I know because he is in a Virgin it makes him invisible but you have to say Charles Pic is doing very good against Glock and Outqualiying him plenty of times, certainly an upgrade from D'ambrosio and Di grassi, might have case to get into a better team next year.
the Split nearly killed the series, now its basically in recovery mode but with a bad economy its proving hard, driver quality is as good as its ever been though.
Try these settings on the wheel for tdu2, it should help loads with the drivability:
Vibration: Middle
Force feedback: High
Steering Sensitivity: 2 pushes right from Far left
Speed factor: Middle
Steering Damping:Fully Left
Deadzone: Fully Left
Clutch Linearity(if you have one):Full Right
Throttle Linearity: Fully Right
Brake Linearity: Fully Right
Still not the best, but easily drivable if you just want to cruise around 180km/h staying in one lane.
Permanent, one of the Admins Disagreed with my topic and when I argued against his point he called me a troll and banned me(Found out quickly that these guys Love the guy that single handedly destroyed AWOR )although a big part of me thinks my Avatar(which is my current one now)kinda sealed my fate.
Yeah i Figure that, considering how stupid some of the posts made by some of the Gomers there(they somehow think Silver crown is like GP2 level driver quality).