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S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn :Where did you draw that conclusion from..thin air?

No from his startpost, but he allready explained that was not what he meant.
Quote :Many servers vanished (CTRA, Belgium servers...)

I ve reinstalled GTR2, Rfactor and Race07 to have some online races.

S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Some more pics from the first LFS

This would be cool in an 8-track
S2 licensed
In the picture scawen posted you can see the number of hosts grew faster then the number of users but that there are not less users online. So i think we just are more spread then in the past. I don't mind, i always play on the same servers with the same people

Strange lake10 feels it's better in rFactor. Aren't rFactor users more spread with all those mods and therefore incompatible servers?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :They have the financial reserves to do such a thing. I'm hoping that S3 will contain either more detailed track surfaces or laser scanned tracks or something. Time will tell, I won't be comparing iRacing directly to LFS until S3 is out.

How do you laserscan Blackwood or Kyoto?
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :iRacing didn't kill LFS, it killed Nascar 2003.

Nascar 2003 still does 60/70 dollar on ebay. Nascar 2003 killed itself by not making new licenses with CDrom/DVD's and not making deals with steam.
S2 licensed
Quote from Leprekaun :Well, personally, I haven't played LFS in over six months but I do miss it. I've played GT5P and Forza 2 which are great alternatives.

Obviously, the slow rate of development is quite frustrating but the thing that perhaps is most frustrating is the fact that they're keeping it a 3 man team. No doubt, its amazing how good it is when teams of 50 or more guys couldn't do better but although, they keep amazing us with new developments and features, its only once in a while because it takes ages to develop with such a small team.

I think that they should consider bringing in more people. I'm not really bothered if they were to boost up the price a bit (maybe make it like £15 or £18 per licence) that would allow for quicker development and new ideas.

You bring in the argument about slow development again, but give strange examples. Forza 2 is updated much less then LFS is and GT5P is a preview version of a game that hasn't got a launch date yet but will probably take at least a year from now to be finished. So it's kind of comparable with LFS besides you have to buy the full version again with GT5.

When i bought LFS i took it as is and only enjoyed it was still onder active development. Most games are not, they just let you buy a new version every year. In LFS people that bougt S1 six year ago still get free physic and video upgrades.
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :if it was a simulartor you wouldn't be able to drift...

them guys make it lok so easy but its alot more to it then a bit of skill and a LSD. :rolleyes:

They make it a combination of steering and throttle control. Those ingredients are the same in real life, but they do probably make it a bit easier indeed (i think they auto correct a little)
S2 licensed
I think this was the last time they gave a "date" for a new patch
S2 licensed
Eagles - New Kid in Town
S2 licensed
Grid is a terrible game with cars steering from the center, but the driftingpart wasn't that bad.
S2 licensed
I disabled auto renew on the subscription. I wanted to give it a chance, but i really think it's not worth it. It's popular, it's good. But it's not that good good to pay the monthly subscription and have to pay extra for more tracks and cars. It's hyped.

But I thank Radical for the chance to try it out and the topicstarter for mentioning it A Radical-like car in LFS would be cool
S2 licensed
Quote from CarlLefrancois :o_O

Oh yeahhhhhhhh.. the mini and the BF1 are so similar to the XRG. And what's the difference between the UFR and the FZR anyway, they're so generically the same

aston and south city... basically the same right?
some people will say anything! :uglyhamme

Demo users dropped off 8 months ago because the XRT was removed from demo. Maybe they went somewhere else to drift or bought S2 who knows? I guess the FBM wasn't too easy to drift

I agree. I love the FZR and hate the UFR. They drive totally different.

The tracks could use some more bumps but maybe that will come. South City proves the engine can handle it and when LFS started coding on S2 all racing games had flat tracks. Development is a little iddle at the moment, but what can you expect from a game you bought a few years ago for this price. I wouldn't mind if they speeded things up and we had to buy a new licence, but on the other hand we should be happy with the lifespan of S2. If it was a game of a big publicer we would have got more upgrades but probably had to buy S3, S4 and S5 for that.
S2 licensed
I saw a mail from neteler too (i use it for online poker) that you can get a virtual prepaid mastercard with them for free. I think i will do that, i don't like it my creditcard is monthly charged instead of everything written off at once and that it is free is even better.
S2 licensed
Quote from Linsen :I have to say Jakg is absolutely right in that LFS is a lot more user friendly. LFS is a very smartly coded piece of software. The fact that you can change every single setting without even leaving the car let alone the game is brilliant. iRacing is indeed far clunkier, but then again, so are most games/racing sims, afaik.

Couldn't agree less on Jakg's complaints about the driving experience in iRacing, though. But I guess the fact that he thinks it's impossible to drift in iRacing says enough.

Yes i got lost the first time i was on the iRacing website. I spend 30 minutes figuring out how to get in a race. I don't think it took me more then 3 minutes to start up a demorace in LFS the first time.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crommi :Basic content includes:

Pontiac Solstice


Lanier National Speedway
Lime Rock Park
Oxford Plains Speedway
Summit Point Raceway
South Boston Speedway
Lowe's Motor Speedway
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca

Basically that's all content you need for full rookie season on road and oval, including "Advanced Rookie" level that allows changing setups and unrestricted (faster and more awesome) version of Legends Ford.

Yes, that and Silverstone. It's a good simulator, but it's not worth the $20/month for me. Actually, i still like LFS a lot, it can compete with iRacing (which is something i didn't expect reading some of the threads about how users think of LFS development). I'll play it some this month, but will stick to LFS. But nice from Radical to give people the chance to try iRacing.
S2 licensed
Quote from FOX 1977 :I don't think that Iracing killed lfs and i don't think is dead yet too.
...allthough it's my favorite racing simulator since 2005, i must admit that lfs lost his charm.(imo)
I know that is basically a three people project and i respect that, but i also think that new content should show up faster, to maintain the interess.
I would be happy for aloooong time with, 3-5 new cars (rally car or classics/ new or old models) 2 - 4 more diferent tracks ( one rally stage per example or montain) and something new and fresh like weather changes to start testing. New and fresh stuff.
I do love this product, but...and this is actually the first time im saying's getting boring.
On top of that we have the ending of CTRA System and servers, that will probably do much more damage than Iracing.
Im afraid that one of this days, a new sim will pop up and if its a proper rival sim...and if you add slow lfs development and no ctra, along with all those other sims and good games...that would probably kill lfs. Not instantanly but slowly.
I really think they should grow up as a team, adding new dev's and showing that kind of investment would show people that it's getting bigger and better now and in the future. Not doing so, will bring the idea of being stagnant, and since it's not a finish product is even worse.
But i still do love lfs ... ... not using it anymore though.

CTRA should not be an issue because it's userbased content. But i think you are right, a lot of people only drove CTRA (i did too for a long time).

The horizon will always change over time. Altavista is dead, Google is alive, Word Perfect is dead, MS Word is alive, Testdrive was gone for a long time, Need for Speed took over the lead. But if that can happen to LFS, LFS never had the lead i think. It was always a small group of enthousiastic users that liked it. Most people in my surounding have never heard of it (but they have never heard of iRacing either).
S2 licensed
Nice review. You guys seem really enthusiastic about the wheel, it must be good.
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :Did iRacing Kill LFS?
No, it's not i-racing. It's a lack of any real updates in well over 1 year.
I'd also say that LFS is not dead, but it's slowly dying.
Unfortunately I don't think the Scirocco alone will save it either; it will need more new content than just a car. It will need new tracks, physics updates and improvements to the internal structure (rather than relying in community servers+insim apps).

I haven't lost all hope yet, but every day that nothing happens I lose a bit more. Sad, as this is my favourite bit of software ever.

An S3 update with new content would be nice indeed, but i don't think that will happen soon. I tried Race07, GTR2, rFactor but i can't get used to that and i hate the helmet view.
S2 licensed
Quote from Linsen :I stopped racing in LFS long before I subscribed to iRacing. I had gotten bored with LFS, because even the occasional race on CTRA servers felt pretty much pointless (no pun intended). The races seemed meaningless and I didn't have the time for leagues. It all seemed so random. Add the slow progress on top of that, and, as I only recently came to realize, the fact that all cars and/or tracks seemed to feel generically the same to me and lacked character, and there you have why LFS was dead for me.

iRacing re-ignited my passion for sim racing and hence didn't kill LFS. But it will keep me from coming back to LFS.

I hate the pricing of iRacing. I think an "in between model" between LFS an iRacing could score big. iRacing is to expensive for people that occasionally drive in a league, but in LFS people who paid in 2004 still get free updates. That can't be good for continuasy of the game. I think LFS biggest problem is the lifespan. They should introduce an S3 update in 2006, an S4 update in 2008 and in 2010 an S4 update. A lot of users would be willing to pay again and the developers can migrate to newer techniques.
S2 licensed
It's just suspicious that he posted with his just made "old account he used after his brake from lfs", nothing wrong with mentioning that.

He still has the chance to clear that up
S2 licensed
Some people will forgive you some people will remember you, some have never heard of you. If you want it all to stop the only thing you can do is get a new licence with a different nickname, or just give it time.
S2 licensed
Quote from sancie11 :I have bought it.

Ty, I used the wrong account. I have taken a break from LFS, so i used my old account.

Your old account was made yesterday and has two posts? Please post with your S2 account, then we can stop thinking it is suspicious.
S2 licensed
Or just use your S2 licence name, the one you post now with says demo user. If you use that in the game you will be a demo user there ass well.

If this is your S2account, mail the devs. Since it is not an S2 account
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :So, are you saying here that Ford's primary market is the UK/EU? Come on over here, there are Ford Mustangs everywhere you look, and it's not because of Knight Rider.

Sure they do, but they don't sell new ones. ... e_industry_crisis_of_2008
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't go online to look a whole lot, to be honest, but that's because when I have I've usually seen half a dozen servers with <10 people in, then a bunch of demo servers.

Maybe most people are settled into doing their one favorite thing with LFS and they know what times their favorite server is busy.

True for me. Only time i'm only is on Sunday evening.