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S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :The problem with Hamilton is the press building him up and making him into someone he aint. In Britain (cant speak for any other country) we have a great habbit of building a sportsperson up, only to knock them down again as soon as the media can. It's the same with Beckham/Terry/Button(there's never any Scots I can think of, we are that bad ), but as soon as they are proclaimed to be the next best thing, we start hating them.

IMO, Hamilton seems to be arrogant and cocky, and some may say "well thats what you need to be to be a winner", I can see the point however it can get confussed with self belief. There is a fine line between arrogance and self belief, and I think Lewis is starting to listen to the hype, and getting arrogant...the final straw was the inability to accept blame for the crash in Canada.

And not only sports. Also some British popartists have left the island because of the media.

And for the attitude. You can't be the nicest guy on the track and a champignon. Schumacher wasn't a nice guy too for most of his career. But he was a great driver and a winner, and i think so will be Hamilton.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :lol how much? Im gona wait for the free demo, I dont care if it takes years (or they never release a demo) im not paying their silly prices.

If they don't get enough customers they will change their pricing/demo options but for now that doesn't seem to be the plan.
S2 licensed
Overhyped yes. But he is a good driver, he just has to learn a lot for what he hasn't had a chance last season.
S2 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :Hi!

I still have invites left for the small scaled release next week. The Public Release will be in a couple of months, if you want to join now already you can sign up for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or a year. Credit card required.

Read about it before you join, its not a finished Sim and never will be, its in constant development and will be so for years. It's kind of like a LFS S1

New Website is up:


A game in development with a montlly fee and an extra 15/20 dollar a track. That was not what LFS S1 was about
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :By the way, your avatar shouldn't be allowed. Your not allowed to share accounts.


[edit]BTW. I don't think it looks strange (if you don't look at my bad paintskills ) You see more in front of you and you don't have the big right sidewindow. Maybe you will even see a little of the left mirror.
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed
Can't you move the second option more to the right (so the wheel comes on the left side of the second monitor).

S2 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :

What do need that many licenses for?
S2 licensed
Quote from Heiko1 :Hey guys if i drove in FBM on FE Club i saw that:

The line is not under the its a bit in the car or over the car.

What is the bug? Race line is projected over the road, it's not in road texture.
S2 licensed
Quote from senn :lol half u guys have only joined in the last year or two and you're bitching about the pace of development lol. call me when you've been watching for almost 7 years.(or developing *waves to devs*)
However, i agree, it's starting to feel like LFS is getting a bit stale, its's still freaking awesome, but yeah time for some major changes again *shrug*

Since when is it a rule that you can only dream about future improvements after seven years of usage?

BTW, you can't see when people first played Live for Speed. Take me for example, i first played this game in August 2002, but you can't see that since there was no forum or LFS World in the old days.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :It will be exactly the same, except the FZ5 will have a small bug fixed which no one noticed in the first place.

What bug? Or haven't you noticed as wel?
S2 licensed
I don't expect LFS to look that different in two years. If it does then S3 development has started somewhere and we will be playing S3 0.1A Alpha.

It will be finetuned. Tires of roadcars will start with colder temperatures, GTR's will have GTR interiors and big damages will slow you down more.
S2 licensed
Quote from WizardHat :Pretty sure this happens because you can't make setup changes to a damaged car.

Not quite sure on that though.

Eh, wich is it?
S2 licensed
Really cool video.
S2 licensed
It's great, it has a typical German sound (very commercial but i like it )

[edit]Listened to that other Turbo B material on the site, it sounds great too. (now i see he is the frontman of SNAP, very cool. Does he play LFS too? )
Last edited by marzman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Karoti :At last.... a discussion :banana:

(devil's advocate)

Wel, there is a discussion, but as a read it we all agree (except for you )
S2 licensed
Just say <<insert name>> handles that kind of stuff. Then shout that name and lay down the phone. Because they think <<insert name>> is on it's way to the phone they have to wait.
S2 licensed
Quote from Karoti :That isn't speed... it's the finishing order, the LX6 certainly hasn't got the legs of the FZ5 for instance, but will always beat it.

It depends on the track. On high speed tracks (example: oval) the car with the higher top-speed will wil.

How can you say the order is wrong if you don't know how they are sorted? You can sort them alfabeticly, on weight, color, passenger seats etc).
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Eh, I haven't done it recently, but I'll wager that if you put one of Bob's road setups on a XFG and drive it at road speeds (i.e., not flooring it, maxing out at 70mph and taking the corners reasonably) it won't be that loose at all.

Maybe not for an American car
S2 licensed
I've lost count but +1 from me for road cars. Thing is you don't know what the temps are around the circuit and on the asfalt (nothing like that is implemented)
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :Sir, your reply pleases me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter!

ok, your subscribed to my popular watches newsletter

But seriously, i think that is what he wanted to know. If he could get 100 % power with pedals.
S2 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :Mouse buttons = Digital (Either on or off)
Pedals = Analogue (Progressive on position of Axis)

So yea, if you press the Throttle pedal down half way, you'll get 50% throttle...

And if you push your pedal to the plastic you'll get 100%
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Funny how engine damage isn't displayed in a real car either, yet people manage.

-1 for more silly arcade displays.

That's true but it would be cool if you could see it after the race. Normaly your pitcrew/engineers could tell you after the race that the car doesn't like your drivingstyle.
S2 licensed
Nice one (didn't see it till now).
S2 licensed
Quote from evilgenius :hmm FF was on.. but i didnt feel any bumps or jumps or anything o_0
540 il ltry that .. cauz what im saying is.. the wheel feels like a keyboard xD

Was FF on in the game as wel? Because it's off on default (don't know why, maybe because they expect people to have old cheap wheels).