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S3 licensed
Quote from MattsterGT :(100'c+ reported core temps most days)...
Any ideas what it could be?

Well... fix your cooling to start with...
S3 licensed
Kyoto and Westhill are empty. The other tracks all have spectators.
S3 licensed
A VERY *3 minor issue, when running under wine if rift support is enabled LFS 0.6F3 will crash. With previous versions there was no crash [and I could pretend I was using a rift... ].

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000018 in 32-bit code (0x1000ff53).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:1000ff53 ESP:0032f738 EBP:0032f788 EFLAGS:00010202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001 ECX:5d6cc8a0 EDX:00000000
ESI:10031430 EDI:0032f7b4
Stack dump:
0x0032f738: 0032f804 01e46f30 00000001 00000000
0x0032f748: 00000001 00000029 00000000 00000000
0x0032f758: 00000000 00000000 00000000 32333033
0x0032f768: ffff0032 0032f804 10031430 00000001
0x0032f778: 108463fc 0032f790 100074d2 5d5e3f28
0x0032f788: 0032f7e0 1000381b 10031430 00007672
=>0 0x1000ff53 in lfsordll (+0xff53) (0x0032f788)
1 0x1000381b in lfsordll (+0x381a) (0x0032f7e0)
2 0x10002232 in lfsordll (+0x2231) (0x0032f7f4)
3 0x004bbfab in lfs (+0xbbfaa) (0x0032fa00)
4 0x004b3a9f in lfs (+0xb3a9e) (0x0032fa88)

S3 licensed
Hmm, if only creating in-car shadows was as easy as just "turning it on" :-)
S3 licensed
You can use FaceTrackNoIR's Freetrack/TrackIR output (the default one) with LFS with no problems.
S3 licensed
Personally I'm astonished that DK2 is incompatible with DK1, considering the whole point of the dev kits was to allow developers to get up to speed with programming for the thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Two things I noticed, the horizontal screen width cannot be bigger then 8000 mm ( 80 cm).

Uh, 8000 mm is 8 metres...
S3 licensed
Hmm, in fact there is almost never any need to manually set the IP address, but I guess that isn't clear to people.
S3 licensed
Not quite, the content of that page hasn't been updated since May 2008.
S3 licensed
No, the potentiometers divide the voltage, so the range will still be the same.
S3 licensed
Would be interesting to see how SM3 affects us Wine users too.
S3 licensed
Interesting stuff. Regarding bloom and other lens effects; I like to think I'm looking at the scene through my own eyes, not with a camera.
S3 licensed
Well, sending commands from the CPU to GPU also takes time. Rendering the cars in 1 pass instead 3 passes will save a bit.

I've noticed there are minor graphical differences between 0.6F and 0.6F2: the dashboard surround on the XRG/XRT is slightly lighter in 0.6F2, for example.
S3 licensed
I don't have the glasses so I can't be sure, but I suspect those IPD and screen measurements will only work with a more accurate FOV. But most people don't drive with an accurate FOV and stick to 90 or more to get an artificial feeling of speed.

Anaglyph mode doesn't support multiple monitors either (so no angle or bezel compensation), so even though I do use 3 monitors with a more-or-less correct FOV, it's not going to work here. Yet.
S3 licensed
You should try to understand what you've written and why it behaves the way it does. Follow the loops and conditions yourself, in your head. It's not magic, it's just logic.

You could do something like this, though of course I've not tested it:

int j = 0;
foreach (clsConnection i in Connections)
if (i.InGame == 1)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton(i.PlayerName + " ^2A", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 4, 29, (byte)(125 + j * 3), 3, (byte)(190 + j), i.UniqueID, 2, false);
else if (i.InGame == 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton(i.PlayerName + " ^1•", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 4, 29, (byte)(125 + j * 3), 3, (byte)(190 + j), i.UniqueID, 2, false);

But without understanding the code you're writing, and why, you're not going to get very far.
S3 licensed
You've unrolled the loop (but left the loop in) and created every button again for each player.

Please learn about logic and flow-control, it's fundamental to programming.
S3 licensed
0.6F2 works fine on my Linux install, with wine 1.4.1, and nvidia 319.82 drivers.
S3 licensed
Do you feel in a position to be ready with taking pre-orders? :-) (a.k.a. take my money!)
S3 licensed
Most people don't play racing simulators. Please shut up.
S3 licensed
Agree with Forbin, sounds like the system RAM is dying. Try running memtest86.
S3 licensed
We've already had the massive tease! We're now already being teased by not knowing when it will be released. Let Scawen get on with doing what is needed :-)
S3 licensed
Quote from Aukoue :I have, but then the steering wheel just starts spinning whenever I hit something. Without vibrations, it feels so unnatural!

I suggest you hold the steering wheel to stop it spinning. Mind control doesn't work too well.

G25s and G27s do not have a wheel vibration effect; it is faked in some games by alternating the wheel direction rapidly. LFS does not simulate vibration of the car through the wheel, only motion of the wheel based on forces to the steering system.
S3 licensed
Quote from 5tag :The same could be said about the parallel view side-by-side option. If half of your screen width is bigger than the distance between your pupils (which is almost certainly the case with say a 17" screen or bigger) you would actually need to point your eyes slightly outwards (Exotropia).

Side-by-side isn't actually displayed like that (except maybe on VR headsets where it's in-your-face), there is trickery within the monitor to present a single 3D image.
S3 licensed
Quote from :OK lets say it more detailed, there are still a lot out there who only have a single core processor, so there is no "putting thisandthat" on another core for them. I also don't get the impression from Scawen that he wants to drop all single core support so it then does not really matter does it?

Supporting multiple cores means using more threads. Single core processors are perfectly capable of running multiple threads.

Quote from :Besides, multi core processors can compensate -a lot- themselves concerning single core programs (just explained in that short video). I don't really see the point what you try to make. There are not even problems with multi core processors. Why spend time on a problem which isn't a problem?

Not all multi core CPUs have Turboboost, and even when they do, properly sharing the workload, let's say over 4 cores at 3GHz, is way more beneficial than gaining a few hundred MHz on one core.

(By no means am I suggesting that actually using multiple threads is simple, mind you)
Last edited by PeterN, .
S3 licensed
"old solid state"

It's probably developed a fault which has made it unsafe to use. If you have the schematics you could try fault finding, if not finding a competent service engineer is a bit tricky in this modern throw-away world.

it seems likely the audio input on the amplifier is actually live to some degree, and connecting that to the earthed audio output on the computer will trip the safety devices on your supply. The mobile phone won't be earthed which is why it doesn't happen there.

Do not continue to use it until you find out what is wrong!