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S2 licensed
Quote from Kirill.D :I know... but this thread is better then nothing - at least something. Maybe they will see it.

Don't overreact about not being able contact the devs. It's saturday and it's just been two hours since you started this thread. Just write them a mail and you will get a reponse.
S2 licensed
I have that too. It freeses for a second. I thought it was my pc that couldn't handle the data, but maybe i was wrong
S2 licensed
It should not be there at all. Some people have it because the masterserver moved to an other ip some time ago.

If you want to try you should use the current ip insead of the old.

So you could try:
S2 licensed
Quote from 1993S14 :sorry if posted before, but I want to know if there's a way to regulate when the limiter for the revs kicks in.


What rev limiter?
S2 licensed
Quote from R1K89 :I agree with that, we needed a mixture of "Dutch" and "Flemish", and now we've got it , good job

i think this should be in the official LFS package

p.s. if anyone is wondering why a part of belgium speaks almost the same language (only with accent) look on this image: ... Netherlands_1559-1608.jpg
Netherlands, Belgium and luxembourg used to be one country (a long time ago)
But i still think one thing is strange. in that time it was called: "De Nederlanden" in dutch and "The Netherlands" in english, and now "Holland" only is called "Nederland" in dutch BUT in english its still called "The Netherlands". (You would say it has to change to Netherland )

There are still other countries part of "Kingdom of The Netherlands". The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. So no need to change it (yet).
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Why belgium? its ALMOST the same as Dutch.

Waarom belgie's, het is bijna het zelfde als nederlands

Because he wants too, because there are differences and because he allready made a belgian language file. Why make games in UK English and US English?
S2 licensed
Quote from Deem0n :Can anybody give me a direct link on the patch X?

I used the ingame update (you can choose different mirrors there).
S2 licensed
Yes, that and my digital speedometer. But it's still there so it's not realy an improvement suggestion. It's not unusual that some settings have to be re-done after an upgrade.
S2 licensed
It's great, i like the starts how they are now.

Is it possible to reduce the amount of visable cars? I can't find that in the menu. My pc has problems handling all the cars in T1, but when the field expands more it goes fine. Or is this the time to upgrade
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Why? LFS already has a code for ice in it. (No I'm not kidding either, the ramps are made of ice according to LFS.)

Wasn't there ice in the early demo's of LFS?
S2 licensed
Yay. This was my problem too

That i didn't think of that myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Surely if there are differences there could be a Dutch (Netherlands) and a Dutch (Belgium) pack, in the same way that there is a Portugese (Portugal) and a Portugese (Brazil). Or ignore this post if this isn't what you are talking about.

Yes, it are very small differences in politeness. I think something like British English and American English
S2 licensed
Quote from kiss me :i just changed things like
je naar u enzo
meer de beleefdheidsvorm gebruikt

Jullie zijn wat beleefder in Belgie. In Nederland spreken we niet iedereen met u aan (alleen oude mensen en mensen in een functie die gezag uitstraald).
S2 licensed
I thought this one of the raceabout was very funny:

Don't know who made it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :The flag system doesn't work that well to be honest. Many times you can notice a car in mid corner and after you already passed it the yellow flag shows up. Pretty much useless because it doesn't work properly and you can't really trust it as it doesn't work.

They should give time penalty's for passing under yellow flag (and setting lap record and stuff that shows your not slowing down)
S2 licensed
Quote from GruntOfAction :U get owned!

lol seriously though the best thing to do if u lose controll and crashing press Shift+S.

It can mean the difference of having a 1st place guy lose or win!

I don't like that. In a 20 car race only 7 or 8 finish because of this behavior. Just do everything you can to avoid other drivers. Other drivers making mistakes and you reacting on that is part of racing.

What i do think is stupid is cars that crash and park in a corner to watch the race because they can't be competitive anymore. If someone now crashes or loses control in that corner they crash into them.
S2 licensed
Pong look-a-like (called tennis on an orange Philips-thingie).
Super Mario
Paper Boy
S2 licensed
1. Test Drive was great. Driving exotic cars throug mountains and beaches. ... en/c/c7/ST_Test_Drive.png
Also Stunt was a lot of fun back then. I think Stunts was the first 3d racing game.

3. Carmagadon. The cars drove terrible, but for this game it did not mather. Gameplay was fun

2.TOCA Touring Car Championship. Played it a lot. Tried to overtake half of the field in the first corner, and it usualy turned out good (but compared to carmagadon that was clean racing )
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :Less than 5.

Me too.
S2 licensed
The site also sends spam under the name of one off your msn contacts (who off course never have send that message to you).

If you try to unsubscribe for the spam you had to call a service number and even that was fake. You don't unsubscribe because when you left open the e-mailadress you got the same message.
S2 licensed
Would be a cool feature. Tire problems because temp is too hot or too cold
S2 licensed
If you are the only one you don't get a first place on lfsworld. I've driven allone online to practise my times as well and to see how tires and fuel will hold under longer races -> Races won:0
S2 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :Hi im looking for a team. Here are my stats:

Travelled distance:13449Ml
Fuel burnt:5729 Ltr
Hosts joined:1286
Races won:61
Pole Positions:7
Drags / Wins:18 / 2

If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them, maybe you can hire a team
Thought you ment the A-Team with the capital A and T in the title.
S2 licensed
I noticed that too. I was allready thinking somebody hacked my account but I could'nt find any races i didn't drive. Glad this is figored out for me now
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :what OTHER software are you talking about, I know other than lfs

If you like to use winamp you could set up a shoutcast server.