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S3 licensed
Safari 4 Beta is actually the fastest browser on the market right now. Even faster than minefield and google chrome.
S3 licensed
Quote from R34king :Uve been smoking since you were 9!?!?!? what the hell man thats just dumb

no offense but that's coming from a guy who smoke?
S3 licensed
that source is one of the most accurate out there.
S3 licensed
well f1 cars HAVE to have a reverse gear. its in the rulebook.
S3 licensed
Wouldn't it be funny for Danica to pair up with Jenson?
haha i know this is impossible but remember what Jenson said about women/danica driving an F1 car?

Jokes aside, which american race car driver would do a decent job in F1? because apart from Marco Andretti and Danica Patrick I haven't heard of anyone else from America.
S3 licensed
id love to see Danica Patrick in a F1 car.
just to see how good she really is.
S3 licensed
i don't think iRacing has much to do with the decline of active players in LFS. but rather the lack of development of LFS itself. People got bored of the same cars and tracks.
S3 licensed
delete all your porn.
S3 licensed

Mac or Windows?
S3 licensed
first thing comes up my mind when i saw/heard the ricer is a Honda Civic hatchback with a some ridiculously lond exhaust with some really REALLY loud music coming out of the HUGEEE speakers.
S3 licensed
only the Japanese GP is filmed in HD which is only availble to the japanese audience.
S3 licensed
something like this? ... eplaced-and-supercharged/

okay its not a real car but its close enough.
Error during unlock (screenshots attached) unlock error 2
S3 licensed
i plugged my external hdd into my mate's computer and tried to unlock it but it keeps giving me sort creating files error.

*screenshots attached*
S3 licensed
the quality is still pretty crap tho.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :they need to be... have you ever compared japanese bottoms to american ones?

i lol'ed
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :
Why does this always come up? If no one wants to buy American cars, then why are parking lots packed full of American cars in...... America!!!

maybe you havent realised.
but america isnt the whole world.
S3 licensed
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :I feel the need to rant a little right now on the policies of the Republican party. So just turn and face the other way...That's it. Now no one will get hurt. They pretty much effectively blocked the bailout, and the entire industry seems destined to go the way of the caveman (Oh noes! not cheesy Geico commercials!). I just don't understand their reasoning. The companies were losing money for a long time before this and blah blah blah, but the companies would have survived until their electric programs were able to be developed more fully. And they were going to get there, they have made huge strides. But to design a new car, especially with new technology, in the industry takes a fair bit of time, so an immediate turnaround could not be expected. Then the financial system died because of wrongdoing in that industry. This caused the automakers to lose money rapidly as their stocks fell through the floor along with everybody else's. Now those who caused this mess have their $700 billion. The Republicans passed that one through rather quickly. All the automakers are asking for is $25 billion out of the money already allocated. That means the government doesn't even have to spend more. The Republicans are saying now the automakers should die because they failed themselves, when in fact the Republican's deregulation policies really did the companies in. Arrrghhhhh!!!! I want to smack them on their dumb little heads with a tilapia!

To me, this just goes to show that the majority of Republican politicians just care about their own money and all the other big shots on Wall Street. I never identified myself with a political party before, even though I had some very leftist views, because there were one or two issues I actually agreed with them on. But as of today, I am a Democrat.

That's because the financial services contributes to a huge proportion of the US GDP. If the whole financial part dies, the US would be gone.
S3 licensed
Bailing out is not addressing the issue. The big three (domestically), lets be honest, they are fundamentally flawed. Putting more money in does not changes the fact that no one wants to own an American cars anymore thesedays. They really dont have anyone to blame for their lack of innovation and their short termism. It is purely management problem, therefore i do not have any sympathy to the big three. A bail out is not the true love kiss in fairtales that would fixes everything. Investing more money in the big three would only delay the current situation. Let them go bankrupt and start over again.

Plus I'm not too concern about all the job loses. Because the demand for cars wouldn't suddenly fall significantly just because the big three went bankrupt. The demand is still there, and I'm pretty sure other automakers like Toyota, Honda, or even VW and BMW will make the most out of this chance.
S3 licensed
i live in Brisbane but im not a big fan of monster truck. so yeah
S3 licensed
But because (ARCA) is such an amateur series, the competition level and the equipment level is lower. . . . I've said since the beginning I could care less about winning.
people call Hamilton arrogant
S3 licensed
this is the biggest load of crap ive seen in recent f1 history.
Bernie + Max = Two biggest idiots on earth.

someone should start a petition titled "BERNIE and MAX GO F**K EACH OTHER, LEAVE F1 ALONE"
S3 licensed
actually, am i the only one loving the current system?
like in Singapore where Trulli was 2sec slower than the cars behind him.
and Rosberg was deperately trying to get pass him.
the whole pitstop stragtegy mixes things up a bit.

and it amazes me how much they can do in a 6sec pitstop.
and its the perfect example of working as a team.
S3 licensed
i HATE that chick in the video.
her videos on youtube are absolutely RUBBISH.
all she does in her videos is to show her boobs. that it.

am i the only one having a hard time believing that crap?
now thats a more reliable source.