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S2 licensed
Quote from PedraumF :It's always great to see a race from meters of the track, I do it every time I can...

But here's a question: if CART World Series didn't fill that 52,000 grandstand seats... what would fill them?

CART is not that big over here. 40.000 people came for BTCC in 2008 and that is their record.

Maybe Formula 1 would fill them, but I don't think they will ever have a F1 race.
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :That's is my point.
Let's just say it's like paying for "just" 2 cars and a track(with different circuits) and just being happy with that.Whatever will come next would just be a plus,a bonus.I still think that 12£ is a ridicolous amount for the stuff i wrote about.
If we see it this way it'll make more sense.

Then don't buy it if it is a ridicolous amount and wait for more content and buy it then.

I think I would buy it. I've watched some onboard cams on youtube and it looks like a great track.
S2 licensed
Quote from fat-oil :What does this mean ? Is this some kind of blackmail ?
I dont accept u charge the community for the responsibilty of not supporting the LFS BUSINESS. I am no charity work. I will pay for what I get, not for marketing promises.
I dont really wish this but LFS can die, yes, I ll survive the bad news, as i did for many other. Like us all.

U are creating and maintaining Fear about LFS ceasing activity, and this is a crime to me.
May I wish u some light to guide ur steps.

How is that blackmail? He is just saying you could buy it now and take the risk because it is not final yet or don't buy it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Paranoid Android :Well the reason you're not playing iRacing is that you have to pay to buy the track, AND pay the monthly fee to race, which you can't do at all if you stop paying. At least with Lfs you could have the track forever and ever and ever . I wouldn't mind buying them as they come, like I said before I think it's an efficient business model and doesn't give the slightest right for people to moan.

Problem with not making the tracks a package (like now with the S1/S2/S3 package) is that everyone will have different tracks what will make it difficult to arrange leagues.
Quote from Ger Roady :Thats the reason i dont play I-racing.
Maybe it is tommorow the reason i dont play lfs anymore

Why is that? You don't have to buy extra content. I wouldn't mind if there came a new Sx package every year with a few new cars and tracks
S2 licensed
Quote from TypeRacing :I can't get it

Shadowww is his mate i guess
S2 licensed
Quote from CycloNe88 :Typical English track with no change in height?

Google Cadwell park.

Can't wait
S2 licensed
Quote from chunkyracer :It´s great news to see such big changes coming to LFS, but I would like to express a little concern I have and that in my opinion should be adressed at some point, and that´s the balance between content. We have tracks that have been updated and some that haven´t got any changes for a long time, and you´ll have a new track added, that for what you can see, you´ll have a greater level of detail, and most likely a different feel from the rest. We have cars that had updates on the interiors while others didn´t, and different levels of detail from the "recent" ones like the FBM or the upcoming Scirocco, relating to the older ones, and you´ll have a new car added, that I suppose will be, at least, at the same level of the Scirocco. Maybe for users that have been around for a long time, this may not be such a big problem, but for anyone that is starting to play LFS, this could be a little akward, like everytime you change car and track, you´re playing a different game.

True, it would be strange for newcommers to drive a 2003 blackwood and a 2009 (or 2010) Rockingham. Good Blackwood is updated since then I think everything with low res textures will be updated before S2 goed final.
S2 licensed
Quote from Sponge :I agree with obsolum..

- Rockingham + the new car will be S3 which I think is still pretty far away and S3 ofcourse requires you to pay a bit of money.
- Scirocco + tire physics are the last of the S2 updates which are free.
At least, that's what I understand from it all.

I don't know about that last part. The Scirocco is an S1 update and the tire physics will come to S1 too (since it's the same game, only with less content).
Quote from N I K I :To all those who don't understand, all this new content (scirocco, new physics, Rockingham and a new car) will be released the same day. It all will be a part of one patch, whatever it is called. It's just up to your license level, what you can use and what you can't (locked/unlocked situation).

So if you are an S1/S2 user yo'll be able to use scirocco and new physics.
If you buy an S3 license you'll be able to use Rockingham and a new car as well.

I hope to God that new car is not going to be a 4WD GTR, because that would be a serious waste.

Anyway, as I've expected track is rendered brilliantly.

One more thing, I hope we'll get new interiors for rest of cars. I didn't spot that one got noticed.

Where did you read that it will come in one patch? I think Rockingham is much farther away then the tire update and the Scirocco (since Scawen mentioned he wanted to let us know about S3 and Rockingham closer to release)
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from gotspeed :i said a car not a sports car. our 96 impala would out do it. but as a "truck" it handles like a car nothing like a full size truck would.

no one has posted a better screen shot then the toca so....

That car weights 2000 KG and is often used as policecar that is all over the place in movies. Not something a car that handles good would do. It would eat dust of all the much smaller engined GTO's on any track but the oval.
S2 licensed
Quote from [BiA]Luder :But for Commercial events can be quickly realizing things.

1. VW Battle @ Leibzig

2. Event Rockingham

I think it is a matter of price.

But it is actually the saddest one gets for the loyalty of a kick. Eh I have to buy S3 alone judging it.

Did you use Google translate or something? I can read all the words in your post but I have no idea what you are saying. "the loyalty of a kick"? "buy S3 alone judging it" ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Maniek007 :WHY S3??? I don't have a cash now to pay for S3..... Maybe free update from S2 to S3 devs? Pls....

But this is great news! But pls do free update from S2 users to S3

I don't think it will come that soon so you can start saving And you will still get updates voor S2 I think, S1 even still gets updates.
Quote from ORION :The fact that they are already going for S3 and that the VWS comes for S1 sounds like a new business model to me:
They are no longer using actual stages following each other, but rather independent licenses that receive continuous updates, whereas the latest stage of course gets the most new things.
This is quite interesting cause it reminds me a bit of the free to play system that is very large and successful here in Germany, where you can play the game for free, but to get the real cool items you must play a small amout of money, like 1€ for a sword.
So maybe they are going to try something similar in LFS, just merged into packages. The first actual stage approach was similar, but now the good thing is that they add new stuff also to old licenses, making them attractive as well.

And for S3 it seems to be a business model of partinioned releases, so more like: you get the first track now, but you already pay for everything. And later there will be more tracks, etc!
Personally, I would directly switch to a new system and sell the track on its own, and continue this with S3 cars and more tracks in the future. Simply because otherwise its a bit of a problem because the user does not know how much he gets when buying the game. When S1 was about to be released, we clearly knew how many tracks and cars it would include, and now with S3 we dont really know anything! Not the best thing for the customer, unless you know the devs and you are sure that they will continue their job and release some nice content in the upcoming years.
Selling content on its own also makes it easier to add user generated content, where the creator would for example get a part of the money. But UGC is really far away, so lets not talk about that yet

I don't know, they kind of have to still develop S1 because it is part of S2 and development took that long that they could not use the "S1 final" physics and textures from 2003 anymore. So the licenses are more for content then for what used to be called "S1 final" and what will be "S2 final". And it's not even that final, because since S1 became final there are two more cars added (Formula BMW and Scirocco). It's kind of like iRacing, you pay for content, but without the monthly fee and much cheaper. We even get a laser scanned track

But I would not mind if there came an S4 / S5 / S6 too
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed

It was meant to go here: , but Bob closed the topic
S2 licensed
Quote from gotspeed :so they have spent £24 on the game and another £12 for extra content lets say £150 on a wheel. yet they are still playing on there 6 year old desktop to play there serious racing sim i doubt it. im 20 and have yet to have any kind of real "job" other then the work i do on my own time for friends and family for some spare cash and i was able to get together 1,500 (us $)to build my self a top of the line system. if you can afford all those games you should be able to afford a system that can run them half way decent correct?

no a game is only good if it looks like it was relased in the last 5 years


So you post S1 pics that are over 6 years old to make your point that they look like they are 5 years old? And that is a bad thing?
S2 licensed
Great news, the new LFS era and an ending to speculations if there will ever be a S3
S2 licensed
I've done a few laps and am now on Tier2 . It's pretty good for an NFS game. Only thing is it crashes a lot.
S2 licensed
Quote from Don1e :Hello, I had a huge problems with my PC - had to reinstall OS few times... By the time I was having these difficulties, the only game I played was LFS. Suddenly, when I tried to unlock S2 with my Game Password, I saw nifty message - Username is registered as DEMO. Later, I found out you have 3 unlocks... Does this mean, that if I unlocked S2 3 times, I have to spend another 24 pounds to buy? Because if this is true, then I'm done with LFS >.< . Thanks for responses

No, it means you have the wrong username if you have a s2-account. The one you are posting with now is a demo-account.
S2 licensed
In 2006 the Xbox and PS3 were still called next-gen. Developers experienced a lot with all the effect they could do. I don't think the games were better, they just had more bloom.

S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :you read the title and youd expect a valid argument on how the gameplay of current releases just a big bag of repetitive rubbish compared to the old days but obviously this is all about the most irrelevant thing in making a good game
kind of explains why game quality really is lacking these days

I expected it to be about LFS bust i must admit i did not look at the forum it was posted in. Came here by the new posts button
S2 licensed
Quote from dutchshogun :Well, i am using wireless since i started playing LFS, and havent really experienced any bad things with it... We havent even got the best of the best connection. We're now running about 420kb/s download, and 45kb/s upload.

Lags which have occured, were 90% not me, so, i'd say:if you have a decent connection, it's ok.

It's not about download and uplaod it's that it lags sometimes. You are saying that 10% of the lags were you.

If you race with 20 others and you each have the same change of lag that is 5 %.
S2 licensed
I say no to for Wifi. You also ruin other peoples game with lag.

But maybe it works better when you live in the middle of nowhere. I have neighbours and wifinetworks all around me and it's ok to internet on it, but i can't game on it. Sometimes it even stops completly for a few minutes, I think it's the microwave of one of my neighbours (they use the same frequention as wifi, only with a much stronger signal )
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :What the hell is that?
And cloak, what do you mean by that?

Seeing the train, i think he means they drive like they are on rails.
S2 licensed
This is great news.

I would love to hear what is changed for the users in the tirespecs. Like if we will still have a live view of the condition of the tires and if it still devided in the same parts. But i am sure we will hear it when the time is right. I can understand you want to be sure about updates before announcing them to the users
S2 licensed
A nice Chevy would do (Matiz )
S2 licensed
Quote from Deutschland2007 :I didn´t have a S2 licence back then but I tried it last week, just for fun. Nearly all the setups had the softest available tyre compound and were very soft to make the tyres last. Was alot nicer to drive than with what we´ve got now. But the biggest problem for me is, in patch X I can keep the tyres in a sort of temperature window, which makes them usable for longer races. In patch Y and Z they just seem to get hotter and hotter and hotter, and it seems you can´t do anything about it.

You can. You can drive smoother, you can change the setup (tire presure/camber), you can choose different tyres. In long races you will see they cool down again when they start wearing out.
S2 licensed
Quote from Billeh :Shame it wasnt the full package otherwise i might have gone for it thanks for the heads up

What more do you want? I liked Nero a lot in the past, but the last versions are much to bloated. I don't know what they have left out but if you can burn images and dvd/cd's then this is enough. I don't want all the other stuff.