As long as it would remain optional I don't disagree on principal but re-drawing the road cars interiors would take a lot of Eric's time.
I would prefer him to work on new cars or new tracks instead of doing this.
I bought LFS months before I got a wheel!
And weirdly at first one of the things that made me bought it was the great "other controllers" support of this game!
I don't know if it's new but it can be anoying.
When I get outside of south city garage, if i don't go straight I 'm thrown away (some kind of grounded fly to the moon )
There's something I don't get in your post (and in other one's too).
You can aford a computer and an internet connection (quite expensive), maybe a wheel too (even a cheap one cost something like 2 time LFS) and you can't buy a licence?
BTW it 's just a way to be sarcastic toward someone who obviously want to play the victim role. Sorry I have no respect left for that!
You know the guy who want people to pity him!