Team Name: Something Awful Racing
Number: 24
Car: FZR
pik_d, S. Rose, USA
phatdragonx, R. Young, USA
tmehlinger, T. Mehlinger, USA
wilko868, C. Wilkinson, ENG
Look here. For the two hotlaps you have uploaded the times under "Distance to benchmark" are green, and the percentages are less than 100%. Also you can read that your time in the "Laptime" column is quicker than the time in the "Benchmark (103% of WR)"column.
If you want to know what the benchmark is before setting a lap (but can't work a calculator) you can look at Criminal-Team's stats as he's done all 940 hotlaps. You can than sort using the drop down menus in the "Display selection:" part of that page.
Oh believe me I know you were saying that the forums are filled with immature people of all ages. My point is that the more mature people probably/usually stay out because of all the filth.
The most vocal group is not necessarily the majority.
LFS has been around for the better part of a decade. People who started playing as teenagers are now in their 20s (myself included, I was 19 in December of 2006, though obviously that's not the best example).
Assuming it doesn't collapse due to negligence from the admins the top GTAL guys will do MoE and a new crop of noobs will take their place in GTAL. It may not have the same faces but I don't see why that means it'll die.
Happened to me once too. I figured out it was that my hotlap section wasn't being counted. I can only assume the server hiccuped when it was retrieving that.
Eric was on the white line on the left hand side of the track when he was hit. Runas had almost the entire track to turn in from. The car in front has the rights to the road when they are clearly in front. Eric had about 40% overlap which grants him right to racing room according to NDR's sporting code.
Though I have to ask, what is wrong with holding a line and not giving someone else more room? If someone gets overlap and they're in the middle of the road, they're entitled to drive down the middle of the road. Why do they have to give the person on the inside more room?
You pretty clearly drove onto Eric's line. He had overlap, and therefor right to the line. You hit him off the road before the braking zone, so I don't see what "stupid move" he made. Drivers to not have to move over for someone else who is driving into their lane. It doesn't matter if he had half the track to his left. If he is in a lane and has overlap then you do not have the right to drive into him.
I fail to see how you driving someone off the road is a racing incident.
Yeah, this is what I meant. EQ Worry makes something really useful, then makes it so only a fraction of the servers will have it. Obviously everyone could pay, but realistically that'll never happen.
Yes... that was the entire point of my post. Cheaper = more people who don't take it seriously.
Edit. I think a lot of what's being complained about is a direct result of how approachable LFS is. You can download it and play demo with pretty much anything, hell you could probably get a powerglove to control LFS if you had the right connector. The full version isn't that much more difficult to get into, a one time fee (for the foreseeable future) and you can race on most servers without even having done a lick of practice.
iRacing isn't as approachable (the cost drives many away) and from what I hear has cleaner racing. Then of course it has a built in safety rating. The two games have completely different directions with how they handle things and the communities are going to be different because of this.
I'm not saying we should just accept LFS for what it is and throw our hands up in defeat, because there's people like EQ Worry with his already-mentioned experience index. Just a shame you have to pay/donate to get your hands on that.