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Car-reset in single player
S3 licensed
Hello, i wonna make a demolition-derby with AI´s, but didn´t figured out how to disable the car-reset in single-player. I dont want spam the suggestions-forum or the patch-test forum with "please remove all reset-abilitys" maybe know somebody a way.
S3 licensed
great idea, but i say it go fast boring. I suggest demolition derbys with AI´s, actually the AI´s can repair their cars on track.
A very big thank
S3 licensed
Send to spectate if a player connecting is now possible:

See my chat-log:
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matze^L joined the spectators
MAR^v^vDom!n!k^L connected (Kevin Jordy^L)

Thats really the best add in the Patch W21.
Edit: some delays while a player connects are still there, also sometimes by using shift+S

In a full pitlane have i with W21 now double or 3x FPS than in W17, i guess thats the new skin-texture-system.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I It would also be harder for people to understand and LFS would have to search in multiple folders sometimes

What do you think about a user-data-folder which include all folders with user-needed and user definable data. At time i get confused with 29 folders and just 12 include files which can the user change or which the user need.

My little folder table:
N means: The user need never to explore this folder
Y means: the user have to explore the folder for private files or to share replays or copy stuff in another LFS

abc | N
dds | N
drv | N
hmn | N
knw | N
language | N
lesson | N
move | N
pic | N
smx | N
snd | N
veh | N
views | N
wld | N
skins_dds | N
skins_x | N
skins_y | N
ogg | Y
raf | Y
engine | Y
layout | Y
misc | Y
script | Y
settings | Y
skins | Y
sound | Y
mpr | Y
shots | Y
spr | Y

Furthermore i find its not a good idea to put skins from other racers in the skins-folder to see higher resolution for this.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
sorry i was wrong, posting deleted
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :Race spec cars do not need big lock because they are designed to be driven within optimal grip.

I don´t think so, more steering degrees are always better and can prevent the completely lose of a car by an accident. I guess that the less steering locks are made because the steering gear is then not so heavy. The setup possibility to choose less steering locks is just made for people they use keyboard-steering, because they over-steer fast.
But i guess that this suggestion is just a improvement of LFS-Tweak because IRL the cars have also different steering locks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Burnzoire :so dds is bigger yes it has more compression?? how does that work :S

so I imagine there's going to be even less test servers online now Looking forward to patch X.

I guess that´s not possible to use the JPG-format in LFS. So in older Versions of LFS, it have to convert the JPG-Images in compatible images in game. This is now no more needed because the memory cache is saved in the DDS-folder, loading is then maybe faster. But this are just my thoughts. Please read the quoted source.
Quote from Ian.H :DDS files are managed within DirectX memory far more efficiently

S3 licensed
Quote from joen :Some time ago there was a discussion about using PNG. But PNG files are considerably bigger in filesize.

No, you must the right images save as PNG, they must have
- Big surfaces with the same color
- Not to much different colors in one file
- System-colors if possible

Please watch my example-file and save it as JPG

But i guess 2 different Formats in LFS are maybe impossible. I dont wonna remove JPG, i want just add the PNG beside the JPG

And sorry that i was not right reading what scawen wrote "skins_dds : lfs uses this to store dds (compressed) versions of your local skins"

thanks for reading
S3 licensed
Have u think about the PNG-format? For some text on the car will PNG absolutely very much smaller by the same resolution. I will add a test-png. i dont know if it possible to include 2 different image-formats, PNG for Text-skins and skins with big color surfaces and JPG for photo realistic skins.

Thanks for the great patch
My favorite changes:
-Automatic show results - leaves small map visible when driving
-Automatic spectate if your car drives out of bounds
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : skins_dds : lfs uses this to store dds (compressed) versions of your local skins"r glass et
Players are needed
S3 licensed
Not enough oval-driver in LFS, the servers are to much empty. Why?? maybe because not enough teamwork and to much crashes.

Join at first this server (Track KY1 Car BF1 laps 8):
(FM) OvaL StArTerS

I guess there is no sense to use the FXR in the Oval, i have no fun with this car.
S3 licensed
just dont use the included lfs.exe

then work it fine and you can go in online-games with it, and it works with W17.
S3 licensed
See similar threads:
Engine Sound Idea
Custom horn file

Nobody want streaming music, but a user definable 3D-Sound will be nice. With Team speak u never can make a 3D sound. It must be like the horn and the engine sound bundled with the car and if such a car pass you, you will hear a short time some music, and you hear the direction where the music come from. Team speak spamming is absolutely a different thing. This mean the sounds will be saved in a horns-x folder, or better a music-x folder, but i know that many people dont wonna horn-x folder and engine-x folder. Furthermore is it a copyright-problem to share music which you not self made.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
to much pressure is in 1000 mm slicks
available down-force will be nice.
i made a top speed 600+ km/h but in the oval T3 220-240 km/h
on drag strip i made a time 7+ sec
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :. With the TC, the engine cuts so that the wheel slip doesn't exceed the slip percentage you defined in the setup (3%-10% I think), in which range tires usually have their peak traction

bbman and AndroidXP thanks a lot your knowledge. This mean the physics of LFS are very great, and i have just to much slip while starting without TC.
Theoretically if you are able to make a Start without tire-slip at the slip-limit, then should you be a little bit faster than within TC, but thats maybe impossible to do.

Quote from Tweaker :the automatic clutch kicks in

The automatic clutch have not enough power to make a great start. With the FO8 i made always automatic-clutch-starts, but with the BF1 are you a lot faster if you use the TC and full throttle.
Last edited by matze54564, .
BF1 starts within TC faster than without
S3 licensed
At first for noobs, what about talk i? TC means Traction Control and can be adjusted in the brakes-setup of BF1 and turned on and off by pressing O. A blue light is showing thats turned off.

1. Reason: I am to stupid to control my throttle????
2. Reason: A physics glitch lets the BF1 to fast start with TC on.

What do you think about, who use the BF1 without TC and starts fast with it?

Maybe i have not enough practice without TC, but i made starts without turning and at the limit, but the guys with TC on was so much faster than i, that i got no slipstream.
S3 licensed
A warning light or sound will be nice, then can you still press F12 to look how much fuel is yet in the tank and how far suffice the fuel yet. A second red colored fuel meter for slow fuel will be nice, then is F12 watching not needed.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
sorry, i should more thinking before writing, please delete me

It means Main Hotlap Rank the first posting says and it will be found in S2 Hotlaps>> Rank
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
For a push to pass button is then a higher engine-damage needed. If somebody use the button to much, his engine will be broken. Without engine damage make such a button no sense, it will then just make hurt my finger if it not able to toggle the button.
S3 licensed
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :Copyright infringement? Give me a break. Why would you want to go into the Skins_X anyway. Just do what i do: Add it to the Custom Folders in CrapCleaner

I want just say that i never use this skin-x-folder, but my explorer will overscan it during explore the data-folder. So if you just wont explore the mpr-folder it overscans also the skins-x-folder and this need to much time by first time exploring. This overscanned data is then in the RAM and second exploring go faster. But i have 3 LFS-Installations, V, W and W17 and if you explore all 3 data folders it ned 3X this time.
User Data Folder is needed in the LFS Main Folder
S3 licensed
The data-folder in lfs
In the blue marked folders are user defined files inside. Users need often to explore this folders to share or change some files. The sxins-x folder brake some explorer-programs out. I use the program Idoswinpro to explore files because it give me a lot of useful functions like copy filenames of a filegroup to clipboard or rename a group of files with search and replace or change the filetyp of a filegroup. I dont wonna miss any useful thing of it. The developer made a codefix in the inofficial release of version 5.4 but 10 secs delay are still there for explore the data-folder of LFS.The LFS-folder is the only folder in my whole windows that cause such a delay and its just because the skins-x-folder. Never i need this folder, and illegal use is Copyright infringement, but if i wonna explore files in lfs it want brake me always out.

I suggest that the blue marked folders should be moved outside of the data-folder in a userdata-folder

I made a table of the folders:
abc | no userdata inside
dds | no userdata inside
drv | no userdata inside
engine | userdata inside, needed
hmn | no userdata inside
knw | no userdata inside
language | no userdata inside
layout | userdata inside, needed
lesson | no userdata inside
misc | userdata inside, needed
move | no userdata inside
mpr | userdata inside, often needed
ogg | unknown
pic | no userdata inside
raf | unknown
script | userdata inside, needed
settings | userdata inside, needed
shots | userdata inside, often needed
skins | userdata inside, needed
skins_x | no userdata inside, not needed, Copyright infringement, forbiddn, make that my explorer need 10-20 sec for explore the data folder
smx | no userdata inside
snd | no userdata inside
sound | userdata inside, needed
spr | userdata inside, often needed
veh | no userdata inside
views | no userdata inside
wld | no userdata inside
S3 licensed
Somebody crying about "the car is to easy to catch" and other crying "The car is to hard to control". And i say the physics are great and realistic. Actually are maybe just some aerodynamic-glitches in LFS. The Most aerodynamic glitches was fixed since the BF1 is released, The front of the car cant be set high to be faster with the same downforce, thats nice.
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I guess i found a new track in LFS

How about a Replay, i hate Videos and i hate Youtube
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] : If you hit the curb on the inside and bounces back on the track, suddenly your cars is "grabbed" and stuck to the track.

I watched the replay, its not a bug, don´t cut the curve.
S3 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :+1 for hans and seatbelts
also we need driver damage

+1 for driver damage and if u need HANS..... u should get it, +1 to
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ussbeethoven :On some servers false starters get a stop&go p. only, that means it is possible to ram the car in front.

Thats not true, stop&go p. give it when it is to late to achieve the car in front because the time to the green light is not enough.