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S2 licensed
What C2D is it though? 2.66 ghz isn't very important. Speed in ghz =/= power. The reason i recommended the 9600gt is because it was the only low profile card i could find that was decent. Try to find something in the 100-150 USD range, (50-75 pounds). If you have enough money, i'd agree to get a full tower and get a 9800gt. (gtx 260 is a bit much) [9800gt is same exact card as 8800gt but cheaper and better] PSU will need upgrade, but if you want a hi res monitor you're gonna have to shell out for new parts
S2 licensed
Don't make fun of the person; he has the guts to go on a public forum of a language that he had to go out of his way to learn. At least he tries
Not sure how to fix problem though, sorry.
S2 licensed
Here's a list of low-profile cards at the 'egg, But you probably shop at overclockers or wherever it is you brits shop for pc hardware ... toreType=&srchInDesc=
out of that list, id recommend the 9600gt, best bang for your buck.
S2 licensed
Quote from GrampaD :...I did search the forums - using google. The google site parameter does this. As for, the developers won't add american stuff like NASCAR cars and tracks, because the majority of their customers don't want be it

- Grampa

even the forum search didn't come up with anything for "nascar". search utility seems very poor =/

Anyways, don't let people get you down; the devs said that they are planning on adding mod support some time in the future, so someone can make a NASCAR mod It may be a long time away, though.
S2 licensed
I was just thinking about this, actually. For me, though, it came down to which companies were manufacturing the cards. The popular one for the 4870 was some crap company with a bad warranty / rma. The popular ati manufactures had bad ratings for some reason. So being as I personally like XFX from past experience, I could see myself buying the xfx GTX 260.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Oolololol no it won't.

I also had one and it was the biggest waste of space ever.

Edit : Tomshardware (google it) has charts of all the 2008 cards, and some of the 2007 cards for comparison on a variety of games at different resolution and AA/AF settings.

Like the person who you quoted said, lfs is mainly cpu based(which... I thought you'd know by now). Your's probably didnt run it because your cpu was weak.
Last edited by MijnWraak, .
S2 licensed
Might want to get a cheaper case, a dual core(e8500), and cheaper Ram so you can buy a new monitor to put that power to good use Quads are honestly unnecessary for now - unless you don't plan on making any extra money for the next 10 years

actually if you need a harddrive too... you might want to increase your budget a tad if possible to get a decent quality hard drive without sacrificing quality of other components. Unless, of course, you already have a nice monitor. then just put that money towards hard drive / peripherals.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mountaindewzilla :mine started to sit blinking.

motor that the optical encoder is on started shorting out, and demolished the mosfet it is connected to.

i think that it may have toasted the electronics, cause' you cannot hand calibrate it

now i'm looking at figuring out if i could build my own thing.

No idea what stuff in red meant, but if the light on shifter is blinking dimly, then your power source may be disconnected or fried. Did you recently have a surge / power out / thunderstorm?
S2 licensed
Quote from omgti - forum made for my old school ... - website of my city's state)) (sorry for language i can also make english website=)) )

No offense, but overusing ')'s everywhere doesn't make you look like you could make an english website Are you trying to put a '.'?
S2 licensed
I have my red leather Cadillac seat atop a swivel office chair. It works for me because i can change the height and I can turn to the other side of my L-desk so I can do work. I used to have it on a hollow rectangular prism, but being it was a rectangle, one side was too short and one was too tall.
S2 licensed
I just downloaded this great app, and realized I needed the buttons underneath the LCD to use it. I happen to not have those buttons for a couple of undisclosed reasons, so is there anyway to "virtually" press the third button to start it? Thanks.
G15 Questions & Problems
S2 licensed
Hey all, i just fixed a "broken" g15 from my brother, and am now using it in place of my Saitek. I have a few questions that I could not get answered by googling. First is that I broke the media buttons next to lcd screen (oh btw, i got v2 of it.) and was wondering if I could assign G key to volume up/ down in windows? and how to. Also, I noticed that when I press CTRL, it hits shift simultaneusly. Is this a software problem or a hardware problem? I cannot be arsed to open the thing up again to fix it, so I'll wait for another day.

Sorry if there is already a thread about this KB, could not find one. Thanks in advance.
S2 licensed
I hope someone helps with some info don't want you quitting lfs on me xD. I haven't done a ton of searching, so I've no info on the pedal pots, sorry. Ill pm/tell to ingame as soon as i find anything.
S2 licensed
if only i had $800 laying around =/
S2 licensed
Quote from David33 :-infinity

I do not want to be "targetted" with advertising, while playing an otherwise enjoyable game. Also, I don't want my computer programmed to expend its resources, for the purpose of downloading such annoyances. Implementing such an idea, would be a magnificently effective way to extinguish my interest in LFS.

When do you look at the side of the wall and think to yourself "ooh, Mobil 1. I might switch to that oil instead of using valvoline. Hmm, thats a pretty advert" when driving at 150 MPH? I'd rather download adverts every time I enter a server than crap skins or great skins made by someone else being used by another who is too lazy to make his own. Skins should be banned!
S2 licensed
Quote from jonny dank :i just checked again and it's all there but for a while i was having the same problem but only the botton 3 were out...but now none of them are detected:weeping:. I tried reinstalling everything and getting the latest profiler, everything. I think i might have to move on to an alternative. U guys know about any shifters that work with g25? and thanks for the feedback i missed the chip on the bottom!

Lightning SST shifter is USB, but costs $235 iirc. Only option i know of, besides finding used g25 shifter.
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :Hey guys! Before i made this thread i was searching for my answer but i didnt find any,also looked here:

So my suggestion would be to make an extra option in f11 ingame menu for Brake Pressure,that is because i know it would be a perfect addon for like endurance races,where more than 1 person drives an actual setup. As every1 has different driving style,braking style is different too in most of the times. So people like me need less brake pressure,than the (ufo's) with very high pressure,dont have to relearn braking (its not very funny to learn a completly different style)

I would like to hear peoples opinion on this


I think it's the teams responsibility to use a set that all the racers can drive well. The sim shouldn't help add to the problem by giving solutions to bad planning. If you don't get a universal setup, there should be a penalty. The penalty here is that it is uncomfortable for one or more racers.
S2 licensed
It's not like you need a quad sli uber high end rig to run this game. My xfx 7600gt runs LFS at a constant 60fps, sometimes dipping to 40. It's sufficient for my 1440*900 monitor with my amd 3700+ running it
S2 licensed
Quote from hariel-HUN- :Come on!

How old are you? Have you ever drove a real life car? If so, have you ever tried to slide a car?

Probably not, because you would know how a RL car handles. But, never mind, don't race in LFS. Go and play Grid or Counter Strike! That's the game for you!


Woah now, CounterStrike is the LFS of FPS. Don't go dissing it now

Grid on the other hand...
S2 licensed
Quote from evilgenius :I dont want to register just to dl ;p But nice nice Next time ask me to come drf too more cars sideways in control xD Always nice seeing familiar cars and familiar races in vids Nice nice
Btw i so like this song xD but i feel its overused nowadays But still a nice vid 8.5/10

holy crap thats a lot of emoticons

Never heard the song, so not overused for me. Editing is great, but a few things that could have been better.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith ::bump:

Been keeping track of this still, seems word has REALLY started spreading of late, kicking off with patch Z.

Not only has now reached one quarter of a million registrations (2 days ago infact), but the rate at which new registrations are appearing is consistently higher than ever before, including day-of-release spikes (S1A and S2Z excluded).

Thought this would be of interest.

Btw: current predictions for the million mark are currently lying somewhere in 2014.

well, demo users were forced to register IIRC, so that may be a factor...
S2 licensed
mmm, cake.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blizzardo :I don't want to drag this too far off-topic, but do I understand this 'name and shame' policy correct? It's not ok for anyone to write the name of the offender in the forum (even when proof is posted), even though basically anyone can find out what the persons name is by checking out the replay? I mean, what's the point?

maybe so people can't say "this person did this" while in reality he didn't do exactly as accused. Before mods get to truth, some people have already seen username and auto-think that person is a bad racer.
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :I dont use to much the GTR when i am cruising , only LX6 - RAC - And Mrt

I ben racing in ConeDodgers for 2200 laps and every race with 30+ drivers , never they used the horn

So just because it's not useful to racers means it should be taken out?

Hasn't everyone been complaining about "bad improvement suggestions" because it'll take precious time out of devs' limited work hours? It's the same thing as "take out the ability to put drivers in"... It's already coded, why take out something that took a while to code? It's going in reverse direction. We have to realize that this ISN'T reality. It's a game. If it was an ultimate simulator we'd all be sweaty and damned tired after every race, and we would have no money in a few weeks from racing. Some things are just better to have than to not have. Horns are not so important, and almost no racer uses it. Does that justify taking the time to take it out of the game? I certainly don't think so. After it's taken out there will be a new group of racers asking for it back! You never know what you had until its taken from you - or something like that. Maybe you're just taking the horn for grantite. It's useful for cruisers and.. drifters i guess? If they're too sideways maybe they beep?

I probably made no sense; i'm incredibly tired.
S2 licensed
Quote from rediske :my budget pc, ultra low cost, ultra reliable, ultra weak performance...

Case cost too much? ^-^