No, thats not true. The still standing map (only triangles rotate and move) is a new feature. Now can everybody set how he love it. Thats really great Somebody like the rotating, and somebody don´t like it.
but my suggestion was to stop the rotating, i found the setup option, thats right so. Without map turning is it more easy for me, because i know then that i´m in south or west and look fast at the right place in the small map. When the map is turning is this horrible for me.
The small map stopped to rotate, thats absolutely great! I love it!
Reset cars in online-games should be complete disabled.
use the reset buttons will now repair the car also in online games, this option is not needed and should be removed.
Today was just the poor sound back, but shift+A shows the good old sound.
Only install another sound and reinstall the good sound have fixed the problem. Now i was going to remove the default-sound with the good old. Hope the sound will stay.
The BF1-Sound in 0.5W is poor by high speed over 320 and high rotation of the engine.
To fix the problem just use the old sound from release 0.5V.
Sounds are saved in\engine
With Shift+A in game is it possible to load a new engine-sound without game restart.
If u have lost the old BF1-Sound, i can provide one for download, i made a zip-file 178 KB, but when nobody need the file i make no download-possibility.
If somebody know another source for the sound, please post it here.
It is maybe true that the grip while drifting is a little bit to high. The grip in uneven tracks is maybe also a bit to high. So i agree what u say´d. But i don´t agree with everything what Richard say´d and i don´t like hes manner to offer hes opinion.
Richard Towler drove just 1737 Miles and have no world record, he have just a blabbermouth, thats all. Everything what he tell is wrong. He know nothing about LFS. Maybe he drive without sound and rubber marks and don´t hear and see that he drive to fast. I think LFS is absolutely close at the real.
By the BMW Sauber i don´t know the realistic, i drove never a real. But the normal cars are extreme close realistic.
But my favorite Car in LFS is anyway the BMW Sauber. It is just a car for people they need very much speed in corners. Fern Bay Black with BF1 lets feel the highest speed in the first long curves.
Hello, i have the music completely disabled, but in down left is always the music-visualisation. In Single-Player is the visualisation off, but in multiplayer always on. How can i turn it off?
Today is the List correctly. If 16 Players at the server, the list shows only this 16. And its live. If somebody go to pits, disconnect or make a new lap/laptime, the window show this. Thats nice, Great Job developers.
The best way to prevent such problems is a license-system for skins with skin-watermarks. If somebody steal a licensed and watermarked skin, it is easy to find it out. Then is it possible to punish the robber.
I don´t agree! if the map standing still like in counter strike source, then find u faster u´r position in the map. I need the north of real street maps also on top if i drive in south-direction. Everybody is different, and it should be a setup-option.
PS set u´r LOD down and u have more FPS. My FPS have not changed. In the new Version is LOD1 maybe higher than in the Old Version because something is made better.
Thanks for the very fast made of my suggestion!
the new link "progress" behind every server:
a lot of thanks. The number of players are not inside, but i can copy the list in excel and know how many players are online without count
" Cruise 1 by CLC
works, thats great for using the feature in a offline-server-list to generate such links just in excel with "CONCATENATE"
I don't agree your suggestion because u have green and yellow for yourself and another group.
I can figure out whats green and whats yellow, but i need to long for it, and when i quick watch at the small map, then i find myself not fast enough in a yellow-group. Many other people have the same problem like i, i guess.
It should be able to toggle some keys. For toggling the keys should be made a Toggle-Key, this can be maybe some unused button at the keyboard. If u then press a key and the toggle key, the key will be toggled. If u then press the key, the toggle will have removed and u have the normal button back.
Toggled keys are needed for the following functions:
- Police-Horn
- Music-Horn
- Hand-Brake (I know it will be toggled automatically if the gear in N, but if u rammed the handbrake will be untoggled automatically.)
- THROTTLE Yes i will toggle my throttle, thats absolutely true! My throttle-finger hurt sometimes mightily. If u use the brake should the throttle automatically be untoggled.
Only the normal brake and the watch out buttons and some other view-buttons i don´t wanna toggle