The online racing simulator
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S2 licensed
With the fossil energies lobby's interest at stake truth have taken a very long vacation. We are throwing a lot of gas we wouldn't want to breath into the atmosphere, depleting the seas of all life, ****ing forests, putting nuclear waste whoever knows where, exterminating entire species by making them kind of homeless but everything's fine. It's a crazy scientists conspiracy to get money for their research. Don't worry your uber-consumption style of life is actually balancing the planet.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :lol like the idea! my suggestion - an actual freakin race sim thats REAL!!! (no black ice for instance!) the reason other sims dont have it is because it aint freakin real!!! REAL tracks dont have black ice, thats what marshalls are hired for, to test the condition of the track. everyone bought lfs for the reality factor, didnt they?

There's realism regarding the reproduction of real race events and realism regarding the laws of physics. It's probably just me but I really don't care about the first one.

And what I find interesting with simulations is that we can do things we couldn't do in real life not because it's physically impossible but because it would be too costly and/or too dangerous!
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from word. :Here is a simple explination. and another Basically it would make the road textures, tyre textrues, car skins and everything look awesome.

I too would rather have better physics over better graphics, but I think that improved graphics is important for the long run.

edit: oh, and if you wan't to know what LFS graphics will look like in 10 years time compared to what will be out then, just look at Quake graphics

I didn't get the feel that graphisms were getting better at a constant rate! It has slow down a lot and i think it won't go much further since game companies don't have infinite budget!
Rfactor use Dx9 features but is still far from being as good looking as LFS (I'm not talking about replay).
Few things could get better around the tracks tho! Like the trees but it's far from being a priority.
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :I'd love to see the brakes failing and that heavy racing truck understeering into that Porcshe in the background.

I wonder if they would actually even fell the porsche
S2 licensed
I couldn't care less!
S2 licensed
Mixing races trucks with pickups
I'd love to get racetrucks but pickups are not really sexy and the 2 of them have pretty much nothing in common

Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
I don't play much cause i'm short on time! So I'm not really bored with the game yet.
I fell like a kid waiting for his chrismas gift with LFS patches.
S2 licensed
Nice video
Now I want the same in LFS
S2 licensed
I'm not interested in racing events (unless I'm driving something myself )
S2 licensed
Maybe it's possible to make it simple.
For exemple using one core for your car's physics and data sent to your GPU and using other cores to calculate other player's or AI's Physics.
It doesn't seem so complicated but maybe i'm utterly wrong here!
S2 licensed
I'm not interrested in real tracks but I'd like some totally original modded tracks! With weird layouts and environement
S2 licensed
Susumu Hirasawa - Sign
S2 licensed
I'm just curious!
Is there any league with multiple divisions?
I mean like football! People going up or down from one division to another if they are at the top or bottom of their division!
S2 licensed
I'd like to but my current equipment makes leagues out of my league
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Ultimate conspiracy theory:
FEMA analyst #1: "Hey, let's leave something out so the conspiracy theorists can waste time looking at what's not there and thousands of websites with videos of the devil's face in the smoke of the WTC can pop up all over the place!"
FEMA analyst #2: "O co-worker what a sinister plan thou hast hatched! And as they are looking for what is not there we can do even more sinister planning!"

Sure there's a lot of stupid websites about this subject but as Nietzsche said "The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
S2 licensed
I would love to join if my computer was not so old (Even with 20 players my FPS would be deadly slow) and my connection a little better (when I 'm lucky I get only 3 deconnections each evening)!
S2 licensed
Quote from audimasta :"We're sorry but Episode 2 needed to be taken down and will be back up shortly. We're sorry for any inconvienance this may have caused."

Maybe they are off to correct the errors about LFS?

If someone can't wait and want to see it badly it's still on stage6!
S2 licensed
It was nice to watch from the beginning to the end. I Really liked the redline guy's tutorial.

Maybe for LFS you could also have said that dynamic weather and a decent clutch model are still missing even if it will probably be added somewhere in the future.

And thanks to your interview with victor we got a littlle hint about future cars (buggy and kart )
S2 licensed
There's really few anime that i found worth watching IMO:

Cowboy Bebop
Wings of Honeamise
Saint seiya ( well not the first 35 episodes)
Now and then Here and There
Mononoke Hime (Princess mononoke)
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (spirited away/ le voyage de chihiro)
Berserk ( even if it's a piece of crap compare to the Manga)
S2 licensed
A bit of chinese
Some faraway memories of German and japanese
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :ive played the game allot , but were can i buy it? Im getting very good at France especiallt the hairpins are going great with my e-brake, very fun game and addictive as GPL ... 211-39C5CBB47A2A&Fr=0

If you can go through the french website, the game have many languages
S2 licensed
Quote from breadfan :LFS definetly needs something like this

A trackmania track with the LFS physics would be ...
S2 licensed
Quote from gohfeld23 :Lol, as an American, you should be able to spell "spelled".
Especially when complaining about spelling mistakes.

Actually you can use both spelled and spelt! Even if spelt fells more natural to me
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Scooby-Doo! The famous four-leg drive canine of Hanna-Barbera fame.

It's sort of a nickname for Subarus.

I see
S2 licensed
What scooby means?
This word's not even in my english dictionnary