Other than the exception code (which is rather generic) I don't see a connection, and the fault offset is different. However I just enabled dx9 debugging (apparently it is doing something on Windows 7 now... what the heck?) and got this:
[5716] Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Lost due to display uniqueness change
[5716] Direct3D9: (INFO)
DI threading stopped
[5716] Direct3D9:
[5716] Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Exclusive Mode has been taken by other app or other device on the same adapter. SetCooperativeLevel returns D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[5716] Direct3D9: (ERROR) :SetCooperativeLevel returned failure. CreateDevice/Reset Failed
[5716] Direct3D9: (ERROR) :ResetEx failed and ResetEx/TestCooperativeLevel/Release are the only legal APIs to be called subsequently
[5716] Direct3D9: (ERROR)
evice is in an invalid state. Only Reset, TestCooperativeLevel, CheckDeviceState or Release could be called
... Lots of the last message repeated then ...
[5716] Direct3D9: :====> ENTER: DLLMAIN(583dd9a0): Process Detach 00001654, tid=000017dc