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S2 licensed
Hot chocolate!

Sun or Rain?
S2 licensed
I'm an Intern in an investment bank's middle office!
S2 licensed
It might be better IMO to have a % instead of (or with) a time difference for the world record comparison.
I mean: + (own time / World best) -1
S2 licensed
Merry Christmas All
S2 licensed
As long as it would remain optional I don't disagree on principal but re-drawing the road cars interiors would take a lot of Eric's time.
I would prefer him to work on new cars or new tracks instead of doing this.
S2 licensed
Quote from minage :2 licenses and no wheel.
c'mon that doesn't make any sense.

Nevermind...when i can i'll buy the license
now i'll play old version or other games...

I bought LFS months before I got a wheel!
And weirdly at first one of the things that made me bought it was the great "other controllers" support of this game!
S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :Just 120 (1/3)

No i mean
120 (2/3) (1eye) + 60 (1/3) (2eyes)
S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :I just put on my helmet and it does not abstuct my vision in any way except for in the down direction, as long as I don't move my eyes.

I say eye rather than eye(s) because the other one doesn't add to the maximum field of vision angle.

Just 60° (1/3)
S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :Actually the average human eye has a FOV of 120 degrees so 90 is not anywhere close to that.

I have mine at 110 so that I can still read the guages, but also can see as much in game in cockpit as I do in my car IRL.

Edit:Its called peripheral vision, so unless you have tunnel vision, then you should be able to see 120 degrees around without turning your eyeballs.

Are you one-eyed?
It's weird to talk about 1 eyes FOV .
Usually you use your both eyes at the same time

And well even if the human FOV is around 180 degrees the helmet reduces it to a lower value!
S2 licensed
I'm still dreaming of a huge Dirt (rallycross) autocross area
S2 licensed
Quote from Electric Eye :I wonder what would have happened if everyone loved the new BMW in demo, you would cry about demo racers getting a new faster car?

I think S2 licenced people are more annoy by the sound of demo players whining than by the whatever demo content!
S2 licensed
Quote from Electric Eye :It is and most of the people actually get s2 eventually when they can.

It's easy to say for grown ups - uh it's not much only 24 quid! Buy it!WHat if the person hasn't got money or even if has a credit card how is he going to pay for it?

I'm pretty sure they didn't choose the content of the demo out of charity and for the payment, even without a credit card there are many way around.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electric Eye :I never said the new car is bad, I love it but everyone misses XRT, yes we have three cars. No one uses the first two. Especialy XRG (or whatever it is called)

60 minute limit on demo? Great idea, for most newbies it takes a lot longer to figure out how to drive a car, especially youngsters.

Well the purpose of a Demo is not to satisfy but to tease!
Collision Bug south city pit
S2 licensed
I don't know if it's new but it can be anoying.
When I get outside of south city garage, if i don't go straight I 'm thrown away (some kind of grounded fly to the moon )
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from UruNico2641 :Honestly, I just got tired of complaining, and whats worse, I don't have enough money to buy S2... so now I am going to just lay back from LFS, its been a great part of my life, but Patch Y ruins demo users... and to be honest..

I know that S2 people don't care... but seriously, wouldn't you be a bit annoyed if you couldn't afford it, and you couldn't use the most used car in LFS History?

Oh well... I'm gonna regrettably start searching for something else.. Frown

I will never forget LFS, but I just don't have the same feeling now with Patch Y... its just not as fun.. I just wish S2 was budget friendlier.


PS. Happy Holidays.

There's something I don't get in your post (and in other one's too).
You can aford a computer and an internet connection (quite expensive), maybe a wheel too (even a cheap one cost something like 2 time LFS) and you can't buy a licence?
S2 licensed
I find most of the cars a way easier to recover when the rear start to slide but I have no idea if it is more or less realistic
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :So you mean that he's playing a role to get? friends? S2?

Man, Micheal I'm very sorry. I (we) thought that we'd loose our gran too. But she's back up again.

Yes 42 is exactly the answer
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Maelstrom, we can never gurantee that whats written on this forum is true or not. We do not know the person behind the words, but that doesn`t mean we have the right to belive it`s wrong.
If you think anything negative about this topic, and just want to write something that is aboslute tasteless, please don`t.
It`s better if you go somewhere else, instead of hurting people`s feelings.

To Micky, sad to hear. I know some familys that just`s evil to say, unlucky. They seems to be strucked by one tragedie after the other, and there seems to be no end to it. I feel sorry for every family that has lost a loved one, it hurts, and there will allways be a emty spot where that person used to be.

I have never been good with words, or making myself clear enough to get people understand me, but I just want you to know that I feel with you mate. I have only experience 1 death in my family, but it hurted. It helps to talk about it, write about it and just let it out, instead of keeping it inside you. If you do, you`ll end up tearing yourselfe apart from the inside.

I wish you a happy christmas, even if it probally will not be a happy one. You got support from people, and if you ever need someone to talk to, don`t be affraight to contact me or other people.

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :What about you? Taking a cheap shot like that, is that not attention seeking in itself? Deliberately posting something provoking and offensive, you knew it would get a reaction. This guy has had to deal with terrible things, each person will deal with them in different ways. I suspect he most likely wanted to share his problems and seek out others who had similar problems at this time of year. Or he may have just wanted to tell someone whats on his mind. If you can't respect that then your obviously ignorent of other peoples emotions and thoughts. Pity is not something people seek, because to have pity you must be in a terrible situation.

mickyc30, it seems that winter is when the horrible things all happen. My mother died a few days ago, I am just posting on here to keep busy and playing LFS to take my mind off it. She had cancer for a long time, and its a relief that she doesn't have to live with the pain anymore. One of the nurses said that winter seems to be the time that peoples bodies just give up, with the cold and the illnesses that go around. Winter is a very hard time if your body is already very weak. All you need to know is that you are never alone, and that life is what you make of it, if you focus on the bad things it will be bad, try to be positive about life and use your experiances to help others.

Best wishes to your Gran, my mum was given 6 months to live once, that was about 3 years ago, so hopefully your Gran will see this Christmas and the next. Be positive, keep your chin up, and know that there are always people out there who feel the same and are willing to listen.

I recommand (no disrespect inside) that you read a little bit about Transactional analysis and the games that people play!

Maybe you will agree with what it says and understand why your answers to him are wrong and doing him more bad than good!
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :...
Do you think you're funny or something?

Should I care?

BTW it 's just a way to be sarcastic toward someone who obviously want to play the victim role. Sorry I have no respect left for that!
You know the guy who want people to pity him!
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Well at least we can say that Bush is a terrible liar!
S2 licensed
Quote from mickyc30 :Today is the 2 year aniversery of my brothers death by lukemia, last week was the 1 year aniversery of my dads death also by cancer, 3 years ago my cousin was brutely murderd because of his new gf's x bf was jealous, that same year my grandad died.
Now my gran is in hospital fighting with hodkinsons disese and another form of cancer, the doctors say its unlikely that she will see christmas.
its strange how so many things happen around the same time, in such a short frame of time.
Christmas is going to suck, like it has for a long time now. i know alot of people take christmas for granted, but somepeople like myself dont.

Are you living around Tchernobil?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :You're telling me you have to look at a silly number on the dash to know what gear you're in? In the years I've raced without an H shifter I've never needed to look at it (when racing), change up when you see the rev limiter, after a couple of laps you only need to remember how many changes downs to make before each corner. I couldn't tell you off hand what gear I enter corners at in any car, I'd just tell you how many lower it was than whatever gear I reached before braking.

I use the speedo to check my speed out of a corner. Just to see if I managed to do a little bit better.
S2 licensed
Woh! even on sunday! No rest for scavier
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :But LFS cars aren´t new cars.

I have never used digital, I play without viewing the cockpit and with virtual gauges.

Neither are digital speedo in common cars!
S2 licensed
It would be nice if a selected setup for a specific combo was memorized and didn't come back to default each time we drive another combo!