New Minimum Requirement
In responce to many lfs'ers requests for cleaner servers with quality racers and after much discussion within the team, we have decided to implement a minimum LFS Experience Index (LFSEI) requirement onto our servers.
If you are unsure what LFSEI is then please look here. or
We have noticed recently that there are now a couple of other servers running a multiclass system which will mean that complete newbies will still have somewhere to race should they wish to race multiclass. Whether these servers decide to implement a minimum standard is their choice of course.
We are making this a very concious move towards quality rather than quantity. We also realise we will lose some racers, even those allowed to race will go elsewhere as they will have friends who are not. We may also be wrong and find ourselves with empty servers but that is something we are prepared for. If that happens we at IHR will have some time off administrating servers

From now on IHR is more concerned with having the best racing on LFS than having the fullest servers.
The level we are setting this at is 200. If anyone wants to know their own LFSEI then simply connect to ANY server running Airio Full.
New LFSEI Rankings
In addition to the above minimum requirement we have also added LFSEI to be used along side our Rankings. In essence this answers the question "why do I have to earn a load of points again to drive the car I want?".
If you have enough LFSEI, we want you to be able to bypass our ranking system. The levels we have set are.
STD - 200
TBO - 400
NGT - 500
GT2 - 600
GTR - 700
Safety rating is still an important factor & it will stay a requirement as it helps keep racing clean and, sadly as I write this, the current starting point for all new comers to airio servers is 50%, regardless of your LFSEI. After chatting to EQWorry this morning he is going to change this to add in some new starting levels of Safety Rating based on your LFSEI.
Our current Saftey Rating requirement is below.
STD - No requirement
FXO & RB4 - 75%
XRT - 80%
NGT - 85%
GT2 - 87%
GTR - 93%
This currently means that someone with, say, over 700 LFSEI will still have to start in a lower class car but will be able to race the fastest cars much quicker, hours instead of weeks/months, as long as he/she races cleanly. Regardless of finishing position. I have seen good clean racers reach high Safety Ratings very quickly. I think you all understand how important the Safety Rating system is to help ensure good clean racing.
In Conclusion
We will no longer be accepting newbies and we want to give good experienced racers the chance to race the cars they like without the need to work through ranks for weeks.
Happy Racing