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Suggestion System Improvement
S3 licensed
The suggestions-system should be like the Wikipedia.
  • Every suggestion should be like a wikipedia-article, and everybody can improve the suggestion. If somebody suggest something in bad english, another user can improve the bad english, thats a great thing.
  • Every important suggestion have then a good lemma and the problem with double suggestions is then solved.
  • For discussion is a separated discussion-page in every article, this solve the problem that the devs maybe not see whats the point of the suggestion because the discussion spam improvements of the suggestion in other users postings over.
In a Forum you can just improve the suggestion-article with a discussions-posting, and this will get overspammed with other discussion-postings, this make the system so nontransparent.

Then is it possible to make a suggestions-list of very important suggestions without a lot of discussions-threads. Furthermore the devs have then very much better stuff for their to do list.

It will be nice to have a suggestions-Wiki.
@ devs, what do you think about. If you find my thought very bad, then just delete this thread.
S3 licensed
The new auto-results list is just the best setting. CTRL+Tab make you just able to show the list manually, its not really a config change!

Please stop whining about this, i get annoying about. You should use the small map, and if the small map at the right side, not in middle of the chat in qualifying, then is the auto-results list absolutely the best option. I love it really. Why want you see the results everytime, nobody need this, and it cause damage because u dont keep attention at the small map because your list is over the map.

And scawen take us the best laptime and the race-time in the personal results top right. this is more heavy and nobody of you have said any word against this. In screenshots are now the times not visible.

@scawen, yes what important is for me, this will i say again and again, im sorry. But maybe can help if you release your to do list, after reading this list maybe we stop to annoy you with the endless repetition of the same suggestions. For example, my connections list suggestions i repetition a lot of time and dont know whether any developer have noticed it. Many people have repeating said that they want see the ping in connection list, by all the spam in here i guess the developers are not able to read all postings and so can i not know whether any developer take a notice of my suggestion.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Mr.Muh :Throttle and steering with one mouse? You must be crazy

Its possible, u need to setup the mouse slower, and u need a optical usb-mouse for best results.

if you use the mouse axes in wheel setup u need set the wheel turn compensation to 1 and by Formula-Cars 150° wheel turn and other cars 300° wheel turn.
by a mouse-setup in Keybard/Mouse you must set a high centre reduction for better results.

I have mouse acceleration on, but maybe its better to turn it off.
Use your mouse
S3 licensed
With keyboard you never can drive a smooth line in a curve, its still impossible, you just can drive smooth at a straight line.

therefore is it better you buy a better wheel with a higher axes-resolution or you use just your mouse.

the Mouse-Axes can also chosen in a wheel setup, go there in Axes/FF to chose Mouse X for steering and Mouse Y for throttle and brake.

Driving with mouse is difficult to learn, but somebody drive world records with it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Burnzoire :Please give the OK button focus when in pits so the enter key will select it. It's very annoying to have to use the mouse just to hit one button!

If you are in Pits have you anyway the mouse in the hand to change setups, therefore is no hot-key needed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :You are totally wrong here. the FXR and now XRR offer the best oval races we have had since ages.

I like just the BF1, thats all, and the slipstream with FXRs is poor.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :wasted space that unnecessarily clutters up the UI.

Why do you need space in this place, there is alot more free space for more buttons. A tool tip system is not needed, its just spending time.

Edit, sorry, my plan was to put this answer in my other posting, this release is accidental.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :its not an improvement and people will still pit directly rather than doing anything else

People want sometimes the wrong! i have everything said why it is a improvement, everybody can read it, i don´t want say it again. We should close the discussion about and i wanna have the last word, thats true.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :In a real race track is much easier to know where you are and where are the other cars.

Thats not true, if the pit crew send nothing to the racer the racer know nothing about other cars. So is the position list the most realistic thing. The radar (mini map) is also yet realistic, it can be send by the pit crew via radio in the race-car also like the positions list. But this cheatlike player-name display cant be realized IRL. IRL can you see more details, thats true, this is why the playernames over car how it be at time barely acceptable. In online games should be only the cockpit-view allowed and all wallhacklike views should not allowed, they are extremely unrealistic and cheatlike. So the Force-view is just for single player to learn about how lfs works. And the tires-view and the follower camera view are unrealistic views and in the outdoor-view are no mirrors and watch out and such players are unintendedly damage causer.
S3 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Voted W21 because that's what my LFS.exe is and that's what I use for pick-up racing. I have W exe in there as well for team races.

Changing the EXE-files can cause some errors, thats dangerous.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :all this does is add confusion by changing a hotkey which has been there ever since the very first public lfs version

Yes, we all know this. But cant you see that going to spectate is more important than teleporting to pits? Isn't it better to have some confusion for a great improvement than have no confusion for no improvement?
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :Well I gotta agree with blowtus on this one, shift-s is a very ergonomic bind

Why should spectating after crash not be the most ergonomic Hotkey? Going to pits when a player connecting is not yet possible, but going to spectators is possible. This is why cars after crash should going to spectators and not to pits. Furthermore is a Teleport to pits much more unrealistic than going to spectators. Because IRL is coming a helicopter which fly u in the next hospital. And we have already the ability /spec which can bind with a key, but this is just for the advanced people.

Quote from Shotglass :underlining the keys needed instead of spelling the shortcut out

How should then the noob know that this underlined letter can used together with shift??????

Please Please stop the discussion about this, there is absolutely no sense in any discussion about!!
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :add an option in misc or whatever where you can turn the shortcuts legend on or off.

Why talking about this, i think thats not important to spend time with it. Nothing is taken, just the Hotkeys are added. Thats just a improvement. In every windows application are the hotkeys displayed at the menu, thats a good add. Just the Font size is a bit to big, but this disturb nothing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes, it was a waste of space. I got fed up seeing so many times at the top right - it was four and now it's down to 2. Total time is now only displayed now when relevant, e.g. in a time based race.

I like to make screenshots with my best time at display. By pressing ctrl and shift i cant make screenies easy enough. Please make a user definable time-display or return to the past. Thats just my suggestion.
S3 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :but now i still have to press the ok button to leave the pits . Please bring back ESC button to leave pits

Thats right, in the Pits don´t work the shift+J and no needed hot-key, and use just the Esc-button like before will be nice.

But in Pits u anyway have the mouse by the hand to changing setups. This is why in Pits is no Hotkey needed. If you dont wonna change a setup, you should not going to pits, just to spectators.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Blowtus :I agree. Shift-p is also more difficult to press. Perhaps assigning these features to whatever key you like, similar to the way the map colour issue was resolved, would be nice

Why want you be TELEPORTED in the garage while racing?? I cant understand this, its nice that it difficult to press, thats the best add. I suggest that all wrecked cars should go to spectate and garage just possible after drive in a garage or from spectating.

Quote from XCNuse :I don't think shortcut keys are really useful when you're already in the menu.

This is made by scawen to learn all Noobs the short-cuts, and thats nice, some noobs dont read the stuff in the docs-folder.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
+1 why not????
S3 licensed
Nice Topic-start but no vote from for the suggestion, because it add no realism to the game. Your suggestion remember me the wallhacks in CS . (No my steam acc is not banned and im not a cheater.)
I think the watch out is a important game feature and if this made more players will be to lazily to use axes or buttons for watch out.

That we have the player names over the cars is unrealistic enough i guess, IRL the racers cant see a player name over the car. I know the resolution in the game is to bad to read whats written at the car, and therefore is the feature nice so how it at time is.

I think a crash-system will be nice that the player who ram another will be displayed. Beside the position list should made a wrecking list with all wrecked cars, and if you rammed should you see the player name of the one who ram you at the display or dashboard (not behind walls). Or a text should be written at display: "PlayerXXX rammed you and caused XXX damage"
S3 licensed
+1 and a sort ability to group all lapped racers in the list. This will be nice for admins to ban some people they dont let pass the leaders.

New connection list columns needed;

name | status (spectating or on track) | car | lapped | kick | ban | Take over | Controller | Ping

And a highlighting of the spectated player because in qualifying and practice is no position list avaiable. Furthermore is the jump to the position list to highlight a spectated annoying.

See similar Topics:
Connection-List Changes

Off Topic:
But Controller is senseless because if you use the mouse-axes in a wheel-configuration it shows a W. For Mouse XY-use should be also shown a M in the controller-column. And please dont remove the XY-use of mouse, i really love to drive with it.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :I don't know if it is a new feature in W21 or a bug. When I press reset during an online race, or a qualifying, the car is repaired and all tires are new. (I was alone online when I tested this)
I did not find any description of this (new) behavior in the changes list.

Thats just a new arcade-feature and is in the most servers disabled. In online-games is in future no car reset allowed, and thats right so. Any car reset in game ruins the game, with repair and without repair, thats no matter.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :You could host a server, but password it so noone can join it. Then it's basically a singleplayer demo derby.

not need to make a password, if i sometimes host a server, nobody will join there. But if i online its not a empty host. I guess its not possible to join maybe, but dont know why. In LFSW can i see the server and me inside.
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Where's the proof? I wrote, that it's only wrong in the first timed lap (the lap after the pit-out lap) and that it's fine from lap 3 onwards.

Now i have see the glitch, the jump from 1 to 3 is only seen while spectating, not when you drive self.
Frontrunners are maybe the people in lap 1, thats also true, they get no blue flag.

Sorry that i confused someone, but at first time i have seen nothing wrong with it. And i got in the first lap right split at first time.
Last edited by matze54564, . Reason : sorry i was wrong!
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :No, the qualy was still running. Try to watch other cars.

Maybe just your connection fails, the lap counting works in every car and in my car absolutely error free. i can proof it with a screenshot if you want. And i don´t see you online at time
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :There is a problem with the lap counting/timing in qualy mode. LFS doesn't show the first timed lap after the pit-out correctly on the screen. It still shows "lap 1" although you are already in lap 2. Because of that, there are no split times shown,

Thats just if the qualifying finished, thats no bug i guess, if qualifying running is all fine.
Edit: Im wrong in here, it was only in my own car right, but now i see the same glitch.

Quote from GP4Flo :the color on the minimap is wrong as well. After the completion of the 2nd lap, the lap display jumps from 1 to 3 and everything is normal.

Yes, i agree the orange cars are all wrong colored and i dint know how to change this color because its not a different setup ability for qualify. Cars in front colored orange, thats the same color like cars behind, thats not good. Coloring should be the same like in races.
Last edited by matze54564, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Can someone help me to make a sort of mod that is something like caribbean cruise?
Because i can make a dedi server 24/7 free....
I Love that mod

You should really make a deal with MonkOnHotTinRoof, he wrote the City Life Insim. Maybe he wont give you the CLIS.