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Quote from squidhead :basicaly - only lifted my foot in second to last corner, and I think I didnt have to do that (and Im not a racer even, so I cant tell), cant see the fun if you dont need to brake hard once in a while

Just for a fun-speed-drive. But this thread is failed, my english is to bad and my start was to bad. So now i guess the devs dont wonna make the suggested track just for me.

Finally i must say that the existing tracks in LFS are really good, i dont wonna miss any track! My favorite Tracks are FE Black and AS-Historic. The most miles i drove with the FO8 in the KY1 because the drafting-game, not because there are no downforce and braking needed. I suggested just a additional new track for fun-speeding.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Well, I am bored by a track with only corners where you dont even have to lift. The brakes are there for a reason. If you have them, use them.

The main problem is that the most not really understand what i mean. For some corners which i here suggested for the new fast track need you a brake and enough wing degrees for good down-force. And a lot of people tell me i should just drive KY1, everybody will annoy about.
A fast track isnt for slow cars, its just for BF1
S3 licensed
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :I said it's retarded because none of the current layouts shoul dbe removed, like youre asking them to do. Slow corners make the racing better

I dont wonna remove any layout, i suggest just a new track!
Quote from squidhead :KY1 is the track youre looking for - all the curves are way over 200 kph
IMHO - we need a track with more challenging corners, and a lot of them (corners)

You are completely wrong, in ky1 are all turns over 600 km/h you need just a 2000 HP car with enough down-force. Please read my first posting again for knowing that your wrong. In KY Oval you dont see the high speed! Please drive my red marked part in Fern bay black, with a BF1, or watch just the world record in lfsw, then see you the real speed. Never can you feel this speed in a Oval. I drove yesterday with a FXR in the KY1 and i selected R4 and maximum pressure and hard suspension and removed the downforce completely. So far about the difference between a Oval and a fast curving track.
I really don´t understand why all want the BF1 braking down to 100 km/h in a fast track??? Why is this braking and driving such slow curves such a nice feeling for you all in here?? For example, the under 100 km/h corners with BF1 in AS Grand Prix get me bored!

I am really angry about some reactions in here
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Then must the sounds be shared like the skins and downloaded in a engine-x folder. Much work for the devs.

I suggest additional user-special horns.

At time are only user-special skins possible.
S3 licensed
I am thinking about, maybe is it good so how it is at time. Good rejoinder.
S3 licensed
Quote from popps258 :Also i would like to see a fix for the aweful new BF1 sound which sounds like a bee in a tin can, All the other cars now sound real cool but just what happened to the BF1

This is easy to fix^^

+1 for other Ovals
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :
There are no chicanes in LFS that actually cause you to slow down. Any slowing of the cars for chicanes come from a corner right before the chicane.

Drive then just reverse, then is full throttle in the middle of the curve not so easy possible, for example use fern bay black.

@all, my first posting is updated, maybe now can you better understand what i mean.
S3 licensed
Quote from dev :You wanna say that you would like to see all the turns where you actually gotta know how to drive removed from the track? Drive the oval then


Have you read my posting?? I want just remove those 3 corners from the screenshots and all the other corners are fine and over 200 km/h with BF1!

Quote from Dajmin :Sounds like another oval request to me.

No, thats not true, a oval differ much with my suggestion!

Quote from AndRand :It is called

No, all current tracks have slow corners and thats very bad for a nice fast race!

Quote from thisnameistaken :Bad thread starter! -1

Quote from KeiichiRX7 :wow... that's kinda retarded...

Thanks for the much insulting in this thread!
Last edited by matze54564, .
Tracks - a NEW fast track without small curves special for BF1
S3 licensed
I suggest here a new track for BF1 and don´t wonna remove a existing track! A fast track is for a fast Car, you dont must tell that you maybe get bored if you drive it with a UF1. I am very angry about some reactions

I wish to drive in a track without small curves like a part of Aston Historic. No curve in the whole track should be be slower than 200 km/h with BMW Sauber F1.06 (BF1)

Only some curves in Aston Historic are to tight for a really fast track.
I made screenshots of all to slow curves:
The first slow turn (ca 140 km/h possible)
The second slow turn (ca 120 km/h possible)
Finally the last turn is with ... km/h a litte bit to slow

Fern Bay
In Fern Bay are much nice fast corners, my suggested fast track should be like the red area in the following image of the Fern Bay small map.
A very nice speeding-area in Fern Bay

Westhill International
The to slow corners are blue marked:
The 2 small turns of the Speedway Westhill

And sorry, my English is really bad, i know i should go to learn better English
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : absolutely very angry
Fuel - should be bundled with setups
S3 licensed
At time is the fuel setup a global thing for all cars, and must everytime be changed if track/car change. My suggestion is: The fuel-setup should be a part of the car-setup and individual different for every single setup.

Furthermore i suggest that the live-fuel-setup (in F12) should not make 5% steps. 1% steps will be very great.
S3 licensed
feature not needed
S3 licensed
Yes, this is needed, and not only in pit, the track-name must be visible everywhere, i think it can be included in F12. And my additional suggestion is: Display the server-name in game.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Thats a good suggestion and nice for screen-shots.
S3 licensed
Thanks alot. I was searching for and didnt found, dont know why, some mistake....
I made 33 screenshots and all error-free. My external screenshot application make 30% grey error-pictures. Thats really a good add for 100% error free images!
S3 licensed
Hello, i´ve some questions about, i heard it makes maybe screen-shots, but i didnt find any screen-shot after press it, also not in the clipboard.
In what folder will the screen-shots be saved?
S3 licensed
Quote from Humbleridderen :I think the ideal is, that shift + s is a call for a tractor which comes and bring you to garage. Then the repair should start from there and you can go. If it´s not possible to make a tractor, it could just be like a countdown, "transporting"...2 minutes or so.

It must be possible to clean the track fast in some servers with the rule "Shift+S after crash or banned". Therefore i suggest to send all this players who must press this because of a crash to spectators. Furthermore i suggest that this must be possible during a player is connecting, because a fast cleanup of the track is important for a good race of non wrecked cars.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :
choice 2: reset but damage won't be repaired

This is already removed in patch W10 and will not be back again. Why want you reset your car on track? I guess the reset-option is absolutely senseless and make the game boring. if you roll over, fly out, no problem, you press still reset and be in w10 then always repaired??????? Is this a good game??? Is this realistic? IMO destroy it the game!
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Jimmy_Lemon :iv used mouse steering and wheel. i use wheel dur in the day when the wheel noise isnt anoying and at night time i use mouse, tbh im actually faster on my mouse but wheels more fun.

and no i dont think anything should be changed for the mouse its perfect as it is.

i use mouse left and right for steering and W for throttle S for brake A for shift down D for shift up R for rear view look E for clutch Q for horn Shift for handbrake, C for reset, give it a try its easy when you get used to keyboard and mouse at same time

When you not have a axis for throttle and brake and when you not hate to drive always with full throttle and full brake, then use your mouse-x-axis in a wheel-setup, because then can you type and drive with just a mouse. The buttons will be not changed.

Go just in Controls, chose there wheel / js, and click there in the middle/right at Axes / FF. Click there at Steer and chose at right side in "Available Axes" at Mouse-X. If this made, you can steering and typing with only a mouse, thats the Reason. For throttle and brake can you use the Mouse-Y-Axis or just your old buttons, or your wheel or whatever.
S3 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Already done in the TEST Patch and it will be in the next offical patch.

I suggest here the complete remove of any car-reset in single- and multiplayer within the arcade-option. I cant see any reason in this feature except it make the single-player mode much more boring.
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : without> within .... what a error...
S3 licensed
Quote from hackerx :I don't see much point in this, as you may go to pits right after joining the spectators anyway?

If then the race full u cant join the race. Thats the reason for my suggestion, because i don´t want that it possible racers going to pits in race and blocking the slots, and spectators outside the race cant join. Summarize is it just a harder penalty for broken car or flying outside the track or roll over.
Flying To Pits (Shift+S) from track should be removed
S3 licensed
At time is going to pits possible from every place at the track. Thats much unrealistic and should be removed. I suggest that from track just only "join to spectators" should be possible.

And the car-reset on track should be completely removed. But maybe should i start a new topic for this??

My solution:
  • Shift+S on track should send the player to spectators.
  • If the player drive in a garage and press there Shift+S he will not be out of the race and go directly to pits.
Last edited by matze54564, .
The easy roll over is maybe a downforce glitch
S3 licensed
I drove with the XRR on 2 wheels and straight with 150 km/h. I guess the downforce with 150 km/h should be high enough to press the car faster back to the track. But thats just my thinking.
S3 licensed
Watch out, use mirrors. I used the pitspotter, but a long time no more, i want see the cars beside me - watch out.
S3 licensed
Quote from wark :Scawen's said he's not going to add any more features for mouse or kb. :Kick_Can_

I agree with scawen, mouse steering is not good. I use now x and y and the y axis use disturb the x-axis. Therefore ill going to buy a game-controller, maybe G25.... or another with more than 4 axis and high axis-resolution.
+1 for the topic starter
S3 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :Not really.

I like alot of Ovals but if we should get a new one it should be a decent one, that requires some braking at least. KY Oval is a pathetic Oval Track.

The oval is not for using brakes, its for drafting. The game is drafting and the ky-oval is great for this. I guess we need a bigger oval for a higher top-speed with a longer straight-line. For better drafting and teamwork.