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S2 licensed
LFSEI does not include Safety Rating at all. You are also correct LFSEI can only go up, just like points. This is why we still use the Safety Rating system along side either points or LFSEI. In my OP you will see this.

Our current Saftey Rating requirement is below.

STD - No requirement
FXO & RB4 - 75%
XRT - 80%
NGT - 85%
GT2 - 87%
GTR - 93%

Harri K, we feel that the LRF class is too hard to drive for your average driver and so would cause a lot of problems if included along side our other classes. There are currently no plans to change or split our multiclass server current cars.
S2 licensed
This post is in the correct place for advertising hosts. We have not spammed the General LFS Discussion forum.

Can you please keep it free from complaints about bans. They will not be dealt with here.

As far as general hate towards IHR is concerned it is not welcome and any hate posts not related to the Original post of this thread will be reported as spam.

troy, I agree with what you say. We can only do our best with the tools that we have available.
S2 licensed
We have just made a post in the hosts section about some changes we have made to work towards better cleaner racing.

I won't spam this thread with all the details, I will just post the link for those interested.
Ironhorse Racing Servers
S2 licensed
New Minimum Requirement

In responce to many lfs'ers requests for cleaner servers with quality racers and after much discussion within the team, we have decided to implement a minimum LFS Experience Index (LFSEI) requirement onto our servers.

If you are unsure what LFSEI is then please look here. or

We have noticed recently that there are now a couple of other servers running a multiclass system which will mean that complete newbies will still have somewhere to race should they wish to race multiclass. Whether these servers decide to implement a minimum standard is their choice of course.

We are making this a very concious move towards quality rather than quantity. We also realise we will lose some racers, even those allowed to race will go elsewhere as they will have friends who are not. We may also be wrong and find ourselves with empty servers but that is something we are prepared for. If that happens we at IHR will have some time off administrating servers From now on IHR is more concerned with having the best racing on LFS than having the fullest servers.

The level we are setting this at is 200. If anyone wants to know their own LFSEI then simply connect to ANY server running Airio Full.

New LFSEI Rankings

In addition to the above minimum requirement we have also added LFSEI to be used along side our Rankings. In essence this answers the question "why do I have to earn a load of points again to drive the car I want?".

If you have enough LFSEI, we want you to be able to bypass our ranking system. The levels we have set are.

STD - 200
TBO - 400
NGT - 500
GT2 - 600
GTR - 700

Safety rating is still an important factor & it will stay a requirement as it helps keep racing clean and, sadly as I write this, the current starting point for all new comers to airio servers is 50%, regardless of your LFSEI. After chatting to EQWorry this morning he is going to change this to add in some new starting levels of Safety Rating based on your LFSEI.

Our current Saftey Rating requirement is below.

STD - No requirement
FXO & RB4 - 75%
XRT - 80%
NGT - 85%
GT2 - 87%
GTR - 93%

This currently means that someone with, say, over 700 LFSEI will still have to start in a lower class car but will be able to race the fastest cars much quicker, hours instead of weeks/months, as long as he/she races cleanly. Regardless of finishing position. I have seen good clean racers reach high Safety Ratings very quickly. I think you all understand how important the Safety Rating system is to help ensure good clean racing.

In Conclusion

We will no longer be accepting newbies and we want to give good experienced racers the chance to race the cars they like without the need to work through ranks for weeks.

Happy Racing
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :As for LFSEI, it should be used to combat the fact that established players have to achieve a certain amount of points on some servers to gain more cars, which is pretty crap when these points statistics aren't shared over servers. For example, if you have an LFSEI of 500+, that should bypass the points ranks. Of course, the safety rating can also be used ahead of points.

We will be implementing this on IHR servers very soon. There will be a minimum lfsei requirement to get on track (probably 200 after much discussion) which will remove complete newbies from our servers entirely and there will be a level which will give you access to all cars, with steps in between. This will mean someone new to IHR will be able to drive the fastest cars straight away if they have a high enough LFSEI. It is the reason EQWorry wrote the LFSEI system and we want to embrace it.

For those that don't know how it works, look here or
S2 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :not until IHR is updated.......

Sorry, me being thick again. I thought we were.

Is there a command I can use to find out the version a server is running?

E: are we waiting on Franky? I know he has problems right now.
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :FULL version contains a commad to display all limads

Sorry I'm probably being a little bit thick here but what is the command for this?
S2 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :Cargame the only reason i was banned, was because we had a few races with AI's in. [Was pretty funny People shouting at AI's]
You had the choice of letting us Add Ai's and your insim did not stop us. Not exactly my fault?
Your server is good though, I Had some amazing races on there.

Doing something that you KNOW is going to disturb a server just because you think it's funny IS your fault. You can't blame every server owner for not having thought of every little thing idiots might do for a laugh.

YOU chose to do this. YOU live with the consequeces. Don't try saying it's not your fault becuase that is just pathetic.

You are also banned from IHR servers, I believe it was for doing the very same thing. Not a quick learner are you?
S2 licensed
Quote from pandera :
but I would really like to have a go on a public server from time to time, without beeing hit everytime I start braking before T1 just to take it clean...

You are either exagerating here, are very unlucky or you are doing something wrong because I see plenty of full grids pass T1 with all cars getting through fine. I'm not saying pileups don't happen because they do but they don't happen every single time.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :It's an interesting discussion and a nice idea, but I'm afraid I don't see a CTRA-like system being implemented in the foreseeable future. I see people having a go at similar implementations but despite the vast capabilities of systems available to them, like Ario for example, everybody that I've seen try simply fails to grasp the CTRA's distinction.
  1. You CAN NOT admin from the driver's seat.

  2. You CAN NOT process your OWN incident complaint.

  3. You CAN NOT show perceivable or demonstrable bias.

  4. You CAN NOT vary your regulatory implementation on favouritism or server status.
Nobody, yet, has adhered to any of these fundamental administrative self-moderation principles. I see that the spirit is willing, but it is very clear that the flesh is weak.

It's their servers, and it's their rules. I don't question that for a second.. but until a server administration suite steps up to the plate and delivers FIRMLY, on ALL the above principles collectively and without wavering, we'll never see anything close to a CTRA-like system.

I think the problem is that in order to run such strict rules on yourself as a server admin means giving up on the one thing that makes you want to do it in the first place and that's the fun of racing. I remember you said yourself many times that being an admin of CTRA took all the fun out of racing for you.

I'm not saying that the ethos is wrong, as I agree. That way is one good way of ensuring good impartial adminning. Very hard to implement full time though without completely losing the will to carry on.
S2 licensed
Many of you would have heard about the new "LFS experience index" which has been added to airio lately. We at IHR will be implementing this into our servers soon. Exact details are not decided yet but I can tell you that the emphasis is going to be on quality not quantity.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Just to be a jackass, not being to serious though:

It's now 2010, last real patch was in 2008.
What I learned in school is that 2 or more should be yearS.

Just to be a jackass, not being to serious either:

Read my post properly, I mention the actual months.

July 08 to March 10 <> 2 years.

Back at ya

My point was, if he is going to use the word facts then he needs to be accurate.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :The latest patch was released on November 25 in 2009.

My point about it not being years would still stand though
S2 licensed
Quote from Dac :Look at the facts, weeks and weeks months and months years and years and yet no updates. It doesn't take much to realise nothing is or at least has been happening.

I'd just like to pick up on the bold bits above.

Dac, if you are going to use the word facts you should make sure the facts you are listing are accurate. Now correct me if I'm wrong here but the last patch was July '08? It is now March '10 so the number of years hasn't even reached the point where you can use a plurel yet, let alone add "and years" which to most people means many years.
S2 licensed
Well that would be superb. Maybe not the levels to non limads though, they don't need to know the levels.
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :One option is to use !pi username, the output includes nickname as well. And it works the other way too...

With that answer I am not sure you understand what I was asking for.

I know how to get the racer names individually but I want airio to display a specific list of them for me by me just supplying the username.

Basically I want to do

UserCommand=la Shows a list of Limads >-1 > %ssm |^3IH^4R ^3Limad List++

At xxxx I want to know if there is a command that I can write the username and airio then displays the racer name (or both) when the command !la is given in the game. Instead of me having to enter

^4(^3IHR^4)^3Killfix, ^4(^3IHR^4)^3Menantoll++
and so on

for each racername I want to display. OK it's easy for just IHR members but we have many limads from many other teams which would make it a pain in the arse to 1. set them up and 2. add new ones.

As airio already can display racer names when usernames are requested and vice versa I wondered if is a simple command to request that.
S2 licensed

I'm want to do a list of limads on our server using custom commands but I'm wondering if there is a way of getting airio to display the known racername for me if I just supply the username? Just like the !pl supplies both the racer name and username.

S2 licensed
I'll point the guy who does it in this direction because that lot means nothing to me.

I was just answering a the original request in the best way that I could. at the time, sorry if that upset you.
S2 licensed
Quote from morpha :Or maybe he's referring to the over 360 markup errors, quite pathetic with the already loose transitional standard

What you said
My head
S2 licensed

How strange.

What's bad about it?
S2 licensed
We've got it linked off our site, thanks to Gnu

on the right, lfs files, there is a drop down.
S2 licensed
It's all about the bling and tunez dude!!1!one!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Scawen Roberts probably does. And please use spell checker if you can.

Spell checker wouldn't have picked any of that up anyway except maybe vw and scirocco.
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :I mean no ill will, and I never seem to get anything too terribly positive when I tried to make videos before because of my piss-poor's why I don't make anything anymore because I always seem to get a "nice but...." with EVERYTHING I do media wise.

I was merely jesting. But I guess I can't.

Then surely you know how it feels to be laughed at when you have put in a lot of effort.

There is a time and a place for jesting and when you are known to be heavily involved in some of the best broadcasting on lfs, any of this type of jesting just comes across as big headed bullying.

You'll also see that I am not the only one with this opinion.
S2 licensed
I'd be just as dissapointed at someone slagging one of your broadcasts off. The fact that you have helped others does not give you the right to act like a 10 year old child. If you think it does then you have a lot of growing up to do.