In the picture scawen posted you can see the number of hosts grew faster then the number of users but that there are not less users online. So i think we just are more spread then in the past. I don't mind, i always play on the same servers with the same people
Strange lake10 feels it's better in rFactor. Aren't rFactor users more spread with all those mods and therefore incompatible servers?
You bring in the argument about slow development again, but give strange examples. Forza 2 is updated much less then LFS is and GT5P is a preview version of a game that hasn't got a launch date yet but will probably take at least a year from now to be finished. So it's kind of comparable with LFS besides you have to buy the full version again with GT5.
When i bought LFS i took it as is and only enjoyed it was still onder active development. Most games are not, they just let you buy a new version every year. In LFS people that bougt S1 six year ago still get free physic and video upgrades.
They make it a combination of steering and throttle control. Those ingredients are the same in real life, but they do probably make it a bit easier indeed (i think they auto correct a little)
I disabled auto renew on the subscription. I wanted to give it a chance, but i really think it's not worth it. It's popular, it's good. But it's not that good good to pay the monthly subscription and have to pay extra for more tracks and cars. It's hyped.
But I thank Radical for the chance to try it out and the topicstarter for mentioning it A Radical-like car in LFS would be cool
I agree. I love the FZR and hate the UFR. They drive totally different.
The tracks could use some more bumps but maybe that will come. South City proves the engine can handle it and when LFS started coding on S2 all racing games had flat tracks. Development is a little iddle at the moment, but what can you expect from a game you bought a few years ago for this price. I wouldn't mind if they speeded things up and we had to buy a new licence, but on the other hand we should be happy with the lifespan of S2. If it was a game of a big publicer we would have got more upgrades but probably had to buy S3, S4 and S5 for that.
I saw a mail from neteler too (i use it for online poker) that you can get a virtual prepaid mastercard with them for free. I think i will do that, i don't like it my creditcard is monthly charged instead of everything written off at once and that it is free is even better.
Yes i got lost the first time i was on the iRacing website. I spend 30 minutes figuring out how to get in a race. I don't think it took me more then 3 minutes to start up a demorace in LFS the first time.
Yes, that and Silverstone. It's a good simulator, but it's not worth the $20/month for me. Actually, i still like LFS a lot, it can compete with iRacing (which is something i didn't expect reading some of the threads about how users think of LFS development). I'll play it some this month, but will stick to LFS. But nice from Radical to give people the chance to try iRacing.
CTRA should not be an issue because it's userbased content. But i think you are right, a lot of people only drove CTRA (i did too for a long time).
The horizon will always change over time. Altavista is dead, Google is alive, Word Perfect is dead, MS Word is alive, Testdrive was gone for a long time, Need for Speed took over the lead. But if that can happen to LFS, LFS never had the lead i think. It was always a small group of enthousiastic users that liked it. Most people in my surounding have never heard of it (but they have never heard of iRacing either).
An S3 update with new content would be nice indeed, but i don't think that will happen soon. I tried Race07, GTR2, rFactor but i can't get used to that and i hate the helmet view.
I hate the pricing of iRacing. I think an "in between model" between LFS an iRacing could score big. iRacing is to expensive for people that occasionally drive in a league, but in LFS people who paid in 2004 still get free updates. That can't be good for continuasy of the game. I think LFS biggest problem is the lifespan. They should introduce an S3 update in 2006, an S4 update in 2008 and in 2010 an S4 update. A lot of users would be willing to pay again and the developers can migrate to newer techniques.
Some people will forgive you some people will remember you, some have never heard of you. If you want it all to stop the only thing you can do is get a new licence with a different nickname, or just give it time.