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S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :i think he was full of crap anyway

Or he used a crack that caused this. Never heard of this before.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :heck.. no idea, Try to make a vid?

Or a replay.
S2 licensed
Very nice skin.
S2 licensed
Maybe a port for the Nintendo Entertaintment System as well. I'm getting tired of Super Mario 3, Duckhunt and Ridgeracer
S2 licensed
:laola: :wow:
S2 licensed
Quote from TypeRCivic :I've been licensed for almost 2 years, I think and I still see myself racing " BlackWood " I cant find out why I like it so much but I just do. Atleast your licensed and not a cracker.. Welcome aboard.

I still like Blackwood too. I'm curious what will be changed in the Patch Y Blackwood.

The short tracks on Fern Bay with the high kerbes are fun with the slower cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hondulu :No it wasn´t. A friend recommended it to me and i tried it out. I had never played a racing simulator before in my life. At first i really sucked and had no idea how to chose a good racingline or breakpoints but i got addicted and by watching good racers and recieving better setups from people i got pretty good after a while. So it´s thanks to guys that don´t have the screw you n00b attitude that i found this game great and play it to this day.

Also i played with keyboard in the beginning because i didn´t have a wheel but after a couple of months i bought a wheel. However if i wouldn´t have been able to race with the keyboard i never would have stuck with the game so i think your attitude against people that race without wheel sucks.

It´s good that a bigger crowd find LFS. The ones that´s used to Need For Speed or games like that will either like LFS or not. If they don´t, theyll quit playing and then what´s the problem? If they like it we´ll have a new fellow racer. LFS can attract people that aren´t already interested in racing simulation to this genre.

I also think a visible raceline could be a good help for starting racers. Maybe only offline, online with 32 cars a raceline is not realy usefull.
S2 licensed
Quote from gp4racer :I have a question, this tool is really great! You can see alot of configurations and options for tweak a car, but it means, IF I have a excelent set of dampers, springs , roll bars and so, this configuration can be used at any track?

I know, all the tracks are different, but I found with this program a nice way to get the correct suspension settings and my tyres are getting the optimun temperature with just one or two laps.

Then CAn I have an unique suspension setting for all the tracks and play with camber, aero, tyres for every single track?

Do you have a link? I would like to try it.
S2 licensed
Quote from scania :LFS was get the F1 lic because BMW want to have a game to help them to promot, but they changh to rFactor because of rF have Nurburing track but LFS have no real track.

So, do you think that BMW will give more car to LFS if LFS have a real track?

The way i understand it LFS has a deal with Fortec Motorsport and VI Championchip for the V1 car (wich is a BMW). So it's not like BMW gave them a car.
S2 licensed
What were the lines in the video in South City? (looked like the ideal line with green accelerating and red braking points).
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :And he was once hailed as the biggest talent in F1... Ironic, isn't it?

Shift happens
S2 licensed
Quote from ATHome :I know, and I agree that the Classic chicane has to be redone. But I was just wondering when something will happen in Fern Bay

I like the short tracks on Fern Bay with the high kerbes. Don't want to see that changed.
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :It's 60 seconds, and the newly formed A1GP series also has that button... There it is actually called push-to-pass or PowerBoost.

I saw this had a minus in the suggested improvements log, but it could actualy be a good idea if it was only implanted in a special class. In A1 it works very good for the action on the track. Drivers get limited powerboosts for a race.

In A1GP:
Quote :Specifically, the cars have a 600 kg monocoque chassis designed by Lola and model-370/660R13 slick tires from Cooper. Zytek provide a performance-limited 3.4 litre V8 engine, however its performance limitation can be overcome by the driver pressing a button on their steering wheel. This so-called boost button or overtake button increases the engine output, revs and horsepower while the accelerator remains depressed, increasing speed and facilitating easier overtaking. The overtake button may only be used a limited number of times in each race, which is pre-programmed beforehand and identical for each car.

Quote from GT4Fan :Lol I just edited my post 3 times, it's a pretty cool topic
But simply, it's just a game and the push-to-pass button will probably end up being used for everything BUT passing and overtaking...

And if you dont understand that look 2 posts up again

No it won't. You have limited boosts, otherwise people would put a bit of tape on the button and boost for the entire race

Quote from GT4Fan :You will see that in LFS then though, it will be abused just because it's a game, and maybe pushing everything at once is eventually better ingame.

Because imagine you are at 1st place. You are better off using all the extra power, to power away from the 2nd placed car, then using it to gain UP on your opponent.
Lemme explain these 2 situations:

1. Using the power for non-overtaking situations:
Your line will not be limited by another car so you will use all power efficiently, you will not have additional risks like ending up side by side and having to outbrake another person too, so your sparing your tyres.

2. Using to overtake:
You will need to get off the ideal line to be able to overtake another car and THEN after loosing 3KM/H you will use the push-to-overtake button. You will probably end up with nothing cause the other car will probably use your slipstream to keep with you, so the advantage of speed is soon caught up by the 2nd car. Plus because the gap will stay very small, chances of crashing under trying-to-get-away-pressure will only increase dramatically, especially in unforgiving racing cars. These risks dont increase much for the 2nd car cause it's easy for him to just copy your movements and go just as fast while waiting on an error. Plus just having to look in the mirror all the time really distracts...

Those things should be very deciding in a close race. I bet that it's far better to use it while your NOT in an overtaking move. So it kinda looses it's purpose right away...

The driver is free to use the button for other purposes. Also in real racing, but if in A1GP a car is leading for a long part of the race the driver usually saves the powerboost for in case he makes a mistake or something else happens and the number2 comes to close. It's an extra strategy thingy for the driver, not only to overtake.
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from jb42682 :As we all know lfs is in it's alpha stage. This leaves plenty of room for s1 and s2 liscense holders to voice there opinion on what they believe is good and bad in lfs. so when it does go gold it's in a league of it's own. here's mine

1.Smoke: smoke should linger or blow according the wind not just show up then dissapear. i.e if a car spins out in front of you you should be blinded by there smoke.
It does do that allready (not the blinding, but the smoke goes where the wind blows)

2.Crash physics: only complaint i have here is being thrown 200feet in the air doing 920's i think we all can agree this doesn't happen in real life. but on the other side if you get sideways at 180mph your car should be picked up like a piece of paper.
I think they are aware of the problem with baricades.

3.Tracks: real world tracks! i relize this requires rights. but just imagine indianapolis on the sim and more oval tracks. please some of us are americans and we love are oval tracks. at least me anyways
For us Europeans all ovals are the same. Driving straigt, driving left, driving straight, driving left, etc

4. Damage:cars should leave debri on the track and likewise other cars can get damage and or cut tires on it. also the car doesn't go back to perfect when you make a pit stop after hitting a wall at 160 this is sim racing not playstation
Would be nice, but i don't think parts falling of will be part of S2. Maybe the last part will, car should not be able to reach pitstop if you hit a wall at 160.

5.cautions: just the ability to be able to throw a full course caution i relize this not necessary in the current stage but if you have debri this where it's needed. and or major wrecks.
I don't understand what you mean. But a better yellowflag system that gives people breaking rules under yellowflag penalties or disqualify's would be nice (but i don't know if that's what your talking about).

6.pit stop:at least at least be able to change you tire pressure when you pit. this is boring racing what ever setup you start with is what you got a good race car driver is constantly making adjusments during the course of the race and so should we.
For a real race you prepare before the race. Tire ajustmenst will then be done when the team/driver is testing. For short races without preparation you're better of not doing the pitstop because it will loose you more time then you're tirepressure does. But it would not hurt to make it an option.

7.Engine: specifically the ability to blow your engine for all the real reasons over rev not let off when you shift, extreme front-end damage. also the ability to just hurt it like loose a cylinder. and wheelspin real cars spin tires if you don't let off when you shift.
Wheelspin? Real cars don't do that when you have sequential shifting. Maybe in low gears, but then cars in LFS spin also.

8.random failures:servers should be able to use this option and maybe or maybe not at random somebody looses a gear,clutch,battery,engine etc....
Could be frustrating.

9.crew:this is the most important to me cause no game has it the ability to have a liscensed s2 holder play crew chief for a driver and monitor you vehicle and what it's doing based on a interface and your complaints. when this is used the adjusments are out of the drivers hands and in he's crew chiefs. this would make the racing as close as real as you can get. Team Work!
Nice, but who would like it to stand by the line when someone else is racing?

10.Voice:last but not least built in voice chat with multiple channels. this good for online lesiure play and racing especially with a crew chief. i'm srry but i can't type at 180.
There is thirdparty software for this (teamspeak and others)

extra: the ability to start a race like it is now and also have pace laps if so desired. this gives guys time to warm up there tires which is some much needed in the begining of long races where your running s3's
Flying laps? I saw some forum posts it was allready used.

that's all i got guys let me hear your complaints.-stich
i relize some of this opinions have already been voiced and some haven't this just what i would like to see with out refering to 100 differant other threads

I think some of your points are allready looked into by the devs and others will not happen in S2. Especially the next gen effects like lot's of smoke when an engine blows in a car in front of you.
S2 licensed
1) AI
2) Crash detection/impact
S2 licensed
Quote from herki :I love it when people divert stuff from its original use
(bah, in german we simply say "zweckentfremden")

You could use the axis of your braking and gas pedal to move the pong bat
[edit]did not see, there was more then one page.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Thats a stunt from a film, but its still very skillful. Oh and now I don't ever want to be a limo driver.

It's an old limo, but i think results will be the same for the passengers not wearing a seatbelt.

This one looks better for the driver (but slower and less spectacular ) ... p6sX4&feature=related ... 1bxCM&feature=related
S2 licensed
This was in the links: ... G9i58&feature=related wow, try that with an RB4

But to stay ontopic, i found a limo crashtest:
S2 licensed
Quote from kaHEN :Hey, here is my suggestion

There must be difference between demo racer and racer who has a license. For example in demo server if demo racer cant take f1 car, the racer who has a license should use f1 and the other cars in demo server, so there will be difference between demo racers and license racers. And I exactly think that it will effect the demo racers and they will buy license to win races in demo servers!

If its possible u should do something on demo servers for users who has license. THEY SHOULD USE OTHER CARS ON DEMO SERVERS!

I think it's a bad idea, there is no racing if cars are not equal. Maybe give S2 users the option to show off their skins to demo users as a difference.
S2 licensed
Only thing i don't want to see is that S3 becomes more like GTR2 or rFactor. For some reason i find those games more static and i don't feel the car (and can't race it for the same reason).

I don't know why LFS is different but i'm sure the devs do.
Quote from tristancliffe :Things I don't want to see in S3.

Stunts (any more than now)
Stunts could be fun as long as it does not become core focus. Some jumps and loopings as a variation to racing. It would be a good test for physics (like trying to drive a BF1 upside down in a tunnel )
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed
Aye lad, You could have made it if you used your anchor to brake. Arrr arrrr, nice movie!
S2 licensed
That is what i meant. Why not only XFG & XRG? Then you have equal cars (one frontwheeldrive and one rearwheeldrive). If you accept XRT there is no choice because you can only drive competitive in XRT.
S2 licensed
Why 3 cars? The XRT is not equal to the other cars.
S2 licensed
Come on. This is Hamed Sam's topic. Keep focus please. If you want to bash Gentlefood you should start your own topic (actualy, you should not bash him at all because i see no harm in what he does, but thats offtopic )