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S2 licensed
Quote from jimaxx :I know you wont want to know but i just need to get this out of my system.

My 8 year old english bull terrier is dying his liver is packing in on him

I dont know what to do realy except just take it and move on, i know most of you wont want to know and i understand that S**t happens but i just needed to get this out :|


At least you'll make it easy for him!
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Got to agee on that!
Remember my first time asking the GF out, I have never been so nervous, excited, pumped up of adrenaline as that time

Adrenaline is something comming out of fear from an immediate danger for your body! It has nothing to do with shyness stress!
Girls from norway are that violent?
S2 licensed
Idem here!
S2 licensed
I'm a first class **** on the track
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Ferrari FXX looks very ugly, I prefer Viper over that one, even it means worse performance and not even supercar status. Viper has good old school looks and that is what I find very good.

Well I guess the viper Venom can be considered as a super car
I wonder if it's drivable

Well anyway who would bother if we had more than 1 supercar?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :They don't want to throw the driver into the crowd...maybe a RATP official, because THEY are the reason for the strike! Same with our's not their fault that the bosses decided to work the poor buggers into the ground just to cut costs, and raise profits. In any case, if the posties were getting a cut of all these extra profits, they wouldnt be moaning.
As with ALL industry, its the lazy Fat Cats in the suits that get the money, and the poor bloody bloke on the street that does all the work.
As for us bus drivers...well, I have to hide; we just got a 5.5% pay rise, and a very good holiday bonus scheme thrown in...our union guys successfully negotiated a deal where our holiday pay is based on ALL earnings in the 13 weeks prior to the holiday, but with a guaranteed minimum of the average weekly pay. What that basically means is, if you do a bit of overtime, then you get more pay for your holiday as well

(besides...if we even think about industrial action, they get squeaky bums...we don't even have to strike; a work-to-rule for a few days would cripple the company)

The problem here is really different!
The strike reason is retirement conditions. Over the years, using their bargaining power over the state (they can basicly froze the country's economy and pissed to death workers) to get insane retirement condition.
To keep it simple:
private sector: 41 years of work! Pension = 50% of the average salary over the last 25 years
SNCF: 30 years of work; pension = 75% of their average salary over the last 6 month
The governement want to make everybody equal for those condition!
I wouldn't bother if it was a wealthy company aranging for good retirement condition for its employees but actually it is the tax payer who pay for that! They are just pulling the cover to their side. And well considering that they are over payed for what they are doing and that they have employment security (they can't be fired), I (and I 'm not alone) feel that it's a bit too much!
Just to make it clear, I'm not against strike in general but when it comes to make the populaion hostage to get what they want I fell like something is out of place
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :The French go on strike every other week and it doesnt bother them, why are we having a paddy? Just deal with it.

Ask people in Paris if they don't bother about the stike that is actually going on in the public transportation. Throw a train driver on strike into the crowd for example, there's a good chance he gets beaten to death
S2 licensed
I tried the demo server only when LFS S1 went out! It was ok at this time, nothing like what seems to happen now!

When I came back to LFS several years later, I bought it straight! I didn't even try the servers but it seems to give a very bad impression over the online community
S2 licensed
+1 if the late joiners are totally invisible and as an option on the server side!
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :But it has mainly GTR versions of current cars, which is gonna happen eventually (RBR, LXR, etc.) plus some cars such as prototypes and diesels, which would be cool. Also, I like the fact that it's divided into classes.

LXR's coming almost certainly but a RBR i don't beleive in it. It would be redundant with the FXR. For proto, it would be cool of course but a stand alone car would be enough. At least as long as there's vehicule missing!
S2 licensed
For me it would be kind of a worst case senario ^^'
I wouldn't mind for a GT1 and WTCC class but that's all. Diversity is so much better. Here it fells like, we take the same car with 1 or 2 hundred more Bhp... Boring

There's so many vehicule missing in the game that class filling is not really a priority, IMO at least!
S2 licensed

I also experienced adrenaline rush while doing stupid thing like crashing or getting close to during sking or biking but it was far less intanse and a way shorter! And there was no side effect like shivering half an hour later!
S2 licensed
The bad thing with rallycross tracks in LFS is that they are all mixed dirt/asphalt. I hope we'll get full dirt races in the future!
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Glad that those cars never are going to be in LFS, due to the lisence and because there would be no class that had fited them

The licence problem doesn't prevent them to make a really close car with another name.
Many cars stand alone in the game. I dontt see any problem with that!
S2 licensed
Quote from z3r0c00l :Ideally yes, that and a reventon. But LFS doesn't and won't have licensed cars. So I'd like them to come up with something comparable in driving physics! (and make it look effing great, in their own way.)

Actually it does!
S2 licensed
Quote from Aussie_Alex_2007 :After reading your comprehensive list of suggested improvements, i can see that many people racing on lfs should stick to NFS, with suggestions like 'A free roam city' and sharing body kits, ect.


It's funny how boolean some people's mind is
Whatever's not a FIA fanboy kind of thing is NFS!

When NFS physics will be 50% as good as LFS's give me a sign please
S2 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :Its pretty annoying hitting these at even 10MPH and you go flying like you hit it doing 180mph.

Physics need to be sorted on them, I am pretty sure its because your car model actually goes through the barriers then it registers it.

It's nothing new!
Will be done eventually...or not
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Haha, never!
Toca had the worst physics ever, and the overal game was quite bad.
But thats is imo

Toca 1 and 2 were pretty good! Not as much as LFS of course, it was another era but convincing!
After it went right into the abyss!

I still prefer Toca 2 to Rtacktor!

edit: I'm talking about Toca 2 touring car, not Toca 2 race driver!
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :The reason is because Scawen has a pretty clear vision of what he wants in his "Serious Racing Simulator". I've bolded, italicized, and underlined the important adjective in the software's description for you. Scawen set out to create a racing simulator. That is the focus, that is the goal. Perhaps after all the stuff for racing is finished, he will expand to include stuff for others to make it closer to an all-around driving simulator. But until the racing part is done, there's no point in discussing the rest.

LFS by far has the best driving physics of all motor vehicle games/simulators. Once the racing aspects are finished, I think it would be great that LFS could expand further and be able to do what Test Drive Unlimited attempted, or any of the other driving games out there. But you have to wait until the core items for racing are done.

It would be much easier to code in roll cages in all cars than it would be to code the roll cages plus the option to not have the roll cages. Racing is the focus, thus roll cages should be in. Also rain and wet racing, better damage, better pitting, night, etc, etc need to be implemented in for racing. After all the racing aspects are there, then it wouldn't be a problem adding extra stuff like extra code to have the option not to have roll cages for non-racing gameplay. No problem with that. But racing is the focus and is what everyone is saying no to when you suggest stuff like "make roll cages an option". When LFS is finished for racing, then yes, worry about code for the option.

I'm not so sure about that! Adding the roll cage, it is pretty much making a new car for each road cars! The setup option would be only a switch button to move from one car to the other. It would represent what? 3% of the roll cage development time?

To make it works we would need a forced setup option for servers but this option would be very useful by itself anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :LFS is a 'serious racing simulator'

It depends what serious means here! It does not necessary mean serious regarding FIA regulations but can mean only serious regarding physics laws!

Victor also says during the SRT interview 2 things:
- Anything on wheel should be simulated
- Large degree of freedom!

Of course it's also subject to interpretation!

edit: nice out of the subject answer, I 'm tired!
Last edited by Maelstrom, .
S2 licensed
I would say the WRC but it's not by definition racing

Well Race trucks then. Ridiculously heavy and powerful. Must be a lot of fun
S2 licensed
Machinae Supremacy - Player One
S2 licensed
Something like an Xj220 would be a blast in the game.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :

does that make sense? probably cruisers cruise in LFS for the same reasons as you race in LFS.

I think it comes down to what we understand by "racing". I found this quote in wikipedia:

"A race is a competition of speed. The competitors in a race try to complete a given task in the shortest amount of time. Typically this involves traversing some distance, but it can be any other task involving speed."

It might not be the definition of race/racing, but it comes close to what I think a race is. Racing is not defined thru FIA rules. If two guys with two production fiat pandas in hamburg decide to drive to rome as fast as they can and look who's there earlier, then that's a race. it disregards FIA rules, it might be very illegal at times, it's not safe, it's on public roads... but still a race, no matter if it's advisable or not.

If LFS is seen by the devs as racing simulation/game according to FIA rules, then please quote it, enforce ALL the rules rigidly, take my S2-license and give me the money back (and you guys get your licenses to drive GTRs).
If it's not, let there be some variation - it hurts no one.

It's pretty much how I see it too!
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :A rollcage is an essential piece of safety equipment that has been mandatory in (excluding some obscure example someone hasn't even been able to prove) all wheel to wheel racing events for at least 30 years. Do you not see why it's completely ridiculous to make a rollcage optional? Would you expect to see someone turning up to a GT race without a rollcage or helmet and a 3 point harness because they wanted to?

LFS is an 'Online Racing Simulator', sorry but you haven't bought a cruising simulator and whilst you're entitled to use it for a different purpose you can't expect it to remain like this forever. TBH drifters don't really seem to cause a problem because they need a car and a track unfortunately cruisers seem to have a very different desire than the Devs and (from this thread at least) the majority of LFS players.

You have private information?

So far cruise activities didn't even take 1 min from the devs' time. I have some difficulties to see how it can be harmful !

And I have yet to see any sign from the devs indicating that they wish to work on blocking the cruise! It would be totally retard btw. I mean wasting time on reducing the game's possibilities and discourage some potential customers! The value of any game is about what you can do with it not about what you can't do!

I guess you're mistaking your own wish with the devellopers'.