That damned metal ring is a pain in the ass, ill tell ya. I can never shift into 5th from 4th correctly when the boot is attached. Doesnt seem like theres enough leather to get it that far.
Did you not see "supposedly" which i mispelled twice?
I included that because other people said it might. So i added supposedly because i honestly didnt think so either. Maybe you would alt tab on track in a cruise server (puts on flame suit) but mostly likely not on a race server.
Someone forgetting to upload their OWN skin is probably unlikely.
Lets say im looking for a cool skin, i find one and put it in my folder. I go in game and find out it hasnt been uploaded. Why might someone think it wasnt uploaded? maybe hi res? So i click yes, supoosedly, and it tells me to resize it. Now i alt tab, use my computers resources and (supposdely) cause lag by opening a image processor / resizer or some sort.
It isnt worth it. People who put hours into creating a skin are not going to forget to resize and upload. People who are looking for a free skin and are too lazy (to make one and to upload) arent worth the time and effort to put that in IMO.
lemme show you my extremely .. well .. you'll see.
ill edit with pics in a minute
ah damn. well cameras dead. but ill probably have some by tommorrow evening :P ill try to explain. I have my pedals about... 15 inches off the floor.( I have a 1 foot x 5 foot piece of wood going accross two bars on my desk that are at opposite ends and are already 9 inches high. On top of the wood i have one of those monitor platforms with 2 sections? (see ) but it has a 1 inch metal part under the top part .. (of the monitor stand) and the legs go UNDER the wood and then the bottom part above the legs sits on top of the wood raising it another 2 inches. Then my pedals sit on that. The stand itself has 1/2 inch holes perforated into the metal. I placed the pedals where they were comfortable, and i outlined it with nuts and bolts wherever it matched the holes.)
And then i have a 2x4 in front of 2 casters on roller chair (chair itself has 1 1/4 inch memory foam on it O_o) and it wasnt long enough to put near wall... or anything. So i had to build out from back of L desk so it would stay still on one side without moving back. On the other side i have 3 drawers one behind the other to hold that side off. So even when i push the brake the hardest i could, it doesnt budge :P
LFS connection list is completely unhelpful in finding someone. I dont have any better suggestions of it (alphabetical?) but it just seems like a mess when you're in the game.
Its probably because it took him a couple months just to figure out how to get here and write the damned message.
Demoers in general don't contribute to our community. How bout we only give them the XRG and make it offline? and make it so they only get 6 hours of play? How would you like that? Be greatful that you even get a demo.
i noticed when new people join, they start at the bottom of list. Then are teleported (randomly?) it might be if someone disconnects, the most recent connection gets awarded his connection spot.
Funny story, i was in parking lot in a car and this lady couldnt seem to get her car started. She tried everything, turning the ignition every which way and to no avail. My friend stepped in and about 2 seconds later it was started.
Fricking lady didnt have her foot on the brake. (2005 scion)
honestly no, i thot the wire dropped down before the face of the base touches the wall. i think the wire is a little off center, but the way it touches the wall it moves around to the left or right depending if im braking etc.
Yeah i know how to rewire one, but i need my warranty, only 5 months old. The thing is, i think the pedal wires may have some how shorted the circuit board; an hour after that post i was still testing it, and sometimes if 2 copper wires touched or the wire it self was at a weird angle, the whole thing would go haywire. It changes calibration, being whenever it wants it can set the middle to 300 degees left, or a second later have the midle be 150 degrees right. Sometimes if i press brake, lfs doesnt see the brake pushed in, but the wheel itself pushes the right red button, which is my horn in lfs. so when i brake i beep and hit a wall.
We all witnessed it, dont try to act like you didnt. you turned into a car, pushed the accelerator, and hit[also you amied for him]. tahts what ramming is
Okay, so i have been using my pedals for 3 months, and (i already put a complaint in at logitech forum. just theyre pretty slow to respond) i think its a design flaw; the wire coming out of the pedal goes in between the wall and base if you have it resting against a wall. Now there is exposed metal wiring because of the abrasion, and wondering if they will send me a new set. ASAP, i am going to get 2 pieces of rubber and place it on the wall where the pedals sit, one at each end. but the pedals are going haywire; if i press brake the accelerator goes full and doesnt stop till i move the base. i am happy with g25 besides this.