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S3 licensed
It's a shame that Vetl still won, and that Gro couldn't quite pull it off Great result for Gutierrez, though.
S3 licensed
Vettle.. not o pole o_O. Doesn't matter, Wibber will surely be passed before the second lap. Nice qualification by Grosjean and Hulkenberg, it's about time the former gets a decent finish, but what'll break this time.. The usual crap from Räi, he isn't a one-lap qualifier. It did look as if the conditions were changing quite rapidly, though.
S3 licensed
So, there were quite a few incidents in practice one and two. A damp qualification tomorrow would be lovely
Nauseacam - PHP camera motion script
S3 licensed
I know a similar program has been done better in a different language (Camlevel), but I did this for practice anyhow. I am not a programmist, I don't know how to write clean code, script is provided as is, no support, etc. PHP module php_sockets must be enabled.

Nauseacam is a PHP script that uses InSim and OutSim to adjust (exaggerate) camera motion. Works in in-car view and own car only in single player, multiplayer and SPR.

Standard look-to-side buttons do not work while the script is in operation, but there is a workaround:
- assign /o nc_left and /o nc_right to chat binds to use those keys to look to the side.

Demo video:


// Nauseacam, feel motion sickness like a boss.
// Version: 0.1.1
// Date: 09-Oct-13

/* Assign "/o nc_left" and "/o nc_right" to chat binds to use for looking to the sides */

// Connection settings. OutSim does NOT need to be enabled in cfg.txt.
$ip = '';
$insim = 29999;
$outsim = 30000;
$admin = 'nimda';

// Smoothness settings
$ointerval = 2; // Receive camera packets every X ms. Decrease for smoothness. Default: 2.
$pinterval = 2000; // Main loop (socket) polling time-out in us. Too low value may hurt CPU usage. Default: 2000.
$cinterval = 200; // Time taken in ms to reach new camera angle. Increase for smoothness. Default: 200.

// Camera settings
$looktime = 60; // Time in ms to reach maximum side look angle. Default: 60.
$lookangle = 10000; // 10000 is ~45 degrees. Default: 10000.
// These affect the amount of camera movement
$pitchmult = 8000; // See insim.txt. Default: 8000.
$rollmult = 10000; // See insim.txt. Default: 10000.
$accelzmult = 100; // See insim.txt. Default: 100.

/* Code starts here */

// Create InSim socket
if( !($tsock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) ) {
die('Could not create InSim socket. Already in use?');

// Connect InSim socket
if(!socket_connect($tsock, $ip, $insim)) {
die('Could not connect to InSim');


// Create OutSim socket
if( !($usock = stream_socket_server("udp://$ip:$outsim", $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND)) ) {
die('Could not create OutSim socket. Already in use?');

stream_set_read_buffer($usock, 512);
stream_set_blocking($usock, false);

// Init InSim and send initial STA
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCCSSCCSa16a16', 44, 1, 0, 0, $outsim, 0, 0, NULL, 0, $admin, 'ncam'));
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCC', 4, 3, 1, 7));

$pingtimer = microtime(true);
$camtimer = microtime(true);
$enabled = 0;
$lookside = 0;
$udp = 0;

while(1) {
if($lookside) $lookside--;

// Receive OutSim packets
if($buf = fread($usock, 512)) {
$udp = unpack('Ltime/fangvelx/fangvely/fangvelz/fheading/fpitch/froll/faccelx/faccely/faccelz/fvelx/fvely/fvelz/iposx/iposy/iposz', $buf);

// InSim keep-alive
if( (microtime(true) - $pingtimer) >= 30) {
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCC', 4, 3, 0, 0));
$pingtimer = microtime(true);

// Receive InSim packets
while($data = socket_read($tsock, 4)) {
$header = unpack('Csize/Ctype/Creqi/Cdata', $data);
$data = socket_read($tsock, $header['size'] - 4);

switch($header['type']) {
case 5: // sta
$sta = unpack('freplayspeed/Sflags/Cingamecam/Cviewplid', $data);

// Turn OutSim off when we don't need it
if($sta['ingamecam'] == 3 && ($sta['flags'] & 0x1 || $sta['flags'] & 0x2) ) {
if(!$enabled) {
$enabled = 1;
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCCI', 8, 4, 0, 1, $ointerval));

} else {
if($enabled) {
$enabled = 0;
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCCI', 8, 4, 0, 1, 0));


// Normal look keys don't work. Hack fix: chat binds are used to send silent look commands.
case 11: //mso
$mso = unpack('Cucid/Cplid/Cusertype/Ctextstart/a128message', $data);

if($mso['usertype'] == 3) {
if(substr($mso['message'], 0, 7) == 'nc_left') {
$lookside = $looktime;
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCCiiiSSSCCfSS', 32, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $lookangle, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, $looktime, 8192));

} else if(substr($mso['message'], 0, 8) == 'nc_right') {
$lookside = $looktime;
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCCiiiSSSCCfSS', 32, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -$lookangle, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, $looktime, 8192));


// Handle game/InSim exit
if(socket_last_error($tsock) == 10053 || socket_last_error($tsock) == 10054) break;

// Send camera packets
if( (microtime(true) - $camtimer >= 0.2) && $enabled) {
if(!$lookside) {
socket_write($tsock, pack('CCCCiiiSSSCCfSS', 32, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (-round($udp['pitch']*$pitchmult)) + (-round($udp['accelz']*$accelzmult)), -round($udp['roll']*$rollmult), 255, 255, 0, $cinterval, 8192));
$camtimer = microtime(true);


echo "Lost connection to InSim. Bye, bye.\r\n";




e: video link fixed, added camlevel link.
Last edited by NotAnIllusion, .
S3 licensed
What a crazy race . Hulkenberg is definitely the man of the match, I was just waiting for the tyres to drop off or for something else to happen, but it never did. Great defensive driving, the re-pass under DRS was excellent and the good thing about that is that he was at least completely alongside even before he opened the wing. The grip out of T1 was something else. I was expecting some sort of a reprimand or penalty for Perez (?) when he pushed a FI off the track, but well. Nice drive through the field for Räi as well.

STR, I don't know. They have massive issues with getting both cars to the end of a race, and need to do something about it.
S3 licensed
Great qualification by the Saubers, and Crashjean. Räi, no idea. I guess it's the same lack of care he showed right before getting bought out from Ferrari..
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :You had red ping indicator just before that started happening. Maybe it was just a connection issue?

Also I think I saw you in quickybaby's livestream. I remembered that you used that xyzzu nick in lfs too.

Maybe, but both the mini-map and the visibility failing at the same time seems bizarre (especially since it only fixed it self after I died, it lasted several seconds after all).

And yeah, I have shared my wisdom (using the word quite loosely ) on QB's chat a few times. When it happens to you it's not the World of Tanks; when it happens to them it's carrying hard.
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :don't you have to wear a helmet and protection in the US?
S3 licensed
So, a rather strange thing happened the other day. Check out what happens next to me on the mini-map, and compare what I actually see. Seems like a bug, or something. FTR: I was using XVM 5 test2 at the time.
S3 licensed
Quote :the community are

"The community" is singular (pl. communities); "are" should be "is". It's also an inaccurate generalisation, "some of the community" or "some people in the community" would be more accurate.

Quote :critisizes

dldn ipfvdjpifdidsnfdklfndsk.
S3 licensed
Decent race for Alolso, great race for Räikkönen. Dolan picked up a few places as well, so well done to him after binning it in the practice. Vetl, one can only hope that RBR gets its designs wrong in 2014..
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
At least it was closer than I expected it to be. Well done by Crashsean and Bottas.
S3 licensed
80° field of view, default cockpit view with the camera position far enough back to see the side mirror (unless it clips into the seat).
S3 licensed
Well, looks as if Red Bull definitely won't be strong here..
S3 licensed
Remember to adjust speed, acceleration and fuel in Live Settings. They do make a difference to what you see in some of the graphs and numbers.
S3 licensed
Folk racing doesn't have much in common with SCCA Solo (read: standard autox) type events, to be honest. I'm actually surprised that the 'classic' sort of autox is so unpopular in LFS given the dedicated tools. I think there might have been a couple of individual events in the past, but certainly nothing consistent or frequent that I've seen (on the forums). I do recall that there was some other person saying he wanted to host something like that, but I haven't a clue if it ever happened. I guess it's difficult for such a culture to grow as people are not capable of waiting for a moment or two for a turn on a public server
Last edited by NotAnIllusion, .
S3 licensed
So what you're saying is that if Massa and Räi had swapped teams before this season, right now Massa would have more than 134 WDC points in a Lotus, and Räi would have less than 79 in a Ferrari? That's a bizarre viewpoint to say the least.
S3 licensed
Braking hard isn't going to give you lift-off oversteer, just understeer. Best result should come from applying just a tiny amount of brake while progressively lifting off (or just modulating) while turning into the entry of a corner.
Last edited by NotAnIllusion, .
S3 licensed
I suspect that it's partly down to physics, and partly down to setup. You should be able to get a fair bit of lift-off oversteer in the XFG if you use enough ride height, soft enough ARBs, realistic (road car) camber, normals in the rear, an open differential etc. Trying it with loads of coast lock/preload, hybrids and and all that jazz is definitely going to make it difficult even if you're putting effort in it.
S3 licensed
That was an impressive race from Hulkenbern. For a moment it looked as if Peretz and Dolan were going to crash into each other, but then they didn't Exciting race was exciting.
S3 licensed
Vettle still in a class of his own Great qualification from Hulkenberger, but it'll be interesting to see how many places he'll lose by the end of the race..
S3 licensed
You still need to set an admin password in Multiplayer>Start new host.