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S3 licensed
Smoother Graphics when setup "Maximum Buffered Frames" to 2 @50 Hz, Vsync on 50,0 fps. Thank you very much.

Aston is now 100% smooth at my AMD A6 APU, Westhill is at the problem zones not smooth....
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :
Without vsync, you're always getting the newest frame possible because there's a surplus of frames, without any having to wait.

Thats not true, because your monitor have a refresh rate of maybe 70 Hz or 60 Hz (50 Hz are only for Freaks using german tv on pc) and and when you are limiting the frame rate to 100 Hz, your monitor won´t show you 30 frames. 1 skipped frame is like 10 ms delay.
S3 licensed
@dawesdust_12: i bet, the delay is bigger when have asynchron fps, because then you see some frames not because the monitor is not able to show you the frame.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I'm quite happy with the new frame rate limiting system which can really hit the target frame rate accurately now.

Every framerate beyond the monitor refresh rate is useless. Why dont just use Vsync only? Also flatscreens have a refrsh rate. It is not true that the refresh rate have no effect on flatscreens.
In Aston i have everywhere 50 fps. But smooth is it not everywhere. But this i wrote already. Now i migrated to the A6-6310. But at time is a A10 for the same price available Smile Its really not a gamer APU, but its the beginning of the future of computers.
S3 licensed
Gear shifting on BF1 was possible with full throttle. When driving only with Mouse is it hard to mve the throttle with Mouse Y for shifting.
Westhill FPS are not improved for me, i have only 38 FPS before T1.

Off Topic: I need a Joystick-Emulator for a 64 bit OS.
S3 licensed
I bought now a A6-6310 Quad-Core APU 20Watt. LFS running only in minimal-configuration. But i dont understand why it is using only 25% CPU, and 25 % GPU? Multicore-Rendering is maybe not supported. I tested also Half Life 1, this run so good like in my old power consumtion system with one CPU. Half Life 2 - i have the test not finished - dont know anymore how many CPU was used, but it run not so good and AA and AF is not supported and should be disabled.
S3 licensed
Win 7 is not so expensive, you can buy it cheap on ebay - or the win 8 Upgrade for win xp. To get Win 10 is not a big problem for Windows XP users.

Quote from :What are you talking about? "Killing" ?

Product support maybe? Ends January 14, 2020

Product support is not matter - i use Win XP also after more than one year without support. Smile
Last edited by matze54564, .
DirectX 12 or Vulkan is a must have
S3 licensed
Hello, windows 10 will give us a 3D revolution. I hope LFS will be soon on Windows 10 and DX12 or Linux and Vulkan. Its nice that it run yet in Windows XP, but Windows 10 is killing Windows XP now.

I am using in future only mobile devices, because the ATX Items need to much power and in dont want give the power industry a money. Hoping 16nm CPUs with integrated Graphics coming soon....
S3 licensed
Is it possible to keep the old Westhill; maybe just as "Old Westhill"?
The new Westhill is really amazing, but in the old Westhill the graphics are smoother on my Radeon HD4600. Yesterday the graphics was stuck every second, but after reinstalling the driver it was so good like oin the old version. With my old graphics card is no 100% smooth graphic possible i guess. Sometimes a object wont be smooth also when vsync by 50 Hz 50.00 fps.... Smile
Europe have 50 Hz refresh rate and the USA 60 Hz. Most People dont see any difference and for the most people are 25 Hz(fps) enough.... Or 24 fps like in a Cinema. With 50 Hz and fps should all moving objects on screen be 100% smooth, because the system can make 130 fps. It have enough Power for it, and in the old WE International was there only a problem with smooth graphics on some special points like on the road before the last turn. Sorry for my bad english.
S3 licensed
In the "metro thing" is it not possible to create subcategorys and it use for every tile a single shortcut in the filesystem. It seems microsoft will cause a overkill of the filesystem just because of the windows surroundings. Why do it make no databases for installed software and shortcuts? If i want uninstall a software it need time to create a list with installed software. And in my Windows 8.1 works the Google Earth from 10/2013 not. This are just some examples. If u have older software and hardware are there much more problems. For example: No 64 bit drivers for my Network-Controller available. Linux 64 bit have a driver for it. Linux support more hardware than windows.
BTW Windows 8.1 is faster than Windows 8. 32 Bit programs work very much better.

(I do not install a 32 bit operating system higher than Windows XP)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :install some printer software and share the printer for use by other computers on the network

This is maybe because of the higher encryption of the network traffic. When using 64 bit and 32 bit Operating systems on a Network, you need just to share the 32 bit driver over network. But i dont know how to use a printer which is installed on a 32 bit XP in a 64 bit windows 8.1.
Some Canon Printers like PIXMA IP5300 works not on Windows 8.... I have also alot of reasons to be angry about microsofts new operating systems.
How about to make LFS ready for OpenGL and make a real linux-version?

Next year comes Windows 9, i hope this will be better. If it the same crap like Windows 8, i really go to linux when i buy new hardware. With new hardware i have then maybe also enough power for using LFS in Wine.........
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bigbob1993 :People don´t mind if their personal data are sent to server (hotlaps ) so everybody should be ok withsending info on their Windows version.... or Linux/MacOSX because there are players using WINE to play LFS on other platforms.

LFS with WINE 25 FPS and with Windows 130 FPS.... Dont know how the dx to openGL works. Maybe with new hardware is it possible, but i tested it with a original Nvidia Driver inatalled on linux mint.... Only openGL works in Linux good.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Sorry to upset you but it is fictional that you need continual updates from Microsoft for your XP computer to continue to operate. I switched off the updates years ago, I do not install anti-virus software and never got a virus. It's quite simple, don't install viruses or run an exe without being sure that it is safe and you'll be fine. I do use zonealarm on my XP computers - an old version which was still usable unlike the recent versions. That's good because it lets you control which programs connect to the internet.

I still using Windows XP. I am happy to read about. I am using avast internet security - but ill look for zone-alarm.

I use Outlook Express. Only Microsoft Outlook is a good alternative for Outlook Express. Windows Live Mail is no alternative because its databaseless. I watch how to use Outlook 2k as alternative. I installed Office2K in a Windows 8 system. You have to move common Files to a folder without a ( in Foldername and change some registry entries for using Spell check.... But it contains the last excel with the faster algorithm. Windows XP FTW

Some of our Computers are Windows 8.1 and some Windows 7. And if i buy new hardware, Windows XP will be History also by me. I hope LFS will run in Windows XP some years after microsoft stopped support.

But what make Zone-Alarm when a trojan horse do drive by uploads and drive by downloads? I was infected by a banking trojan horse and a trojan horse which was stealing my email accounts. Its not possible to have a safe computer. No computer in the world is safe, but your computer is maybe a open door, because zone alarm can do nothing against a good virus. The hackers use software which not blocked by a firewall. They use Google Earth, Mozilla Firefox, Internet-Explorer, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Java........ The hackers can occupy your Computer with a simple PDF File.

I dont need the new tyre physics, because i think the physics are good enough. I drive at time only single player, and i also think Tracks are enough, because i drive at time only in WE International with BF1. I cant make the world best hotlap and drive ca. 15 min/day.

3D Great Idea, but i dont know what graphic hardware i need for it.....
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Now i know why some people are so fast in LFS, they use just a faster real time clock.....
S3 licensed
Whats the difference between A4 and B?
And how about turn back to the old watch around?
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Guthix :No patch out yet?


be quiet - let the devs sleep at the bahamas. Z28 is LFS Final Version. Be Happy. Maybe in 2015 will be S3 released - when money out in bahamas.
Maybe anytime will another racing game have also good physics like lfs.

I want the watch around back. Removing watch around was just a big fault.

anyway, i learn never drive, no matter which physics. Sometimes i think there are alot of secret cheaters in lfs, or alot of godlike people....

maybe this thread should be closed, its a pain to watch whats new in here.
S3 licensed
acceleration: high
way by slow moving: more than 40 cm
way by fast moving: 5cm
Using mouse XY-Setup
I use a virtual Joystick PPJoy for this, but in lfs u dont need it, because mouse axes are available in axes-FF, this mean: Mouse can be used as a wheel with throttle and brake in lfs.

See also:
Mouse-Steering - Some Suggestions
S3 licensed
What a immature slandering! Stop it immediately. You all have nothing to prove. And stop using bad language! @azzano62 you are just immature...

LC is closed for everytime
[Lc]LibertyCruise 1
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :insim is going to get worse and worse, and when it's bad enough, lc is going to start dying again, just as happened with CC

Hm, this is what i not really believe, because you all have nothing to proof. Show me your own insim, then ill join the server and test it. Then i believe you that you are able to code a insim. Im sure that i not spend much time to find out what insims u already have released as freeware....

Furthermore, the actual insim version runs stable, i drove today 2h without any disconnect and got the endurance-bankbonus 10%.... I dont know what yesterday was wrong.

You was the one in this thread which wont give hayward any chance. Thats the evil i talked about. I guess he dont need your help, because maybe your help is no help because u send him buggy code for ruining his idea.

Sure, taken the name liberty cruise is a borderline thing because of copyright and something. But thats just a problem between xerxes and hayward and not yours!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Azzano62 :i was the main insim coder

And why should we believe in you?? Maybe you caused all the system crashes...

You refunded yourself and your mates with negative money... 800.000.000 Thats childish. Furthermore u banned me for no reason... (or maybe because i talked about brokens viewpoint). Broken is your best friend and maybe you have the same viewpoint..... Yesterday you and broken was together in the passworded LC-Server. Who wanna thinking evil about?
names over cars bigger
S3 licensed
how to change the size of the names over cars? I always be not able to read them when cars are more than 10 m away. Didnt find a possibility for changing the size.
S3 licensed
Mouse-Steering - Some Suggestions

My ppjoy-sttings for lfs
mouse acceleration is on

S3 licensed
@broken, Ales_M, Anzeee: You are just evil. Hoping i never meet you.

LC is closed for everytime
[Lc]LibertyCruise 1
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :What the hell did you just say?

I say, its a good idea to make the new LC and the new[LC] Liberty-Cruise got hacked

Watch this for the old LC:
LC is closed for everytime
[Lc]LibertyCruise 1
Last edited by matze54564, .
The new LC rox
S3 licensed
Be quiet now. The new LC rox. And the hackers which have hacked ist .... - i say better nothing about.
Version 3.5 is out and running good with LFS Z15. With Z13 i got alot of error caused disconnects.
[Lc]LibertyCruise 1
Last edited by matze54564, .