The reason is because setupgrid/setupfield have been really really helpful sites for LFS for years, but now one is gone and one isn't getting updated with new tracks.
Obviously some people can rip hotlap sets, but not everyone can, and there's no reliable way to get race sets for combos you haven't driven, even with the mpr extractor. That only works if you have an mpr to start with, while there's gonna be hotlaps for every combo.
There's also the obvious reason, just because something can be done that way doesn't mean Victor can't provide a legitimate way to share setups. Some people don't have the ability to rip sets, some people don't want to, so this is clearly the best way to do it.
I hope you were drunk when you posted that, because it's a really stupid question if I'm honest.
Also a few suggestions that may have been overlooked:
The ability to mark sets with more than one classification. For example many UF1/XFG/XRG sets can be used for qual/sprint/endurance without any changes.
Daniel said that if a set is named "XFG_BL1_Nilex.set" or "XFG_BL1 Nilex.set" it should be marked as a BL1 set automatically. I think that's a pretty good idea.
But if a set is called XFG_BL1Race.set it shouldn't set as BL1R (or BL1) because it's slightly ambiguous even though it's obviously a BL1 Race set, not a BL1R ace set
Also, I think it would be better to have the delta to benchmark and the delta to the WR instead of the delta and percentage to benchmark.
The percentage isn't actually all that useful when comparing to the benchmark. It's really only useful to WR, but having the delta to both is probably the best way.
The "Add to collection" seems to cause some issues. What is its intended purpose?
Whenever you add your collection, it sets them as public and then reposts the same setup under the name of whoever added it to their collection. Shown here:
mbutcher added my UF1/BL1 set to his collection, and now it's shown as public and also on the "Latest Car Setups" list, even though he didn't upload it. If you click on the hotlap time on the line with his name, it links to my hotlap. Also shown in this image is the two XRR/KY2R sets of mbutcher that I added to my collection. It says I just uploaded them.
Works now, except my displayed number of setups doesn't match up with how many hotlaps I imported.
"Out of 124 hotlaps, 0 setups have been extracted."
No Filter: "Displaying 121 setups. Drag your setups here to upload them."
The following sets get skipped because it says they're already imported, but they don't show up in the list.
AS grand prix / XRG
AS grand trng / XRG
AS national / XRG
I suppose it's possible I used the same set for a few XRG Aston combos, but if that's why those weren't uploaded it would be nice to get something indicating that.
Also I'd like to request that the table of setups per car be sorted alphabetically. It's a bit of a mess as it is now.
That's a pretty cool feature, but some of mine didn't work (109 out of 124 worked).
The error received is:
SPR Error : SPR does not exist. The full absolute path + filename is epxected.
These are the hotlaps of mine that didn't work:
SO sprint2 / FOX
SO sprint2 / FBM
SO sprint2 / RB4
SO sprint2 / XRG
SO sprint2 rev / FOX
SO sprint1 / FOX
SO sprint1 / FBM
SO sprint1 / XRG
AS national / XRG
AS grand prix / FO8
AS grand prix / XRR
AS grand prix / FOX
AS grand prix / FBM
AS grand prix / XRG
AS grand trng / XRG
Those are all of my SO2/SO3(R) hotlaps, and all of my AS5 hotlaps, but I have other AS3/AS6 hotlaps that did work, so I'm not sure whats going on.