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Quote from NetDemon01 :This is already possible and is how I race all the time. You just have to select 'wheel' as your controller and then assign the corresponding axes. It really is not that hard to use at all.

The throttle and brake also needs to use the 'combined' setting so that the upper portion of the screen is throttle, and lower portion is brake, with an amount of deadzone in between according to how you set that up.

Special thanks for your instructions, i go now to test this out.
Edit: Made, i´m really happy now i love it, it is more easy than in the dutch racer project.
New edit:
  • Type and drive is possible by use the mouse-xy-axis in a wheel-setup. Great! Just my freeze-button for click in connections-list is nor needed
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Single player? and that rule is (imo) pretty stupid

In my opinion is it not right, that it in single player is possible to repair the car on track by reset. And now is this feature - repairing by reset - a arcade-feature in multi-player, i don´t like this feature in both, in single-player and multi-player. But sorry i did not read hda´s posting right, thought hda was in a oval-server.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from hda :I was playing single player with an f1 in oval, i got towed off the track and i couldn't get back cause "it would cause a yellow flag"

Edit: my answer is removed by me! because: sorry, didnt read right - single player - and wrote some mischief

Now a new answer:

Was some AI-Drivers on track? The new feature: "no reset by yellow flag" and if some other car near by yours is absolutely a step in the right direction. (target is IMO the completely remove of reset from single- and multi-player)
Last edited by matze54564, .
Mouse-Steering - Some Suggestions
S3 licensed
How to use both mouse axes for driving?
Quote from NetDemon01 :This is already possible and is how I race all the time. You just have to select 'wheel' as your controller and then assign the corresponding axes. It really is not that hard to use at all.

The throttle and brake also needs to use the 'combined' setting so that the upper portion of the screen is throttle, and lower portion is brake, with an amount of deadzone in between according to how you set that up.

It solve all the problems below.

If you wanna use your mouse also in other games as joystick you can use: PPJoy allows to emulate a virtual joystick with your mouse. It solve also all the problems below.
  • Freeze-button needed - with this button can u freeze the mouse steering in last position and fast click in the connections-list without ramming the wall.
  • While typing a message go the steering wheel in straight position. This feature is not needed and should be disabled. Instead should the steering just be enabled while typing a message, then is it possible to type and drive without any accident. Edit: (problem is already solvable, because the mouse-xy-axis can be used in a wheel-setup.)
  • A toggle key to toggle all controls. The release of the toggled controls can just made with the control button himself. (I suggested this already in an other thread, but maybe have it no developer noticed.)
  • A little cruise control, special for us poor mouse-drivers, will be nice.
  • Maybe a y-axis use for throttle and brake??? But the dutch racer-project shows that y-axis-use for throttle and brake is really hard to handle because the behavior of the steering axis is than a lot more difficult. Therefore i can understand because you don´t wanna use the y-axis of mouse for some controls. But maybe should it be a setup-option that everybody can test the behavior, and someone wanna maybe learn to drive with it, and i believe it need more skill, but it is possible to drive with it a world record, i guess. Edit: Thats already possible with a special-trick, and steering is not so difficult like i said!
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Where and when is a big W10-testing event??

And the car-reset in multiplayer should be complete removed. the Arcade is maybe not needed. Some Admins do not disable the reset-option and thats annoying. So is it for example possible to reset a car in race in the one and only oval-server: (FM) OvaL W10
Last edited by matze54564, .
Connections-List should show the player-status and the player-car
S3 licensed
Then is it possible to sort the list for player-status or for car and all spectators are grouped. A long time i wonna see the car of each other player without to make a logfile-analyse or without spectate all players by knowing all cars.
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : better saying
Connections-List Highlighting
S3 licensed
I suggest that it will be nice if the player which i do watching is highlighted in the connections-list.

If u in the connections-list click in the right column, u can jump between players which are on track and spectate them immediately while you are self on track with a car and in the spectate-mode. Thats really nice, but highlighting will be a very great additional.
phishing or fishing here in this forum?
S3 licensed
Phishing or Fishing in this forum i guess, dont enter your password, it will be dangerous i guess!
S3 licensed
i guess some phishing-script was done in this thread, be careful and dont enter your password please!
Edit: it was a stcc-error, no dangers
Last edited by matze54564, .
Connection-List Changes
S3 licensed
Sort Ability
All the time i use LFS i didnt find out after whichsoever criterion will the connections-list be sorted. Sometimes i thought the longest connected player is always on top, but later i saw that new connected players jump until 3 min in the middle of the list and no other player connected in this time. (sorry for bad english)

If 48 players connected is it difficult to find out the wanted player.
A sort-ability should help to find the wanted player a lot faster.

Other players about:
Quote from duke_toaster :The conns list should be sorted by licence name in alphabetical order.

Quote from AndroidXP :A grouping in "Spectator" and "In Race" might not be that bad, either.

More informations about the Player in Connection List
Very important needed is:
car | ping
By the spectators should be no car shown, also if they already was in race with a car, so is the status-column not needed, because if a car shown is the player in race and if no car shown, the player spectate. Then u need just sort the list by car and have all spectators in a group.

Other players about:
Quote from Lotesdelere :Good idea, but the network bars still must match with the connections list order because it's a very usefull and fast way for admins to spot on the people who are lagging.

See also: Connection List Highlighting
It will be nice if the player which i do watching is highlighted in the connections-list.
If u in the connections-list click in the right column, u can jump between players which are on track and spectate them immediately while you are self on track with a car and in the spectate-mode. Thats really nice, but highlighting will be a very great additional. Already is the spectated only in the position-list highlighted by an arrow, in practice mode or qualifying are no position list available. Furthermore is it better when all informations be shown in the connection list, then must the spectator not jump between connection list and position list. (sorry for bad english)

See also:
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : update
Unicode compatibility
S3 licensed
lfs do log the messages in a ANSI-File and and all names with special signs are then just unreadable.
If you use CTRL+C to copy a name with special signs and paste it in a unicode-able text-editor, the editor receive no unicode, just ansi-code.

For example:
ノマedline ノマacing
will be called after copy and paste with LFS just:
ÉÏedline ÉÏacing

If you paste ÉÏedline ÉÏacing in "join specific game" works it fine, u will be then connected to ノマedline ノマacing

My suggestion is:
Make LFS just unicode-able or unicode compatible. Then is it lighter to find out display-names with special signs in the log-file and it is more easy to copy and paste a special signed display-name in a external application.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :shifting to first or engaging the clutch

we speak here about patch W9. You can get the patch after reading the first post in the following thread:
S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :My best explanation for the "bad low speed BF1 behaviour" is all related to the aero modelling. The current aero modelling allows you to make a very oversteery (mechanically) setup, which is still drivable at speed due to the seemingly never ceasing downforce when sliding. This however would mean when driving the BF1 at low speeds (when aero has little or no effect), the car has an awful amount of oversteer.

I think w

I find the low speed behavior great, and it is absolutely realistic. Some other here was flaming about "the car is to easy to catch". I don´t believe thats to easy to catch.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Why not make the cars start in the pits, do a lap, and then line up in the correct grid order? That's how it works in real life, isn't it?

This is impossible because nobody find then his right start-position and the start-area is then really a "carnage". Maybe the player-names must be written on the grids, but until everybody have found his place go much time in the land.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :It's still possible to drive without auto-clutch, but that's a discussion for a different thread.

If you're using auto-clutch and mouse, the auto-handbrake discussion is really a moot point because you can easily hold the brakes with one finger while flooring the gas with the other. All you need to do is release the brake finger while shifting into first. So, not having auto-handbrake really shouldn't be difficult at all for you. When dealing with three pedals, a shifter, and a handbrake, it's a different story.

OK, i changed my opinion about the remove of the auto handbrake while doing the car on grid, because so is it possible to detect AFK-Players more easy. I was not against this because of handling with mouse-steering. Sure its absolutely no problem with mouse. And The remove of auto handbrake while start is not a remove of the handbrake.

About the buttons and the clutch:
  • Throttle via button is a big problem. In Holland is made a freeware-racing-simulation called "racer" This use just the y-up with mouse for throttle and the y-down of mouse for the brakes, and x-axis for steering. it is really possible to drive with it, but its very difficult, it need longer to be learned and to much y-axis with mouse makes that the precision of x-axis is to bad for a exactly steering, because the hand have not a good place at the desk.
  • Brakes via button is the same problem, if it not made with y-axis of mouse.
  • Clutch via button is absolutely impossible to handle. U must then just use the tires as clutch while starting, full throttle> full clutch> burning tires.
  • Handbrake with a button is possible. Just for the handbrake-use while driving in small curves is a handbrake-pedal for a rungless regulated handbrake needed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :but little things like the auto-clutch, auto-handbrake, almost non-existant damage, etc. really ruin the immersion of the sim. The sooner these things are removed, the better.

Some players, like i have no pedals bought. Without pedals is it impossible to drive without auto-clutch. I will start an other thread with some suggestions for mouse-steering. For better mouse steering should something made. Maybe mouse steering is just a beginner-option to bring people to buy a wheel and pedals.
S3 licensed
Quote from garph :No, not removing the handbrake from the game. Just not having an auto-handbrake right up until the green light comes on at the start.

I think just thats very good that the handbrake be toggled when u taken in the "grid" while the race starts. U don´t must drive self in the grid, this go automatically, and therefore must the handbrake toggled i think. If cars taken automatically in grid while race starts and handbrake is released, some noobs will keep on rolling down the hill and be sent spectating for it. I find the discussion about this really not importantly. The only good suggestion was in my opinion the suggestion that the auto-release of handbrake should be removed. But for cruising-servers is it more important that the the handbrake not be released if you are rammed. If u press throttle with a gear in can the handbrake automatic release, thats not very unrealistic and it exist in real life cars with such an automatic handbrake-release-ability.
S3 licensed
My English is really bad its really a hard job to reading and writing in English for me.... It seems like u talk here about the abolishment of the handbrake or the abolishment of the handbrake toggle-ability. I believe thats not a discussion-base. The handbrake must be in future, thats true, and every handbrake can be toggled in real life! Think about and maybe should this thread be closed now like the patch-test-thread i guess.
About toggle some buttons
S3 licensed
- by a race-start should be the handbrake toggled like in older versions! we don´t wanna remove the handbrake-toggle, and therefore will not caused a mass destruction on race-start because of removing the auto-release of handbrake. But i am not against the auto release of the handbrake by gear in and press throttle, i´m just against the auto release of handbrake if u get rammed by an other car.
- it should be able to toggle the throttle in a special position, and it should be made a cruise control like it used in real cars.

for toggling lights and horns is maybe at the following page some solution: ... p?showtopic=197&st=15
search there for "Updated For Patch W"
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Chris P :Please, please, please remove that handbrake in-gear feature. What's the point in having it?

I don´t understand why u must say 3 times please because of nothing. The handbrake with a gear in changes absolutely nothing for race starts. It makes just more easy to parking in your CLC-mod. It is just a step in the right direction. And the next step is the remove of the automatically release the handbrake toggle. If this made, every player must press the handbrake button to release the handbrake and start the car. And this will be fine realistic and not impossible to handle with all used steering-items.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis : If you stop the car completely and press handbrake, it goes to toggled mode automatically which is nice. Then you put in 1st gear and apply some throttle and the handbrake goes off automatically... that part just doesn't make any sense.


And i said it in an other thread before, i need to toggle my throttle, because my throttle-finger hurt like hell in a oval-server.

Just for CLC:
It would be nice to toggle the throttle in 50% or 80 % and so far, or a little Cruise control will be very nice. Not like the pit-limiter, it must be able to setup the speed and the car must brake automatically if it go to fast down the hill. That will be nice for cruising-servers. Furthermore is needed to toggle the police- and music-horn and the lights.

Something about mouse steering (warning, off topic):
If you use the mouse for steering, and wont type a message, the steering wheel go in straight position. I see no sense in this feature, because so is it impossible to type while driving with mouse-steering. Steering should be frozen in last position while typing, or if it possible just kept enabled. If you with mouse steering enable the connection list, the steering should be frozen (not straight and not enabled). Then is it possible to click fast for kick/ban/send setup/playername while driving without ramming the right side wall. For the last suggestion must be made another connection list view beside the existing view, to watch it before the steering go frozen. Because it bring nothing when steering go frozen and i must just search a player-name in connection list , this need to much time and i go then for ramming the left side wall. I guess, i should put this text in the suggestions-forum because its off topic.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Can't confirm that, I made a point in staying in neutral and standing on the brake before lights come on, but I still got booted off for a false start, together with about 5-10 other people on a 22 car grid.

Thats true, my handbrake was on and i was sent to spectate!

@franky500: i don´t figured out the right place to speak about "500 Servers W9" Maybe its just some misunderstanding?
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I've found no bugs so far

I will be really thankful if somebody from can remove me from the ban-list of

"500 Servers W9"
best regards
Start penalty glitch getected
S3 licensed
@ the server 500 Servers W9 was some cars sent to spectate without starting to early. my car was really standing absolutely still and i got during parking at start-position a start failure-penalty (was sent to spectate)
This happened 3 times. Then was i banned there, i think because i was spamming the glitch 4 times.
handbrake keep toggle
S3 licensed
thats great.