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The FOV-Setup is not the right way to setup a good in-car-view because of the big distortion. Objects in the middle are then very much smaller than objects at the margin. If you setup a extremely wide FOV and turn around you see what i mean. This effect disturb me also by smaller FOVs. Also at 75° is this effect still present, but because you watch also in a similar angle to the outside objects like they projected to a flat disk are this not so much disturbing and cause no motion sickness. There is a reason why some CS-Pros playing in 4:3 with black bars..... The distortion is the reason.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
How to make LFS Smooth like Butter with a Samsung 144 Hz Freesync Monitor?

1. Disable Vsync
2. Maximum Frame Rate = 100
3. Sleep every Frame = Yes (Westhill is also without this Option smooth, but Aston not)
4. Maximum Buffered Frames = 2 (0 and 1 have i not tested)
5. 1920x1080 @144 Hz. (Must be changed via In-Game Setup)

Only when the Monitor at 144 Hz is no tearing effect, maybe this is the magic Freesync frequency......

The Monitor are in all cases except Full Screen TV better at 144 Hz.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from :German is the leading language

you are right, i was just joking because i dont know a english article and this guy have also many other very good articles. Smile
S3 licensed
Scawen please learn german and read this:

To make LFS smoother.

I bought a FreeSync Monitor and at 100 Hz (dont know if FreeSync works with LFS, but without it will be never smooth, dont know why) also sometimes come the common known stutter-time, maybe because CPU/GPU fell out of sync. My Radeon Vega is fast enough, LFS need only 12% GPU.

And i have to say: The FOV-Setup-Possibility should be completely removed. When using 3 Monitor setup is for every monitor another perspective and projection necessary!!!!! And the completely useless FOV like 30° and 160°......... The 160° cause only a extremely distorted picture. And the 30° are maybe for people which playing with a small TV in 4m distance...... The FOV-Setup should be the same like it is. If a Human are sitting in 60cm distance from the monitor are this ca. 60° FOV. Maybe maximal 75° are a Compromise. Because you need a completely different projection technology for a wider FOV, Thats the reason why the Pimax completely fail, because the projection go to a flat Disc and needed is a spherical projection method for wider FOVs with stereoscopic Glasses. Stereoscopic Glasses with wide FOV fail because the projection method is not spherical.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from MaartenB :I've got a rift cv1 and tried the patch. I start the game with LFS.exe /rift=on, I've reset the nvidia settings and the game stutters a lot. Oculus does not show dropped frames, but it's not smooth at all.

This is a recording of using the rift (and keeping my head still)

LFS is not able to run smooth with 60Hz or 90Hz because the tickrate is 100Hz.

Scawen please tell your "Motorsports", that 600 Hz are enough and they should change their systems from 1000 Hz Tickrate to 600 Hz Tickrate. I bet LFS will otherwise never be smooth.

And why run LFS out of 50 Hz Vsync after some minutes? Other Games stay in Vsync everytime.

Hoping LFS learn to stay in Vsync with DirectX 11.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Of course the best solution will be for LFS to be able to render intermediate frames between physics steps, or a completely different solution, use 1000 Hz physics and choose the nearest frame.

The best solution will be 120 Hz Physics-Rate because the whole Twitch Streaming Platform is at 60 Hz and the most Monitors have 60 Hz. But 1000 Hz Tickrate will be senseless, better to use then 600 Hz Tickrate (Physics-Rate). 600 Hz are good for 100 Hz Monitors, good for 120 Hz, good for 60 Hz Videos and good for 50 Hz Videos, 600 Hz Physics Rate is the ultimative solution. 600 Hz is the Bridge between 50 Hz and 60 Hz, the ultimative solution.
S3 licensed
Broken Vsync at 2:28 Watch: Video This works only with a 50 Hz or 100 Hz Monitor.

Please do not watch the bad driving skills, but the AIs are wreckers.

Yes, when you make a 60 Hz Video is this better for 60 Hz Monitors, thats true. The world should be united at 100 Hz....
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It's my understanding that nearly everyone has a 60 Hz monitor.

Sure, but now many people using FreeSync and are able to have real 100 Hz with Freesync at a 144 Freesync-Monitor which also run good with 100 Hz. I have only a 1080p 50-60 Hz Monitor and using the Monitor Profile Switcher to change this Refresh Rate when needed. When i look a 60 Hz Video i setup 60 Hz and when i look a 50 Hz Video i setup 50 Hz. Example for very good 50 Hz Videos on Youtube:

With LFS you can make a 50 Hz Video when you use the frame rate limit or a 50 Hz Monitor and Vsync (Vsync works not properly because the 100 fps Physics are very strong 100 fps and the physics frame change are always in the middle of the screen) and in Fraps setup also 50 fps. Sorry for my bad english, in all this years i learned it not Smile

When Windows dont know that your Monitor can 50 Hz, help the "Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)" with AMD Cards. I use only AMD Cards because i dont know how to setup 50 Hz with Nvidia Smile For German Television is 50 Hz necessary.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Drifteris :
I tried that and even 50% supersampling (on LFS) and it doesn't change much. Getting huge frame drops near other cars especially. dynamic reflections off and x4 and no difference. Dropping from 80fps to 65-45 causing huge stuttering. If only driving on 80fps wasn't bad enough. And my PC is capable of running VR games.

Lfs run only smooth with 100 FPS and a 100 Hz Freesync Monitor or a old 100 Hz CRT-Monitor. Only when you buy a 100 fps VR-Glass with 100 Hz Freesync (do not yet exist in the world), you will have smooth stereoscopic graphics. Scawen Roberts make 60 Hz Videos of LFS. No idea what he think when he make such wrong things.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :It's still work in progress - It will be fixed so it can run smooth @60 fps with vsync on and even without.

When i buy such a VR-Item like Oculus Rift, this items have always 90 fps. Maybe 45 per eye or 90 per eye, i dont know. Then it should be 100% smooth and when i buy a 100 Hz Monitor, the same. Maybe the Physics rate and frame rate need to be synchronized.
S3 licensed
This 60 FPS Videos are not 100% smooth. Yes i changed my monitor refresh rate to 60 FPS before watching.

Now i bought a ryzen 7 + Vega56 and LFS will be not completely smooth at 50 fps Vsync. When have unlimited fps it will have sometimes 200 - 1000 fps, but it is anyway not complete smooth. Some Parts of the track are smooth and in some edges, also edges where 1000 fps possible are unsmooth. Also when the fps rate is compatible with the 100 FPS Physics rate, lilke the 50 fps. 100/2=50 and not 60.
S3 licensed
Bring back the old westhill. This was my favorite track.
S3 licensed
Sorry, i got the "Generating" Message also in Version T. Maybe this was only chance that i got very much more generating messages in U5.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
If the server InSim has been coded correctly, that should only come up when the updating is finished, not every frame.

Yes, thats right, it come ony sometimes and for ca three frames. I catched it with a video camera.

Quote from Scawen :I don't think anything has changed since version T so you would still get that message.

I never got that massage before U. I reinstalled T and get no such messages on the same server same track anymore. If the Message come have also the sound a short error.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
I reinstalled version T because i get in U+ always a strange "Generating" message at the same place where the fps displayed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eastslider :What games and software do you have that only runs on XP

A lot of games with the SafeDisc or SecuROM DRM don't run under Win 10. The link to CRC2005 obove works only in Australia, this maybe because Australia is really far away and have a completely different Internet.

I have no Problems with Windows 10. I know enough tricks to make a better os than 7, 8.1 with Win 10. And also 7, 8.1 calling home, and i can make Win 10 100% silent, i can shut up the calling home completely and i can disable the Automatic Windows Update also in Win 10 1803. Just make a Backup (Export) from the folder : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv" and save this Backup at a place where u can find it again to turn windows update on again. After u this folder exported to a .reg file, delete this folder completely (right mouse at the folder and delete). Restart your computer and windows update is off forever. If you want turn on. click at the .reg file, watch that it writtn in the registry and also restart the Computer.

That they (Microsoft) have us the Win XP stolen was a big evil. There is no bridge from a 32 bit Win XP to a 64 bit Microsoft OS, this is the big evil. Otherwise the buggy Upgrade Installation from XP to Vista can help, but who creating a new 32 bit system??? This is just completely senseless. Hoping they never make such a cut again.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eastslider : for Ryzen 2 or Ryzen 2+

Thank you very much for this great information, i think i wait for the Ryzen 2 and replace the Am3 with this.
Quote from Eastslider :Vsync locks your FPS

Theory and practice are different things. You said that you have seen a lag while using Vsync with 60 fps and i say you don't see this lag when you use 50 Hz and fps because the LFS Physics engine calculating 100 fps. 100/60=1,666666. 100/50=2. Thats the reason why it run smoother with 50 fps. Also other persons on the forum said this already, i am not the only one.

AMD FreeSync are a very good idea, all i buy in future have Freesync, just my planned Win XP Machine not.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Thank you very much, your link is very good. Under 100 fps in CSS is not good. Yes this will be my new main Computer for power saving.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eastslider :With Vsync @ 60fps

LFS works not properly with 60 fps because the physics engine calculating 100 fps and you need min 120 fps without vsync is the second reason for failure. Therefore you never get smooth graphics with 60 fps Vsync. You should buy a monitor which are ready for 50 fps and using some tweaks for windows to get this 50 fps also really. AMD Free-Sync looks nice, i dreaming a long time from a Freesync. But all devices have screens which have a 60 Hz input, also the Cellphones.
Forcing 50Hz for AMD Cards works with Custom Resolution Utility (CRU) This creating newentries in the registry that the 50 Hz mode be available in screen setup of windows. But with the expensive gaming cards from AMD give it no such problems, when the drivers installed are always 50 Hz in the Windows settings available. For Gaming we don't need cheap Graphic Cards, maybe nobody have this problem.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :my screen has 800Hz subfield btw...

if this is a TV with HDMI 60 Hz input bring this 800 Hz nothing. This is for calculating virtual Frames or just the flickering of the LED Backlight.
Have anyone tested the "Ryzen 7 2700U"?
S3 licensed
I think about to buy a Notebook with this CPU/GPU Fusion Microprocessor Unit.
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Quote from Eastslider :You don’t need to use Vsync if you’re not getting any screen tearing like this, just limit your fps to 100; also using Vsync creates input lag.

0,04 or 0,04 s delay and without buffered frames maybe 0,01 s delay are absolutely irrelevant. For 100 fps you should have a 100 Hz Monitor, all other configurations are not 100% optimal.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :which they offer for free on their website

This website is down. They do not wanna make it freeware i guess. But we should not talking about this here.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eastslider :1. Does CPU-Z show HD 6870 connected at 4x PCIe, on both your AM2 & AM3 motherboards?

No this is only on the AM3 Motherboard. On the AM2 Motherboard it is X16 connected. In both i use a PCIe USB 3.0 Controller. Maybe the HD 6870 was in the AM3 Mainboard X8 connected, i can't remember precise enough. I have there a Radeon RX 550 and this one is x8 connected and google earth run very bad with this. Just the H.264 Video Play Acceleration works good with this item.

The HD6870 is now on the AM2 Mainboard (with a good power supply installed and i made yesterday some testing. ON Single Player with AA on and full LOD and buffered frames on the AS Historic Grid i get 170 fps. But in Multiplayer it can be under 100 fps and this cause errors when using 50 fps vsync. (i turn the vsync just for testing off) I guess when the grid full should you have min 200 fps to be sure that you get absolute smooth motions when vsync on. without vsync you never get 100% smooth motions.
Quote from BeNoM :Works fine for me on Windows 10 Pro (1803), all I needed to do was change the name of the 'humans' folder to 'humans1'.

No, see my attached image, the copy protection of the DVD preventing the start of the game. It say it can only run in win 95 and xp..... Maybe you just used the demo version, this works, i know.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eastslider :1. Have you tried testing without using “ramdrive” & just use virtual memory set at 4GB to 8GB?

No. Why should i get more fps when i have alot of very slow virtual memory? (My SSD drives are fast, but not so fast like Ram and the pagefile is never full in use)
Quote from Eastslider :
Have you checked your HDD SATA or IDE cables; a slightly broken SATA cable can really slow your system down.

The speed of my hdds are full speed
Quote from Eastslider :Therefore I believe your slowdown is from BIOS settings, drivers, software or thermal throttling.

I watched in CPU-Z that the 6870 was only 4x PCIe connected. Something is wrong with this mainboard.