Well my post got lost with the official forum, so i will write again what i thought.
I didn't drive the S2L, so i have no opinion on that. It must be a great league because it has a big startingfield.
The formula league was great. The races were long enough to make pitstops more then just a mandatory stop-and-go. I think for the next season it would be nice to have a league where people must stick to the same car (TBO, GTR or mini GTR) for a season.
The lemans races were to short. Driverswaps during a race would be cool as long as it is not mandatory. I think i will drive the whole race for myself if it's not longer then 2 hours.
About the shorter times between Lemans races, maybe it's an idea to not have an Formula and Lemans race at the same time but to do them after each other. So next season a Lemans Season, the season after that a formula season, and after that a Scirocco or LX season. I think it could be fun to drive the same car for severall races, you will get to know the car better.