If you live in a studenthouse it's difficult, but in a family house you could arrange other people don't use the full download. It's also what i use to keep my phone (sip) working correctly while downloading.
In the DDWRT firmware you can give priority to a port or macadress. You could try that as well. Only problem is that the router doesn't know the actual bandwith, so you have to test what it is by downloading something big and then configure that speed as max speed in DDWRT. The problem then still exists when your ISP can't give you your whole bandwith (overbooked lines) your QOS won't work, but if you have a good ISP that won't happen to often.
Seriously can you drive races with it? I was enthusiast at first that you can look around. But then the trouble comes calibrating your head to look right ahead again. I gave it up and now use buttons to look left and right. I guess it only works when you sit still in the same position for the race.
I have it the wrong way. Witch i noticed when i geared back instead of up in my mom's car trying to use the shifter instead of letting the car choose gear
That amount of space depends heavenly on the resolution you use. I don't think i will have much place when i check the boards on my 9" netbook.
It's not a bad idea, but i dont know what it means to be the best racer of LFSW. If it's true that it is the racer who has driven the most races and not lost one it's worthless. Then it will be indeed only racers who have just joined.
Yes, i could activate it with the "IEEEEEEEH" sound of the tires from the cars around me. I'm not sure if it will give a big advantage.
I was also thinking about the blower. If i put that behind my chair i always have the wind in the back and cars will drive a few mph faster. I hope it won't give OOS errors in the replays when people who view the replay don't have the blower.
I've found something else. It's sound activated. Only problem is that you will be blind for the first 30 seconds during the start. It is also very good for the "driving out of a tunnel effect".
In Toca the light also function as the startinglight for a race. How do you make a do-it-yourself ambilight? Change lightbulbs rapidly before the race?
Maybe you are right. It sounds like a nice touch for the open wheelers or the Rac , but if you still like after that thing is blowing in your face for an hour. I don't know. But it would be nice if someone could make this work with LFS.
But i did order one. I need new speakers and today it's on Ibood for 89.95 and I like the ambilight function (don't know if i like the rumbler and fans can come in handy in the summer )
I had this when I overclocked my old videocard after playing for some time, only there came more then just this one in the screenshot. But since he says it does not become more it could just as well be something else.
He could try to cool his pc more (open the case and put an table ventilator in front of it). If it doesn't happen then it's overheating.
There are people that have a wider view and are more open. I think you can find a good song in every genre (but in some more then others because of personal interests )
Congrats, just watched his song. I think we should send in Andre Rieu next year
So what is your nick? Type Racing like you type really fast or Type R Acing, like you think Type R's are nice cars and with poker you allways have the Aces? Or where you drunk when you thought of you nick and forget an R? (now I think of it, it could also be you like erasing typ. I'm not sure what that is, I think something with the backspace)
In real F1 your wing will just break off. No way you can effect handling by setting up a wing that lays on the ground somewhere on the racetrack I think this is a good thing.