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LFS World: Split Window in Racers & Hosts online
S3 licensed
The Window in [Racers & Hosts online] should be splitted. Screenshot with marking where the window should be splitted

This is needed because if you are in the middle of the list, you dont see the column caption.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from GruntOfAction :[sarcasim]Hmm....wait! I have a better idea! Lets make a track designer and editor that lets you make pitfalls for the nubs who cant drive the perfect line![/sarcasim]


Thats already possible also with shift+U in single player, there can you with this autocross editor make some layouts.
But a track designer to build new tracks will be nice, but its much work to build a track. It is not so easy because the grip and the unevenness. A Counter strike map is a lot easier to make.
S3 licensed
LoL and i want a machine gun on front panel of my car. The aiming with the gun should be possible with axes of joystick and furthermore i need a crosshair-monitor in my car for it. Furthermore if i rolled over i will dropout of my car and take a Graviton to put my car back to the wheels. A lot of Axis are needed for this. 4 Axes for car steering, 2 Axes for watch out, 2 Axes for aiming the weapon and 2 to move the driver outside of his car and some buttons for duck and lay down.
S3 licensed
No idea how to use scripts, the commands.txt says not everything of the needed know how.
S3 licensed
Quote from Davo :I thought lfs did save views as per car, I'm pretty sure it does anyway. You can setup your shifter options using the script system.

Thats not true, the FOV is a global thing, also the wheel turn degrees are global. For FZR i need another FOV than for MRT or RB4. In FZR i need other wheel turn degrees than in MRT. Everytime when i change a car i must change the FOV and [wheel turn degrees] and FUEL.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
The track is nice and i dont wonna change any track. But it will be nice if the developers add some layouts and some new tracks in S3 or in a S2 Patch.
I suggested a fast curving track in here and was bashed from somebody with
  • drive KY1
  • use brakes
  • learn drive
  • it is boring to drive a track without braking a BF1 down under 100 Km/h
and so far....
Small map position
S3 licensed
At time is it possible to show the small map in the middle of the chat-messages or right side in the middle of the the lists.

It will be nice to show the map in the middle on top or in the middle down or like a real navigation item beside the steering wheel.
A partially radar-like small map like it is in counter-strike with my car in the middle of small map screen will be nice.

But some navigation items have turning maps, i don´t like turning maps. Small map rotating must always be changeable like in W17, because some racers like the rotating map and other not.
S3 licensed
Connections List is to big in W17 and Positions list to, both lists at the same side of screen are impossible, and i dont need to press F12 to get connection list and position list, and if connection list on i have always a mouse pointer.
S3 licensed
Bug detected: If you drive outside the track you get Auto-Reset at some places. You get than replaced in the middle of the track and cause some damage also if Car-reset server side disabled. So i suggest that everybody who drive in a Auto-Reset-Area should be sent directly to spectators.
See also:

Furhermore i suggest that everybody who press this Space-Button will sent directly to spectators also when a player connecting and i suggest the remove of the "Arcade-Option" Car reset within repair the car.
Last edited by matze54564, .
Mouse pointer, position-list and connection-list enabled???
S3 licensed
Quote from ESPAÑA[XTM] :In race, push N until conexion list, press F12 and if is necesary, N again.. And you will see Conexion list, the distances with the other driver and the mouse pointer..

I cant reproduce this in Version W0, please help.
S3 licensed
Quote from ESPAÑA[XTM] :In race, push N until conexion list, press F12 and if is necesary, N again.. And you will see Conexion list, the distances with the other driver and the mouse pointer..

Thanks for instructions, but i cant reproduce this. This is the wrong thread, i go in the technical assistance Forums and post this there. PS: My Arrow-Buttons are for Watch out, thats most important, but wanna buy a joystick just for watch out....
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ESPAÑA[XTM] :Since patch W9, I can´t see the mouse pointer

Is this your missed mouse pointer??
Another Mouse pointer beside the mouse pointer which is showing if you enable the connection list i cant find in older versions. Please learn me how you enable this always visible mouse pointer. I know only the red one you see in my screenshot, and this one is removable since W9 in Options> Display> Virtual steering gauge, default setting is [virtual steering gauge] = no.
PS: i don´t use any mouse pointer, i watch the wheel in cockpit-view and the pedal-bars down right. I use mouse steering and Mouse-Y for throttle and brake. And this visual Control is enough. The visual feedback of LFS is great, i love it really and it allows me to control the car like a real car without the feeling of the centrifugal forces which u can only have in a real car.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :I think that if you drive out of bounds it should force you into spectate mode instead.

My english is so bad that i not figured out what mean out of bounds My translater says: "kein Zutritt, begrenzt" So i started just a new thread beside the existing Auto Spectate on Out Of Bounds.
The biggest Problem is to say where is "out of bounds".
And i say this area should be just the same like the existing Auto-Reset-Area.
If a Admin want a bigger restricted Area than the auto-reset area is, he can make a layout and add invisible restricted areas so much he want.
S3 licensed
Quote from fuzzymonkey : And i have tried assigning mouseY, its very difficult to control.

It is possible to use mouse-y and i use it since this Thread. Wheel turn compensation must be on 1 and wheel turn must set at 300° and if you use the MRT must you change the wheel turn to 100° because the axes disturbing is to high for the small wheel turn degrees of MRT.

I know, the Button-Control is absolutely annoying, and i was thinking about a virtual axis controlled by buttons before. 1 Button for +axis and one for -axis. The third button is then for the move-speed or the acceleration of the move of the virtual axis. But for Brake is this not possible to use i guess, because the brake is to fast needed. Buttons are always very bad for controls, and should be not used. It is better to buy a joystick just for use throttle and brake with joystick-axes than use buttons for the same. And we can thank bill gates that a second mouse not give the axes Z and W. A second mouse use the same X and Y like the first plugged mouse. So we need to buy any game controller and the playing at a workstation is not so easy therefore. I have many ideas to use 4 Mouse axes in a CAD application, not only in games, but Microsoft gimme 2 Mouse axes and i am angry about.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Doorman :What they do is pretend to accidently false start, telepit, which nullifys their penalty, leave the garage.......

Thats True, and i think all players who use telepit should just sent to spectators and if the race not full should they get a 45 sec time penalty.
More about is written in here
Last edited by matze54564, .
Auto Reset schould be removed
S3 licensed
If you drive outside the track at some places you get a auto-reset and will be placed automatically in the middle of the track and if incoming traffic you will inescapably causing damage. This is also enabled if the car reset server side disabled. I don´t like any car reset in game and suggest the complete remove of all reset abilities.
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :I have just joined a 47 player server and noticed some bugs when trying to join the race:
- My car joined right onto the track (qualy position) with the "Ready"-countdown, although the race was still under the way.

I was in the same server at the same time and me happened the same.


Small Map
Thanks for the small map changes smallmapimage The blue one is my car! Thats really nice.
I love it really so how it now is. Maybe in future if developed bigger tracks should the small map only show a part of the track with my car in the center of the radar. But the north should then also always on top like since patch W10. A turning map i don´t like in a full small map and also not in a partially zoom small map.

Connection List Changes
The changes of the small map we have suggested all in a Patch-Release-Thread and now is it made. So i think why are suggestions in patch-test-threads not allowed? I think my suggested connection list changes are a very good add for Patch X.

Thanks for reading
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : imagetest
see also
S3 licensed
Last edited by matze54564, .
see also
Stop insulting
S3 licensed
It is really not helpful to say "i don´t like ovals" and the insulting of the oval driving community should just be removed. Oval-racing is a important racing style for LFS, and thats true, and i see absolutely no sense to boycott any racing style in LFS. I believe thats just spamming and should be removed. If somebody suggest "to change the whole setup while pitstop", then can you say something against, but without insulting. Oval-racing is very difficult, you really don´t know what you write in here. And i believe the insulter in here are the biggest damage-causer in oval-servers.
S3 licensed ... 2336&highlight=clutch

I found the handling of the advanced search really late out, sometimes i was jumping through the pages by using the browser side search
S3 licensed
Thanks a lot, i have bookmarked this page.
In other forums... this code works. I thought that this not work. I pasted such a link since a time and it didnt work. I never tested again. So the topic is failure-caused
Forum-Help needed
S3 licensed
Hello, i didnt find the area where i can see how to make some coding in this forum. If this here the wrong place to request technical assistance about the forum, then please tell me where is the right place. The following things about the forum i dont know:
  • How can i insert a named link?
In Wikipedia works it so: [http://example.example.ex/example.htm linkname]
In some other forums so: linkname
Everywhere is used different coding for Links. This make the handling of forums difficult.
  • How can i insert visible small images in PNG or GIF-format? JPG i never tested.