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Quote from BeNoM :
Which games work on XP but not 10?

CRC2005 for example, i was going to play this for fun Smile, watching the tracks, cars physics.

The ASRock N68-GS3 UCC AM3 Mainboard slows this graphic card 6870 maybe down. I bought it in 2016 and have never smooth graphics in google earth and not in lfs. Smooth graphics mean 100 fps that 50 fps vsync run without errors. But maybe the Power device of this Computer is bad, i should test it again with a good power device. And sure, i connected the Power Connectors of the Graphic card. This Radeon 6870 works not for Accelerated H.264 Video Rendering, therefore i made a newer Graphic Adapter in this AM3 Mainboard.

I guess this have all nothing to do with meltdown and spectre i installed the Item 2016, and the security updates for meltdown and spectre came 2018. When i make a Win XP machine, doesn't matter.

But now i plugged this card in a AM2 Mainboard and this slows the Graphic Card definitely down.

Quote from Gutholz :Or complete system:

This looks good. Smile
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :50Hz/50fps or/and 100Hz/100fps

This is maybe true because the physics engine of lfs calculate 100 fps. But your 59,999 fps Video is smooth. I changed my monitor refreshrate from 50 Hz to 60 Hz to watch your video smooth with DVBViewer. Sorry, but i downloading all yt videos to watch it in better quality. Sorry for off topic. But maybe the testing is finished with R21?.
S3 licensed
Sorry, but the Win XP isn't installed yet, this is planned and i searching for a good Mainboard and CPU for the best support of the Radeon HD 6870. The Radeon 6870 have i only in Win 10 tested. I do always removing the virtual memory completely and since win 10 need virtual ram for superfetch i have a ramdrive for the virtual ram.

For my Win XP machine i need a High End Mainboard and CPU from the Year 2008. Know somebody such Hardware?
S3 licensed
I used the newest drivers from the AMD Website. But also the Google earth is not smooth.... Windows 10 provide the best driver already via windows update, but i installed anyway the driver from the amd website. I guess this have to do with the ASRock Mainboard. Mainboards and CPU slowing the Graphics Card down.

Ram i used Corsair 2x 4GB DIMM DDR3-1600 (CMX4GX3M1A1600C9 XMS)
Best Windows XP System? CPU slows the Graphic Card down
S3 licensed
I want create a new Windows XP Platform for LFS and some other games which not run in Win10. I got a Radeon HD 6870, but this run not good on my Windows 10 Systems. No smooth graphics. I guess the CPU or the Mainboard slowing the Graphic card down. I used this Card on AMD Athlon II X4 640, AM3, (4x 3,0 GHz) and AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ - ADO3800IAA5CU Socket AM2 and this graphics card need 150 Watt but bring not much more speed than my mobile A6-6310. This is just a waste of power without any performance. I searching for a Year 2008 High End System which is not to expensive for creating a Win XP Machine.
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :finally i got a steady picture. im going with no post processing at AAx8 16filtering. however i locked frames to 30 fps. but it stays there pretty steady now that i got that issue thing. now running smooth in full hd.(before i could only run smooth in 720)

OMG With 30 fps is nothing smooth. Never. The graphics are only smooth with VSync. if you run your monitor with 60 hz, u need 60 fps via vsync.
S3 licensed
Window while connecting - no idea why this option is needed , just use Win+T or Alt+Tab. And why is this option everytime after a update installed enabled? If it only need 5min to remove this, please do it. Suggestion for the new LFS: User-Settings are needed, optional in the windows default settings folders C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\
S3 licensed
Vulkan is better than OpenGL, and i guess i suggested this already in another thread. But i guess the code can't be automatically converted. Therefore i guess LFS will stay at DirectX. But thats not a big problem. Windows is still the best OS. Android is still a Playground and Linux is just good for Open Source Software. And LFS don't need to be on Steam.

But LFS need more commercials for more players. Only a few Players are every day online. And there are no racing servers with much players everyday online. Sometimes is a event. Thats not enough.
The New LFS should be 64 bit and based of Vulkan to be ready for the future
S3 licensed
To make LFS ready for the future should it be based of Vulkan instead of directx. Maybe it can run then on all 64 bit platforms like Linux, Android and Mac. Windows 10 OEM is not so expensive for getting a 64 bit Windows.

And it should be ready for UTF-8.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I agree and confirm this.
If you install 7-zip you can right click on the self-extractor and select "Open archive".

Is this really a solution? Ok, 7z is free, but when using tools like MultiCommander it is just redundant. Multicommander for example can't extract the exe files, but the normal 7zip archive.

maybe you can use another installer in future:
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System NSIS instead of the 7zip self extractor
S3 licensed
The 7zip self extractor is a false positive for the advanced threat defense (behavior defense) of many antivirus products. Therefore it make sense to use another system. Here i provide a free installer system which is not a false positive and maybe also easier to use than the 7zip self extractor. (german, but show the good reputation)
S3 licensed
Quote from zakaruny :How to remove the patch ? 0.6R12 to 0.6R

0.6R don't know how to connect to the new master server. maybe you can't connect with it. This is no solution.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from racer autov8 :zip files so i would know what files are updated and antiviruses wouldn't alert everytime

you can rename the extension exe into 7z and using it in some decompression tools. My suggestion is Beyond Compare.
S3 licensed
Quote from expr : is there really a reason to use such annoying software, and what's to say it wouldn't flag zip updates as well?

i have bought Bitdefender for 10 computer for 3 years. It is not bad, slows the computer not so much down like some other protection software, just the update need to long and need cpu without any reason. Not the lfs.exe is flagged, it's just the self extractor.exe, the zip files,(i have some from older versions) are not flagged as a malware.

" half-decent (de-)compression tool" - I have no decompression tool because Multicommander and Beyond Compare can open the most compressed folders. It is easier to turn the AV off while the lfs installation. Update: Beyond Compare can use the exe when the extension renamed to 7z.

I don't believe that the dev want that his software is flagged by a AV Software. This can confuse some other users which are not writing in the forums.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
In Bitdefender is the self extractor still a false positive. Bitdefender blocking the folder and delete the files, and it need a restart of the computer for downloading again while it turned off. A normal zip archive is much better because then can i make the setup with Beyond Compare. Hoping you will find fast a better installer. Sorry, this is a little bit off topic, but your test seems to be almost finished.
S3 licensed
There is no serverside protection against DDoS Attacs possible. Please do not spending time with useless Protection solutions. The only way for a permanent protection is a Scrubbing Center. Without your ISP or a provider of a Scrubbing Center for using the so called "in the cloud" Protection is this impossible because this is only with very big hardware possible. The other way is waiting until the attacks stop sometimes. Why is lfs a target for ddos attacks, i can't understand this. Extremely stupid people, hoping the police find him, but maybe this is also impossible because the one which started this attack can't be found.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Sure it is a False Positive and i can disable the security software and running the Setup File. But it is not only because running a exe file. I used today other exe files from the internet. I am testing sometimes some software and have no such Problems. And the Bitdefender tell that he is desinfecting something and if the installation was already started before the detection will also the LFS.exe in quarantine, and the Virus called: Gen.Atc4.Detection. It need alot CPU Time for this so called Desinfection. Maybe i should reporting the false positive.
S3 licensed
Bitdefender 2018 Advanced Threat Defence blocking the LFS Self extracting files. The same with Q14 like with R5 and R.

I guess the LFS Logo left up will be removed when a Test Patch for all released.
No unlocks this week? My Computer was broken and now i am demo racer. Windows 10
S3 licensed
A corrupt power engine of a chinese USB 3.0 HUB destroyed my A6-6310, the USB-Engine of my Brother Printer and a USB DVD Burner and my Samsung Galaxy Xcover3. And this damage is not enough, now i am not able to unlock lfs on my finished new system (with the old Harddrive, just install and unlock windows 10 on another harddrive and then use your old harddrive und unlock pro for pro and home for home Unlock Pro for a old home harddrive works not). Thats not good. How about another way against software piracy? Use just hardware-profile like microsoft do and give the possibility (microsoft dont do that) to deactivate the software on a hardware over a internet-portal if the computer broken. The Windows 10 license of the broken computer died together with the broken computer, thats the way how micosoft earn more money..... And the microsoft support think they are good when they tell me how i can activate Win 10 with a windows 8.1 license also after the 29.07.2016. I think this is a evil thing that i have to install windows 8.1 and making all Updates over Windows Update and than run the Special-Tool from Microsoft Support to get Windows 10. This needed hours and this time i cant use the new Computer. better to buy only Computers within Windws 10. But not all Mainboards or Notebooks are bundled with.
Last edited by matze54564, .
Force buffered frames to a fixed value
S3 licensed
In Blackwood are with my Hardware no frames buffered. Therefore i have in Blackwood nonsmooth graphics. I suggest, that the nunber of buffered frames are no longer "maximum buffered frames", rather the number of buffered frames should be a fixed value, that when setup buffered frames to 2 always 2 frames buffered and no longer sometimes no frame buffered.
S3 licensed
Quote from matze54564 :
When setup "Maximum buffered Frames" to 2 and use "in race car data" F9 or F10, the buffered frames will be disabled

Quote from Scawen :I can't reproduce that.

Does it happen every time, as soon as you press F9 or F10?

Which LFS version are you using? Which track / car / etc...

It happen when the "in race car data" Display is on. When the display turned off, the frames are buffered again. Maybe you can only see the effect on a slower Computer. The Image jump also 2 frames before when display Car data turned on. This is very good visible while driving. Nonsmooth graphics are only reproducable when unbuffered frames are not smooth and buffered smooth and vsync on.

It happen in every Track and Car, but i was testing with a BF1 on AS-Historic, because i have in HS Historic smooth graphics.
I use always the newest testpatch when posting on test patch forum.
Hoping 16 nm APU coming soon for better Hardware Smile

Edit: The Upgrade to M7 works not. The exe and zip, both are damaged.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Maximum buffered Frames

When setup "Maximum buffered Frames" to 2 and use "in race car data" F9 or F10, the buffered frames will be disabled - setup to zero. This is why i have sometimes no smooth graphics. Today while testing i found this bug. The bug is maybe not related to this testpatch, but the buffered frames are a new feature. I use a A6-6310. Thought Antivirus or Process Explorer cause the lags, but its just this Health-HUD.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I did fix a bug in this recently, but I think you can have what you want.

It's an option in View Options "One button look" and you can set it up to 90 degrees if you like.

Thats great! 90° are a little bit to much, i use now 65° and it works perfect. When using 90° is the second view 180° and 180° are to much and for 180° is the S-Button. Right View=D, Left View=A and Watch Back=S. And W not needed, but its the best configuration in all games.
S3 licensed
The "Watch Out" per Button works no more right. When i press "Right View", it watch 45° out and when i press at first time "Right View" and second time "Left View" to watch 90° right out, it watch left out. Looking left works like before.

BTW: Please give the old watch out with "shoulder check" back.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
I have with J2 smooth graphics in AS Historic, and with J3 is the video image extremely jerky. Framerate display show a fake framerate of 50fps in J3.