Whether it is a default view or something feasable through the view system i don't care.
S2 licensed
Quote from CodieMorgan :Please.... stop!

If people want this view in their cars, they will adjust it themselves!

The point is that this view is not possible within the LFS view system ! No matter what you do!

I used photoshop to create the 3rd one.
S2 licensed
Yep mangas drawing is really an art!

About the cockpit view!
S2 licensed
Not to long ago lfs got the forced cokpit view option and it brought to the table the question "is the actual cockpit view realistic"

I already said what I'm going to explain but I didn't explain what I meant with images.

The cockpit view as we have it forces us to see 2 times the ~50 cm/20 inches space between our eyes and our screen.

If we move the camera forward we get rid of this inconvenient but we have a better view over the bonnet that we should in reality and it can be considered as an unfair advantage.

A solution to this problem could be a camera starting from the driver's eyes but focusing more on the windshield.

The cockpit view

The camera moved forward

The camera focused on the windshield
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Just do the math, most of them watch Animé im not saying most people who watch Animé will be that type of person, although, my first post sounded like that, im just saying most Child Abusers Watch animé.

Any source? From here it looks like the kind of bullshit you can find on a lobotomized monkey's blog ! No offense for the monkeys.

There was child abusers eons before the first anime!

Most of the time, when you hear about a child abuser, he is an over 40 years old man. Not really the population that watch animes.

A LOT of catolic priest have been convicted of child abuse. I'm sure they watch animes between 2 masses.

I'm sure most of the child abusers must enjoy movies, therefore most of those who like movies must be child abusers. You follow me?
S2 licensed
The idea is interesting but why "Thanks" instead of "I agree" or "+1" if it is what it is supposed to mean?
S2 licensed
Quote from vf1-xj220 :it´s wonderful to see everyone taking care of the developers and the whole project status...

as some proposed before... i would like to make things clear on how i think it might work perfectly

S1 and S2 licenses should remain as they are now, with their initial fee only, with constant main engine optimizations and pretty much like how S1 has coexisted along with S2.

S3 will charge monthly (subscriptions that can be bought in packs of 3, or 6 months or even a year for further discounts), but it´ll charge only for extra content that might demand constant development and a steady amount of income for projects such as the CTRA, regulated championships, evolving racing models, dynamic aging of tracks, and all the wonderful things that actually happen in the motorsports world.

i would actually love to see my car´s suspension to be wrecked by a poorly newly installed patch in blackwood´s asphalt, content that surprises us every time that we enter a championship. it is my fault for not realizing that it was actually damaging my car, althoug it was placed over the ideal raceline. LFS is too perfect from my point of view... greatest thing ever was the wind... added an extra flavor to the race, and takes out the great drivers who can handle that kind of variables.

these kind of things demands constant development and a steady income to work... and i think that the maintenance of the aditional content or even some of the new content of the game would not interfere with the coding process of scawen... so nobody will be nosing into his code... and he might get more people to work in other areas that demand more time than coding.

and about the patch Y... don´t sweat it guys.. take the holiday while we enjoy the wonders of patch X.... although bigger signal lights and a horn for the start of the race would be great

aka commercial suicide :tombstone
S2 licensed
I'm not an anime freak but I enjoy watching or reading anime/manga from time to time.
Actually I'm only watching Claymore ( Action oriented but very entertaining) and still reading Berserk when a chapter come out (the manga should be finished in 20 years or so , it is already 15 years old )
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Then make sure you edit the ini, I posted settings earlier to this topic, I run SSE exe but no SSE exe does work well too, but it is important to edit ini to have those certain parameters correct, for some reason it does not work otherwise.

It worked!

Thanks a lot

The car's not easy to control and the gear box is really short but this game is a blast
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Congrats! Remember to get 1.20 patch, link was somewhere in this thread.

I did test bit of Lada mod car and it is really nice, not for beginners for sure, but very enjoyable to drive, also very difficult to drive, 4 minutes at Harwood Forest and lot of errors, look here is video from it

One thing to remember is also that don't concentrate too much to next corner, but corner after that, you just need to keep car and momentum of the car to direction you like to go, hard to explain, but you need to think lot more ahead than on track, car is not meant to grip and you have to manipulate slides so that you are moving correct direction for next corner, while carrying as much speed as possible trough corners. Steering is used just to keep angle from changing too quickly and it is pretty much throttle and brakes that is used to turn car together with momentum. Something like that...

The game keeps crashing in the menu!

I haven't even been able to complete the control setting once. it always crashes at some point. At the very beginning I saw in a bracket "No SSE" which could explain the problem since my CPU is too old to know those instructions. Well I guess I'll have to wait for a new computer. Maybe in november!

Edit: The game was updated to v1.02