I've got one slight niggle with the otherwise flawless FBM, and for me it's the cockpit view. I drive in cockpit view religiously in every car and always have done, but I find it hard in the FBM, reason being as follows...
If I have a wider field of view, so in effect sit further back, I can see both of the wingmirrors in full, yet if I look left/right, all I get it the bodywork staring me in the face and blocking my view completely. So to counter this I'll decrease my field of view, effectively moving me forwards in the seat, and when I look to either side in this position I can actually see clearly as the bodywork is lower. However, this stops me being able to see either wing mirror.
So I haven't found a position that suits me best - both for side visibility and wingmirror visibility. As a result I find huge blind spots, sometimes engulfing two cars. This means I'm not confident at all when in a close racing situation, especially somewhere like the first corner, and have resulted to driving in chase cam view when racing gets close which I hate and, to be honest, royally suck at.
So to conclude is there anyone that has a 'magic formula', or is it really a case of finding the best comprimise, like the title suggests?