Problem with not making the tracks a package (like now with the S1/S2/S3 package) is that everyone will have different tracks what will make it difficult to arrange leagues.
Why is that? You don't have to buy extra content. I wouldn't mind if there came a new Sx package every year with a few new cars and tracks
True, it would be strange for newcommers to drive a 2003 blackwood and a 2009 (or 2010) Rockingham. Good Blackwood is updated since then I think everything with low res textures will be updated before S2 goed final.
I don't know about that last part. The Scirocco is an S1 update and the tire physics will come to S1 too (since it's the same game, only with less content).
Where did you read that it will come in one patch? I think Rockingham is much farther away then the tire update and the Scirocco (since Scawen mentioned he wanted to let us know about S3 and Rockingham closer to release)
That car weights 2000 KG and is often used as policecar that is all over the place in movies. Not something a car that handles good would do. It would eat dust of all the much smaller engined GTO's on any track but the oval.
Did you use Google translate or something? I can read all the words in your post but I have no idea what you are saying. "the loyalty of a kick"? "buy S3 alone judging it" ?
I don't think it will come that soon so you can start saving And you will still get updates voor S2 I think, S1 even still gets updates.
I don't know, they kind of have to still develop S1 because it is part of S2 and development took that long that they could not use the "S1 final" physics and textures from 2003 anymore. So the licenses are more for content then for what used to be called "S1 final" and what will be "S2 final". And it's not even that final, because since S1 became final there are two more cars added (Formula BMW and Scirocco). It's kind of like iRacing, you pay for content, but without the monthly fee and much cheaper. We even get a laser scanned track
But I would not mind if there came an S4 / S5 / S6 too
In 2006 the Xbox and PS3 were still called next-gen. Developers experienced a lot with all the effect they could do. I don't think the games were better, they just had more bloom.
I say no to for Wifi. You also ruin other peoples game with lag.
But maybe it works better when you live in the middle of nowhere. I have neighbours and wifinetworks all around me and it's ok to internet on it, but i can't game on it. Sometimes it even stops completly for a few minutes, I think it's the microwave of one of my neighbours (they use the same frequention as wifi, only with a much stronger signal )
I would love to hear what is changed for the users in the tirespecs. Like if we will still have a live view of the condition of the tires and if it still devided in the same parts. But i am sure we will hear it when the time is right. I can understand you want to be sure about updates before announcing them to the users
You can. You can drive smoother, you can change the setup (tire presure/camber), you can choose different tyres. In long races you will see they cool down again when they start wearing out.
What more do you want? I liked Nero a lot in the past, but the last versions are much to bloated. I don't know what they have left out but if you can burn images and dvd/cd's then this is enough. I don't want all the other stuff.