Besides ISR are probably not the best team, Ricciardo struggled with them in 2011 but he was almost able to win the title with Tech 1 the year before.
Although it could be argued it was because he was doing F1 and F3.5 at the same time in the last half, the season was dominated by the Carlins of Wickens and Vergne.
After 2002 I think it was they changed the regs and the cars where much closer, I used to watch V8s back then and when you consider where Ambrose was compared to the rest of the Fords, it was quite incredible, SBR was a Midfield team when he joined and as a rookie instantly was a front runner.
2005 I think he had a slump in the last half when he announced he was going to Nascar and well thats how I think he lost to Ingall but there is no doubt in my mind at the time he was the best driver in the series, but it wasn't anything like how Whincup is over the field today.
Both major parties of most 1st world governments do the same thing, its their image that is different.
For all the left the left does there is an equalivent right keeping it centre and all the right a right does there is an equalivent left.
But me as someone who I consider my self a Social left Economically right, i see all Governemnts going in the left direction Socially and Economically but they implament left social action in a authatarion way.
Governments love power, afterall they are humans and if you allow them to have it by god they will take as much as they can.
At the end of the day Humans are the Government and contrary to popular belief the public and the government are not the same thing.
You can look at it from a far angle and say this is what happened then this happened but unless you can explain the entire complex scienario in which the problem was actually created your still talking out of your you know what.
The problem being that when the government sells off industries they get monopolized and prices soar.
There is not exactly a simple answer to it all.
But all those industries you have mentioned are minuscule in the scale of the entire economy, and although i haven't looked it up, could possibly be done to pay for problems that where much more serious to the economy at the given time.
Also notice how they talk about the setup being crucial, another factor in hungry not being a drivers track although it does highlight that Hill had a knack for knowing the right setup for the track.
The Arrows did soo well because the Bridgestone Tyre advantage over Goodyear there was massive, Hill did do quite well in qualifying but in the end he was gifted the hope of winning when Frenzen had to retire.