In my opinion 98 is better then ME. But i think your hardware will do fine with Windows 2000 or XP too. You've got enough ram and 700 mhz isn't that slow.
You're right about Me and 98 but a lot of company servers still run on Windows 2000. With all service packs it is up to date.
I'm surprised there is only one American replying. I'm interested in their point of view. I allready know a lot of other people think bush is a morron.
I thought this topic was about tickets and not only speeding tickets. Maybe i was wrong there but also speeding tickets were a personal record in 2006
I don't have a pointliccence (i don't think that's the correct word, but i hope you know what i mean ) New drivers get one nowadays for the first years of their drivingcarreer. I can only lose my licence when i have to get to the what we call "Officier van Justitie" (that is in courth). You can get there by driving more then 50 km over the speedinglimit or by being drunk in your car. I hope i never get there
New drivers get points on their licence for speeding, but this is something wich we are only doing for the last couple of years. I never got such a licence. I've got the good old licence which will last till i'm 70 years old, and even then i can still drive but have to be tested every five years.
Most of the time i only get two tickets a year, but 2006 was a record. Six for speeding, one for not having a seatbelt and one for parking at a invalid parkingspace (wich i did not do, I have got a letter now saying they believe it wasn't me but i still haven't got the money of the ticket back).
And also one at my frontdoor for not having a parkinglicence (is that "parkeervergunning" in english?). I had one but i forgot to get a new one when 1 year had past.
Animalls eat the same thing every day and it doesn't seem to harm then. Never heard an animall about his two pieces of fruit or about and never think of the different types of foodgroups
Well, in fact i don't agree. The 1.0 Fiesta from '89 was no fun and not sporty. I don't say it sucked, but i also won't say a Alto from '06 sucks. It are both good cars for what their worth. Faster Fiesta's were fun, the faster fiesta of today is called ST so i mean you should not exclude that.