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S2 licensed
Well even if it has already been sugested it's not in the over sugested list of things!

Actually it would probably not take much of the devs time to do it and would bring a lot to rally cross enthusiasts!

That part of the game of the game has been marginalized for a long time. It would be fair and I can't think of any potential new content that has a
bigger (benefit / dev time) ratio than this one!
S2 licensed
1680*1050 around 45°

Sometimes less depending on the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :Man, the handling of that sim is totally different then LFS, And i still prefer LFS. But Netcoding of NKpro is just brilliant, If LFS had no latency net...

Last time i played a car that was maybe 3 meters from me just teleported something like 50 cm on my side and I crashed on him!

It never happened to me in LFS
S2 licensed
There are only 2 things that make me wonder if I should buy it:
- The lack of content
- No IA (I'm a slow driver and sometime I need to do a race that doesn't end in a frustrating way )
S2 licensed
I'm much more impressed than I was when I first tried it.

The game's now playable and the car feel really natural. It's quite easy actually to recover when the rear start to slip!

I still don't like however the emulator like interface. It's rubbish
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Isn't this thread already about that game? As far as I can tell from reading the last page of that thread, it's available online, but not yet in stores in Europe

Indeed I didn't find it. The thread name 's not very obvious
DCS: Black Shark
S2 licensed
Did someone bought that game?

DCS: Black Shark

It looks very good and it's available but I can't find a test or even comments about it.
S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :I respect everyone. Its their choice. Its just I dont understand why you buy a Sim Game designed for racing you go cruising. Just my 2 cents. But if they want too go ahead. Too me it looks like a waste of money.

It seems that LFS is not the best racing game outthere anymore however it's still the best cruising one.
S2 licensed
Get my head out of my ass
S2 licensed
We don't need to get rid of the curent freedom regarding car setups.

We just need well made realistic almost locked stock setups for each road cars and the possibility to force it on server side.
S2 licensed
Isn't that car a bit slow for its power?
Well Maybe it's not built to go in a straight line for once

Agreed for the XJ220. Most gorgeous car ever
S2 licensed
Quote from Alistair :i think what we need is to bring back group B

Since FIA is managed by a group of drag queens I think it's not gonna happen during this century
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I'm not convinced they don't have more surprises in store.

Maybe the rest won't be ready before christmas and they don't won't to leave us with nothing next to the christmas tree.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :

hot damn! 1001 HP built for anything, drag, track, autox, general badassery

Quote from :The "F-bomb" belongs to David Freiburger, Cheif Editor of Hotrod Magazine. This is David's personal car which we built completely at Nelson Supercars to show what can be done with a high tech twin turbo Nelson Racing Engine... and a car designed around it. The 1973 Camaro has been caged, minitubbed, completely stripped to bare metal and powder coated the entire car. The motor is a 406 twin turbo that makes 1540 hp and 1527 lbs of torque. The F-Bomb was debuted at the 2006 SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Well it seems it's a little bit more powerful.
That car's absolutly absurb. Would be cool to have it in the game
S2 licensed
I wouldn't have bought the game if it wasn't worth its price so i was satified with the version I bought. I don't buy a promise.

Anything new is a bonus!
S2 licensed
Quote from titanLS :I guess I'll be the first to say... put iRacing on the list and I'll vote. It's king in the physics department right now, and to me that dictates the level of realism. Lfs has it beat in many other ways, but not the core aspects imo.

rFactor just sucks as a true sim. It looks great and that's it. The Vette from Niels and the Virtua Lemans tracks almost make up for it, but not quite. Anyone who says the tires act properly at their limit in rFactor has clearly never driven a real car. It just doesn't feel right no matter if you have Real Feel or whatever...

Have you even checked when that pool was created?
S2 licensed
Probably the best mod ever for Rfactor
S2 licensed
Quote from chuck palahniuk :We're the middle children of history.... no purpose or place. We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.

Seems appropriate here
S2 licensed
Can anyone tell or prove to anybody but himself whether the mind is a creation of the universe or the universe a creation of the mind?

Mine creates universes every night!
S2 licensed
Quote from detail :But that's true. These three are religions. Pagan beliefs, that usually have >1 gods, aren't. Religion's main distinctive features are that it tells you what's the development "trend" of the world (like gods kingdom on earth -> judgment day) and gives you some goals. In pagan beliefs you live as you want using the powers of whatever god/spirit you like.

You looked at the formula the wrong way!

Quote from wikipedia :A religion is a set of tenets and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, or religious law.

- You can beleive in god without joining any religion
- Technicaly a religion doesn't need a god to be a religion
- That's not for you but the religions are not restricted to jews, muslims and christians
- There's not one clear definition of what a god is or should be. Somes are lightyears away from the Christians' one.
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Yup, just most dont know which of their many Gods they are praying too. It's a sort of monothiestic religion - on the grounds it's easier to get believers from Pagans, Druids, Heathens and Infidels if you don't start out on the basis that their religion is wrong. It's far better to tell them "yes there is a river fairy, but she answers to Yahweh.".

I reckon, with enough cynicism, it might be possible to work out why all those people got begatted.

Its was kind of monotheistic for marketing reasons then!

But inside it has always been trully monotheist
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Christianity is not monotheistic, it's a common misconception. According to the bible Yahweh is of the Gods but other Gods are not of Yahweh. Specifically, this means that Yahweh (God) is the head honcho of a bunch of Gods, or more specifically in context that he is the God responsible for the world, and other Gods are subservient to Yahweh regarding this existence. Nowhere in the Christian doctrine is it actually written or specified that God is singular, except in mis-representation of the earlier "evidence" of the bible.

Christianity is not monothiestic.

It's also wrong, and Yahweh is best remembered as a U2 song.

Well you may be true , I'm not a bible specialist but still it's classed in the monoteist religion box .
It's a monopole anyway as christian pray only one god.
S2 licensed
Funny how many people makes the systematic:

God = Religion = Monotheist Religions ( Jews, Christian, muslims)
S2 licensed
It has started with the Financial markets and in 2009 it will kick the real economy right into the abyss.

It's the biggest crysissince 1929 and knowing how it ended I wonder: What are we gonna get first? LFS S3 or WW3
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :What kind of truck do you want to have, there are MANY!! different trucks..

This one looks agressive

Last edited by Maelstrom, .